Show Ohio Pin Busters To Play Hoosiers Cleveland Fort Wayne Expected Expected Ex- Ex to Roll High Scores PEORIA Ill April 5 Teams UP-Teams from Cleveland and Fort Wayne md Ind are expected to do the star scoring tonight tonight to- to night in the annual American Bowling congress tournament here The Waldorf Waldor Lagers of Cleveland claimant of the worlds world's match game title is the outstanding team from Cleveland Skang Mercurio Walter Ward Eddie Koepp Joe BOdIS and Pat none with less than a home average make up the quin- quin tet Bodis is the A A. B. B C tournament high average man holding a a. a av average crage during the last 10 years Scott on Team I Grace Construction Ruth Tool and and Machine Works and Harrison club are arc the Fort Wayne star teams Ever er ett Scott of New York Yankee baseball baseball base base- ball fame is one of the Fort Wayne billed for tonIght Al Brandt runner up ii iq the all events last year ear at Columbus Is billed with a Lockport N. N Y team Blow In Pinch The Otto Steiner Jr team ot of St St. Louis last night passed up a chance chancelor for lor price money It started with followed with 1035 and then folded up at for a 2885 Wooster Lam Lam- beds berts of Sl SI Louis shot 2831 and E. E M. M Tuckers of Pittsburgh duplicated this for tops of the evenIng But one standings change was vas re recorded corded yesterday this coming comin when Archie Johnson and Bob All Allen n of Pontiac Mich rapped out a 1228 to place third in the doubles event They also hit best games of the tournament ment when they rose to in theIr final Unal dash This s Is the thIrd highest game ever recorded in a worlds world's championship tournament PacifIc Coast league umpires have theIr Sunday to go clothes this summer For Sunday and holiday games they'll wear gray flannel trousers |