Show DIVIDED ON SPRING FOOTBALL Y Many Slate It Because Because I EnemIes Do Tooele Box Elder Logan Mentors RallY ally to Cause of Blossom Pr Practice Editors Editor's note This is the first or of three articles on the aims and lems of spring football in high school While authorities are divided on the merits of springtime d drill m The Telegram Tele Tele- gram has found most of them agree ing that such practice is necessary for victory i if others are allowed to have it B By TOMMIE PORTER About half of oC the high schools hold spring football practice because beca c they reel feel they must have it if they hope to have a chance hance against the other schools that tha hold it Jordan is holding its first blo blossom blossom- om drill this sprIng lot lor that reason Granite would probably welcome a truce that would keep football to its season and leave the spring calendar clear for other sports Bingham Bingham Bing- Bing ham feels that baseball and track are slighted because of spring football and West high leaders think that spring drill in high school sizes the victory angle ot of the sport None Nono at Springville Springville entered the quarterfinals quarter quarter- finals for the state football championS champion ship last fall but doesn't hold spring practice ce Provo experimented with spring football last year but has abandoned it this season and its coach would like to see a common plan accepted by all of the schools On the other hand Tooele and Box the Elder state champion and run run- see respectively a real need for the dr drill Logan Magna and Heber coaches are among those who point out specific reasons for holding the practice Outstanding of oC c course urse is the need to teach the bo boys bos s fundamentals to develop them in personal protection and technIque which time does not Dot always permit in the fall Coach Sterling Harris whose Tooele club has the remarkable record of eight consecutive district titles and two state championships with 58 victories vic tories and 10 defeats is heartily In favor avor of spring training Tooele does docs not play baseball md and has but little track activity HarrIs sa says 8 which would leave 70 or 80 boys wIthout athletic activity of any kind If sprIng football football foot foot- ball were abolished We have hae only 45 suits but the week three program pro pro- gram brings brins out over 70 boys and each youngster is taught sports sports- and it Track men ar are barred fr from m the drill Two or three weeks training Is needed to properly prepare a abo aboy bo boy for the strenuous play encountered encountered en- en countered in football Funda Funda- menials are stressed in our spring sprin drill The weather is i usually too cold for other sports at Box Elder says sa-s Coach Earl Ferguson and lIand many boys bos turn out for spring football who do not take part pal in other activities We usually have a squad of 80 grid grid- ders 35 and 30 or 40 tennis players Bo Boys s 's in one sport do not participate in the others Other things can be planned to take the place of football says sas Pres s coach of Carbons Carbon's semifinalists semi semi- finalists in the 1933 race since its place is really on the fall faU schedule but students and fans lans at Price are arc very much football For that reason although it means extra work for or the coach we favor spring training training train train- ing since the school cannot take part partin in a high school baseball league Carbon had 70 out during the past two weeks In addition to a large track squad and some tennis players Favored at Magna 1 Russell Magleby coach at C Cyprus thinks sprIng football is a very good thing since it tends to keep the boys bos minded football and helps a coach develop his team earlier in the fall Twenty Twenty- Twenty five ive boys bos drilled at Cyprus thIS spring pring and put as much effort into the drill as during the regular fall workouts However he e continued lIin in the smaller schools such training places an added burden upon the coach since its is almost impossible to cover coverall coverall all activities on a schedule crowded with football track tennis and possibly possibly pos pos- sibly baseball We might have had baseball this year had it not been for thIs condition Spring football is good for inexperienced inex inex- players declares Coach SanItY Sanky Dixon of Lincoln where the week four drill started Monday Monda but must be restricted to fundamentals and does not put the boys in condition condi condi- tion to playa play a practice game I Where two t or more coaches are arc ava available Jable the spring work can be handled properly and candidates prepared pre pre- pared for filling the usual vacancIes in the lineup |