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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX. K AY S VlLLETUT All WORKERS DORMITORIES OH WASHINGTONS PLAZA Ml wSVkV,i s STATE IBS Gold Cuff Links To redeem drug useis the KalTl.aU County honpltul will introduce u nev mental method of treatment, u.sed by KATIOMAL SYSTEM OF ROAOS 1 w 'fc Dr John Scott Barker. Never huve so many pt)lMcnl .eon vent Urns held wltldu one week in Salt Tli h last w et k Uotis nunili'ereil eleven The.jitut public uiilltie-- eoiimds Sioil lust week gUMUtinJ pCnuitMoa Ton another riulnnd- - the Salt Luke & I tab r to increase Its rutes to federal schedules A barber shop was wrecked at Salt Luke and a passerby uairowly escaped injury When a vvliivl came off an nuto mobile and trashed through the barber shop window. . Tor the ottfdiers welfare fund Ttab Mibscnbcd $1101KK ugalnal a ?100,(KKJ M allotment. Tor the A,' war fund she sulssci dud in full her allotment of Utah canneries will enmplete the largest pnok.wi their history this sea son This Is the optimistic pmlletion of Walter M Boydeu, statt' fittal uud dairy eommissloner. The muiuigeinent of the state fair held at Salt l.ahc last week that the fair was the biggest ami bout ever held, and that the puld admissions were over 120, INK). Directors of the Knight Woolen mills of Trovo will aeeep the $2tKM0 which the government ha offered to advance, according to u statement issued by the manager of the company. One of Salt Iaiki-first eontrlhu-tloiiHtthe cause of mercy, the Sprague ambulance corps, has arrived in Lluglund and prohuhly will he In service in France within the next few weeks. Shooting Imaginary Germans with tut old shotgun cost J. Richard Stenhlc of Hunter his life. He wus shot, accidentally, by his playmate, Lester Peterson. The charge pussed through the body of the boy. Arch M. Thurman, secretary of the state council of defense, has received telegram from 'Washington, asking that the state make a special effort tn furnish more men to work la the muni tlon works lu the east.1 tlhrist Anastotulus, a Greek farmer was arrested residing neur Salt on the. charge of cruelty to animals. It Is alleged that he brutally stabbed two pigs with a pick when the animals Into one of hid fields. stray Is It announced that liquor seized by the Salt Iuike police department and hitherto destined for .destruction la to be turned over to the United States government and will be put to tin service of the United States army. Ciller White Elk, who gained notoriety in Suit Lake a few mouths ago after proving himself to be a champion prevaricator, has fallen into the hands of the law according to advices received from Sun Francisco, where he was arrested. Gordon Snow, city recorder at Sail Luke, has been commissioned a' captain in the United States Infantry. Captain Snow will, within a few days, succeed Captain F. V. Fits Gerald, draft exeeu tlve of Utah, who has been ordered to Camp Devens, Mass. lu the first Liberty loan Utah sub scribed $9,400,(H)0 ; her allotment was $6,500,000. In the second Liberty loan she raised $16,200,000 her allotment was $16,000, 000, In the third Liberty loan she raised $12, 531, 300 ; her allotment was $10,31 5,000. Am a means of making a direct appeal to Utah girls to Invest part o their lime at school In studying domes tic science as a war tncusure, Miss Jean Cox, state supervisor of vocn tionaf domestic science, is conductlnj a number of tpass meetings at varioui state school districts. Mult Lake City employs less firemen thun sny other city of Its size In th country, with one exception, according to the 1917 statistical report. These figures are based on 1917 reports, which show the Salt Lake department having two inspectors and 67 first, second and third grade firemen, Daniel O. Larson, state treasurer and collector of the occupa tlon tax on the net proceeds of mines, last week turned over to the state $3000 ns the first payment to be made from this fund, which is expected to total, when all the mine companies pay their taxes, something like $950,-00ln-e- u Philadelphia Board of Trade Aaka SecIn retory Baker to Construction v x te vv s vvs v " : J ) y't . , ' . V. wtv- Nw f v N v r , to B. ... r- - .5 - J; v LCL '(S L V v N , " . X, ,f - W-- ,1 f . - V X ;N v.i - v ' . .S' 3 V - ' t H, . f' -- - x 5? ' 'Xt ,. h ' . swwVX X - vx t ki t hx . v v. g v Assjissssif I JL S ' . '' s V A u. vV, C-- X 4 i'.viS v - Z- Vartlme necesnltles In Wabhihgton have halted the pi a .a de elepmeut by which the. apuee botwn the Union station Hnd the capltol was to have been converted into a beautiful park. Iortnltones for goternnient workers are being built on the entire spuce. It Is one of many housing projects under way to relieve un almost unbelievable congestion. - j u - A- -. - i. THIS IS WHAT THE GERMANS LEFT OF PERONNE s It Baruch, chairman of the war ... ' . ' Xxvk. .. . , x, til .. . W if,- . w-- . A. X, igkniinsnrrrVft,msi,,A,14ljVtoakJM1 hen the allies recaptured Pennine they found the Huns had reduced it to a muss of ruins. A sceue In the wrecked here shown. is city MRS. DANIELS IN UNIFORM READV TO START OUT TO BOMB METZ Motortruck Carrying Milk to Market. b system of highways as a war measure and asks his cooperation in this matter. The board has learned through reliable Information that many of the army motortrucks have had to make detours of many miles because of Impassable roads, which was an expense both as to wear and tear on trucks and the cost of gasoline. EXPENDED ON ROADS 6taggering Total of ,1263,069,610 la Amount Used by Government and Various States. The present railroad situation in the United States has given a great impetus to the building of good roads throughout the country, according to Popular Science Monthly. The staggering total of 1263,069,610 Is the amount that will be expended on high- year by the the different Texas heads the list with an ways during the current national government and states. appropriation of $25,000,000; Blinois and Indiana vie for second place with $17,000,000 each, while New York holds only tenth place, with a $10,-000,0- 00 appropriation. these American aviators are consulting maps lust prior to starting upon Extensive use of automotive vehicles accounts for the demand for good wads and the enormous sums devoted to them during the current year. ROADS KEPT IN GOOD bombing expedition on Metz, the Alsatian capital. ' ! j , Xftr.g,, U, .UdfrirM, .XM. Mrs. Josephus Daniels, wife of the secretary of the navy, Is here shown in the blue uniform and black tricone hat of the Y. W, C. A. war work coun ell. w hlch she now wears on her visits to the hostess houses in different camps and naval stations. TURKS CAPTURED IN PALESTINE REPAIR Ten Thousand Miles ef Concrete Pavement Have Been Constructed In the United States. o d 0. ' Surprise to Mother. The little girl worked herself up into tiiat form of bad temper which Is generally known to parents under the uurae of u tantrum." But her mother did nM make the common mistake of chastising her while she was in that mood, She milled the little girl to her side and argued with her. "Dear child, said the mother, dont - the danger of having to make mostly repairs later is avoided. - Whew Drag Doe Best Work.1 Wben the soil Is moist, but put sticky, the" drag does the best work. The road wia bake if the drag Is used a It when It Is wet. -- If Time to Use Road Drag. If the roadway is full of holes or bad-J- y rotted the drag should be used once heu the road la soft and slushy. Repair When Needed. Repairs to roads should fee made when neeled, and not once a yeal fter crejia wre laid ty. no mmn sum xalt lake city VWV tlMW It Wm tM1 VA I. I ''- V : - r.J ft t t; . unv isnf m tiHfnri-- iwr 'i'i -- mt iLJ that when you get yohrself Into such a state nobody loves you? Dear mother, answered the child controlling herself with difficulty and speaking through her clenched teeth whop I am In such a state I dont fare a darn w hethcr anybody loves me Paletr- - orjjot I" Clev('landlluln Dealer.. ,vou know s 4 ' ,c rm r- - ... - - , V' . '1. iw- of vhe I'urtrth' pnwowrs- taken by tbe. thouMamls la Tof Gccera 1 ' Alleubys 'exied:Uon. neby the vklerious troops "OTTTere ' ; 'I -- revo-lutio- n (fnu). Applications will be accepted for military ' training at the Brigham Young nnlversity, according to Joseph B. vice president of the institute. At least 100 more student-soldier- s can he accommodated at the campus. Ail provisions for the comfort of the students have been comKeeler, pleted. Wamrtitp, In Summit county, holdn the palm thus far in the Liberty loan drive. The town contains 30 families, numbering 160 persons. The quota for the hamlet was fixed at $9000. Wlfhln eight- hours- - after- the - canvass began $9000 had been subscribed and every man, woman and child in the town possessed one or more Liberty bonds. -- wT!riceee W frifld ttunslft fiinui if A ! IN USED CARS ert QUwWl$, fi. to S'og 10 iindiii m pullet I tt4 k ir gtM two W ttic flrt cUtt tttAtat4 If wtnted fcf lomt ei t l) bt i4 4tT r t Ltit Cttf, THOSE OPEN-WINDO- CRANKS? W Writer QiveS It as His Opinion That They Are Actuated Solely by Selfishness. One of the most pronounced nol aaces with which seusoued travelers or railroad trains have to contend is th crank. This fellow for he is usually s male instead of v female persists la having his window, open, no matter whether other occu pants ef the car' dislike It or not ; and It usually results in the other passes gors thereabout receiving S liberal sup ply of dust and fine cinders, as well ss enough soft coal amoke to last them, the remainder of their llvee. Thesd cranks are almost lvvay$ occasional travelers. It is noticed by thoMo who have taken the pains to ob serve that the regular traveler thuf is, the man who rides every day In summer never opens the wludow beside the seat In which he Is riding. It docs not mean sny more comfort for him to do so, at he long ago dlscov ered, but'much discomfort Instead. . As soon as a railroad car starts to move there is more or less sir stirring cranks would and If the only compose themselves a few moments they would be far more comfortable than they would to breathe coni dust, smoko and cinders. But the average occasional traveler will push up his window ns seen ns he enters the car. It mskes no difference to him how much the rest of the car suffers be is the only one to be censtdered. It is practice that causes greet discomfort to passengers who have tbs necessury sense te know that everybody Is bettor off if the windows are closed on hot days. And it Is always noticed that artists lovarisbly these leave the window open when they depart The first last sad only though! Is for themselves no one else counts. open-windo- w open-windo- open-windo- open-windo- w w Hartford Court nt "MAKE GOOD WITH CHILDREN fichemo of Llfo That Is a Beautiful .Thing fer Beth Parents and Offspring. From year to year we find every where a constantly growing appreda tlon by parents of their responsibility. It is not the Lind of a responsibility really that puts blue specs on life and blurs the distant road, but Is the kind of responsibility that makes a father want the companionship of his son and the mother the confidences of her daughter. The parent knows it cannot have those things without getting and holding, truly earning, the childs re sped, A man of affairs, the father of three boys, told me Just a few days ego I certain things he had to do that Just then be did not feel that he could spare the time nor the money to do, But he said, Tve got to make good with my boys. Making good with your children is about as good a thing n a any parent can do. It means keeping a grip on your temper, discretion in your speech and sunshine In your heart. And that is a scheme of life good for you both, Womans Wqrld. h trn ifed Tdilhi board. Feres of Compreeeed'Air. The effects of sir resistance arc well known la the twelve end on half nme Elm pi on 'tunnel, where al exceptionally high amount of energy Is required for running the electrlf trains. The tunnel, which is fifteeg feet wide end eighteen feet higly with n sectional tree of two hundred end fifty square feet, has a ventilab ing current of 8,530 cubic feet of all per second, maintained by two largf blast fans at the Brig end and twe exhaust fans at Iselle. Trains going with this current encounter less resistance than la openWlr up to fifteen end'' a half miles higher speeds or in the opposite direction the resistance is mnuffi greater than outside. Coasting by gravity down the seven per one thousand raajAmum gradient, n train, even go lag with 'the current, cannot exceed miles per hour on account thirty-fivf the braking by the air.- nukJtouiieat e, - -- during fair week by the Suit Lake Belgium After the War. chapter of the Bed Cross at its luncL counters on Main street and at the x Attention is called fey the Belgins Bulletin to the fnct that in the dls expostlon grounds. The $1300 iscleai triet of Liege after the war the coal gain for the chapter, since all the labor mines of the basin of Liege will re- end food materials were donated. organize in still greater proportions Because of the present scarcity of the food service width they had cre- teachers in Utah a large number oi ated for the miners, hut which the girls who have had capable training food shortage forced them to suspend. are bc'ng rerrulte into the stuie s boo The syndicated coal mines in question ranks by emergency certificates, acwill open establishments to furnish to cord ng to announcement made recent the w orkers food, coJ Ing, aloes, etc, ly by Secretary N rton of the stat Real Riches. French Revolutionary Calendar. Do know what real riches .are? Trench you the of convention The never Some calendar know, but others da people aholib-hethe ordinary consist Real riches new ooj In having, but one, beginning and established a deSome la of the people who will giving. autumnal equinox, about the envied as are The wealthy, are in reality scriptive names for the month. to whom the Joy of starved souls that under was poor present time of year the of , nacriGce Is an unknown month luxury. Not last the arrangement 19 to of giving up master art the nntll you year. It extended from August are for Fructldor others culled you j really rich. Ex-- I September IS and was change. Lat Cost. BARGAINS lo M The amount of concrete pavements that have- been constructed in the United States almost 100,000,000 olles of roads 18 feet wide represent public Investment of great value. Because of the advances in wages and materials, the cost of replacing these Toads would be much greater now 3an when originally constructed. Therefore, there is urgent need that 4hey be kept In the best possible Conation In order that they may lender perfect service. If attention is given regularly very flttle1 toork is required to maintain" concrete pavements, and in this man-3e- r ROVHMf kfrM MAKERS OF JEWELRY -- industries board ; and they were asked to cooperate with this body in having . congress adopt such a system as a war measure, and to have this system pnt into Immediate operation. The letter of the board of trade to Secretary Baker emphasizes such ft MONEY BOYD PARK ! x v Tbe Philadelphia Bpard of Trade luis asked the cooperation of Secretary of War Baker in obtaining a national system of highways to accommodate the large and growing motortruck traffic. This method of transportation iaa done much to solve the congestion on the railroads, but men all over the road country agree that our crazy-qui- lt system has impaired the efficiency of the motortrucks at leasts 40 per cent. It Is estimated that the 400,000 motortrucks In the country are used to only CO per cent of their capacity; or, in other words, If 280,000 motortrucks were used to their full capacity we would be obtaining as much service as we are now getting ont of 400,000. At the last meeting of the Philadelphia Board of Trade, Miers Busch, chairman of the municipal affairs committee, advocated a national system of motor roads extending from Boston to Washington, made of concrete and wide enough to accommodate four or five lines of vehicles. This report was sent to all f the councils of defense tn the different states along the Atlantic coast, to the governor of each state, to the United States Chamber of Commerce, to the war industries board and If. for sny reason any pair of cuff links made by us is not satisfactory, we wilt give you a new pair. Thia is the guarantee that goes with. each pair. When you want the, beet cuff links made order fryn us. Physical Exertion and Heart Trouble Hie effly way ef surely deteroinlfff whether a sufferer from an IrrltnhH heart enn bear extensive exertion Is to put him through a series gradustages Brital) increasing ixerci-oesish Medical Journal, with careful ex-- ( sminatlon after exercise. , tf Defying the Coal hsn. Pneumatic retnlstion of the tern is j.rrrJ-peratnre of a now thermoMnt that Fvlnbes eloo- trid'y to a motor to open or tur. drafts la the heating 1 d c-- ;i j |