Show AllS AILS COMPLETE COMPLETER R IR MUSIC CONTEST Schools Enter Events at f Provo Conference k Final OVO-Final details are complete lC conference or of high I 1 students at Provo hi high h April 14 The win in all vocal arid and instrumental instrumentals s will represent their respective II l at the state stat contest in Price prU 19 20 and 21 schools c-schools have already entered nt st American Fork Pleas Pleas- rove Provo Span Span- ork Payson and N Nephi high us Is and the thc Farrer and Dixon r r- high schools the early evening all bands will to play ensemble numbers The rhe events will be topped or off by a ain ain in the high school gymnasium le e committee planning the con con- ce cc is anxioUs to have this event arly arIy as possIble a purely edu edu- nal event and to 10 hold the corn com lve ive idea to the very minimum J. J C. C Moffitt principal of the 0 high school hosts ot of the event |