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Show THE WEEKLY REFLEX, KAYSVILLE, UTAH , BOUNTIFUL IiM aSa north af Salt Lnh City, Umt oloeme city is (id raritMTHta, ; has watarwarko. aub-arb- an county Davm and pawar, toleph, MiiMt sui walks. 8rraniidd by rick Market gardens sad frwt lands, two clsetric railroads with jaw faros, two tranacootineatal railroad, houses, brick yard, too banka, rood basin commercial etub, traded and kick sckoola, ckmrckaa and lodges. A rood place to bee. Mrs: William Moss-i- a Mrs. Jane Holbrook and family motored to 'Holbrook. Idaho, .last week and spent a few days with relatives. A Son was born to Mr. and Mrs. ini- Pinched by Own Hunger, Germans Watch American Wheat Flow in Plenty to the Allies The Barlow family held their at. Miss Ethel Cook had her tonsils renual reunion in the First ward tabermoved here Thursday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Grant of Echo nacle Monday. There was a large at. tendance. have moved back to Bountiful. Captain Charles R. Mabey returned Miss Effie Barkdall of Georgetown", to Fort Sill, Okla., last Thursday. Mrs. Idaho, is a guest of Miss Pearl Smith. Mabey and family will remain here for re a few mcinths. Richard- Stringham has two-fiste- d - just turned from a business trip to Denver, Colo.- - President Joseph H. Robinson of the California mission is visiting relatives here. and Mrs. Glen Eldredge and New Castle are visiting rela of family lives here. Orin Wicker, Ray Hatch and Edwih Get mans. Thrown back from his tint rush across the Marne and held at Verdun y the villant French, the Huns cast all the restraints of humanity andiv--iiizatlonyrum Johnson of Georgetown, to the winds and ushered in and Loey Riley of this place wetV unrestricted submarine warfare with married recently. They will muke the boast that England starved in six months. their home in Georgetown? How nearly they approached success John A. Call has resigned his posi- - III eloomr chap- th, tion as teacher at the Stoker school ters In the world war history: how and will continue his work as book- and why they failed, one of the most inspiring sections of the epic chronkeeper at the Cudahy packing plant at icle. North Salt Lake, n vAA ton. cm The annual reunion of the Fackrell Craycroft left last Thursday for Fort family was held Tuesday evening in Logan, Colo. the South Bountiful meetinghouse. A Mrs. Charles Seifers, manager of program was tendered a'nd dainty were' served. the Bountiful bakery, is visiting rela' tives in Lehi. Clarence Winegar, who has been Gladys Ellj of Salt Lake City spent mail carrier for several years has acSunday with her parents, MrTand Mrs. cepted a position as manager of the Deseret Live Stock store. Mr. E. S. Joseph E. Ellis. Howard, Jr., has resigned. Mrs. Howard Tolman of Idaho is Funeral services over the remains visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Ashdown. of Frances, the 4 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Higgin, were Richard Howard and family have held last Wednesday in the Second moved to Pocatello, Idaho, where Mr. ward chapel. Interment took place Howard is working. in the Salt Lake City cemetery. Jesse Briggs returned home from David, the 11 year old son of Mr. Bancroft, Idaho, last week and is now and Mrs. Thomas Harrison, Jr., diOd ... AMERICA SENDS FIGHTERS FOOD K? sea-dog- d 4 i- - BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY ' ' 'l : k'aysyille, , utah i Butter Wrappers at Reflex Office WANTED AT Reflex Office L,? law: Pro elded, farther. That the Legislature may provide for th axemptioe from taxation af hemm, komostead. and renewal property, net t axmad two ha adred and fifty dollar la vahae for hemm and hemmtaada and am bandied della r if personal property. Section L Th Secretary of State 1 directed to eaus this proposed amendment to he published aa required by the Constitution and t ho submitted to the electors af th Stale at the next general aleUoo in th meaner pro- sub-se- a buP-drtd- s crop-producin- A MYRON :W. .PHILLIPS '1 s True, British and American hunted the submarine: American ship- vided by law. Section I. If approved by th electors af builders launched fleets whose sheer State, thh proposed amendment shall taka numbers made It impossible for the th affect an th first day af January, ltltl. Hun terrors to sink all of them; Approved March It, Jitn. British land conscription turned I, HARDEN BENNION, Secretary af Stabs th State of Utah, da hereby certify that of thousands of acres of parks af the above is a full, true and aorroct copy af and hunting preserves into a rmolutloa proposing an amendment to Sect. Article It, of th Constitution of th areas; Hoover and American tion State of Utah, relating to uniform taxes and food economy saved millions of bush- exemption. els of wheat and shiploads of meat for In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed th Groat 8sal of th State fighting men and civilians in Francs of Utah, this Strd day of August. 11. and England. HARDEN BENNION, (Seal) beerotary of hula But in the last analysis it was the farm and the farmer of America that PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO TIIE CONSTIkept allied hosts on every Western TUTION HOU8E JOINT RESOLUfront In plenty and added despair of TION NUMBER NINE . victory to the pinch of hunger behind ' the Hun lines. A joint resolution providing (or aa amendHis bumper crops jolted hopes at ment to Section 4, Article U, of the Const! of th State of Utah relating to the Potsdam and Vienna as severely aa hU tution taxation oaf mines and mining property a ad fighting sons jolted Teuton generals at th assessment of tame. , working at Magna. it coasted by th Legislature ( the State Saturday night of heart failure after Cantigny and along the Marne, since ( BeUtah, of ali th members elected services illness. months Funeral three of Len Salt Hatch Mr. and Mrs. expectations of American crop failure la th tw booses concurring therein: 1. Section That It is proposed t amend Lake City spent Saturday with Mr. were held Tuesday in the Second ward were based with Germanic com- Section 4, Article II of the CensUtutloa of th camon in Utah Stat took ( Interment 0 that the same will read as plotted th. placency carefully place chapel. and Mrs. Ernest Hatch. i paigns of propaganda and sabotage in (allows Bountiful cemetery. Section A AU mataUifarana mines or g is United Fisher the Ernest States. of The home quarclaims, both plaeer end reek la place, amassed be at tl.M per acre, aad la addtUaa antined for diphtheria, his daughter, Ray Hatch and Christy Jacobson, HUN AGENTS thereto at a vela baaed area seat malttple last were married of r this af th net aaaasl proceed both BURN CROPS place Myrtle, having the disease. thereof. Alt other miaea or mining claims aware Mi. too Is The Lake little in Salt public City. general Wednesday and ether valuable mineral deposits, in hiding Mrs. Oliver Rickart of Salt Lake Hatch left containing ccnl r hydro aerbena. shall Thursday for Fort Logan, of the bitter battles the crop grower Unde be aatmaad at their AU machinery City spent last week with her parents, Colo., for training, and Sirs. Hatch has had to fight to bring his wheat to aaed in minlal and (allnU vein: serf see property harvest. Improvement apen v apportenaat ta mi Mr, and Mrs. John Lawson, will continue her duties as telephone r mining ataima, and the veins ( aay pariaea Burned barns, standing crops; har- oca made miaiag claim, er mining property Mrs. Samuel Warbey of Lucerne operator. vesters and threshing machines were (er ether than mining parpeam, shall aaaemed fall vain. The state beard el at valley is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Slary McNeil entertained a only a part of the widespread ruin ahall eqaalixdtien emmi and tax all property , by these fellows of herein enxmeretad. provid'd that th Mrs. David Groves, and family. number of friends last Wednesday in planned Von Papen and von Bernstorff, and In meat ( II. M per acre aad the mmimcat e( the vaiaa e( any aa ether than far miaiag Mr. and Mrs. Albert Morton have honor of Sir. and Mrs. Walter Winter, too many instances their plots were parpmm shall be mad aa provided by law. ' on SaL Lake to Salt moved who Section t. Th Secretary af Stat is hereby not was City more were successful. That moved here from Albion, Idaho. They directed to submit this proposed amendment urday. Refreshments were served and due only to untiring vigilance which to the elector of the State Intend making their home here. at the next genelection in the manner prescribed by lew. an enjoyable evening was spent. Sir. can never be relaxed while the war eral Section I. If adopted by the electors of th Mr. and Sirs. William Waite atu Winter is working at the Salt Lake lasts. State, this amendment shall take effect JanaNew of not easy attainment, ary goals, im. Mr. and Sirs. Slyron Barlow of Bur- Hardware company.. Approved March 12. It IT are placed before the farmer through ley, Idaho, are conference visitors. BENNION, Secretary ( State the plan for raising an army, of five ( 1.theHARDEN State of Utah, do hereby certify that Good, reliable man for soliciting and million Americans to crush Germany the is above h full, true and correct copy of Willard Call and daughter, Liberty, a joint resolution providing (or an amendment who have been working in Slontana collecting position, perfnanent, salary next year. Section Article 4, e( It, of the Constitution commission. Good opportunity for He will be further handicapped by ef the State of Utah reiaUng to the taxation all summer, returned home last week. and mine and mining property and th assessadvancement. GeorgeD. Bennett, 20C the loss of hands to the army, and he of of same. must raise greater crops. Plans of ments Lottie Edmunds of this place and Col. Hudson Bldg., OgJen. Adv. 10-In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my for call of the Department band and affixed the Great Seal of the State fedAgriculture ."William Schoffield of Layton were Increase of wheat acreage In the ( Utah thu 23rd day of August, 1SIH, the its Lake The HARDEN BENNION, united in marriage in the Salt (heal) Layton sugar factory began West by as much as 80 per cent Secretary of Stat. temple last Wednesday. A reception winter season today. It is expected EFFORTS NEW will be beets of was given at the brides home th, that the crop sugar MtOPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE CONSTITUTCALLED FOR ION-HOUSE name evening. JOINT RESOLUlarger this year than ever before. No one doubts that he will rise to TION NUMBER FOURTEEN. the opportunity for service placed before him, any more than any one A joint resolution repealing House Joint Resolution No. I. as passed by the twelfth sesdoubts that he will play his other parts sion of the Legislature of the State of Utah, in the perfectly fighting and proposing a new resolution tn lieu thereof Hertion 22 of the Constitution of th machine revealed when America turned amending State at Utah, by adding Section 2 thereto, as a nation to win the war. relating to the prohibition and regulation of Not the least of these parts was his tale, manufacture, use, advertisement of, possession of, or traffic in intoxicating liquors. participation in the financing o the Whereas, House Joint Resolution No. I, had proposing to amrnd the Constitution of the battle, though pieviotis history State ef Utah by adding Section S to Article to finance much effort down written XXIf, has been paued by both Houses of thl Legislature, and filed with the Secretary ef the farmer. . and Rural districts were uniformly more State Whereas, the engrossed copy thereof differ la areas In a certain important respect from th resoprompt than metropolitan at actually passed by both Houses, tn their response to the Third Liberty lution that in the uth line ef Section 2, as flew from Loan. Honor flags fiist after the word nature' the words and all malt and brewed drinks were emitted country flagstaffs, and those with the from aahd engrossed copy. greatest number of honor stripes likeNow, therefore, be it resolved by th legislature af the State of Utah, of the wise. members elected to each of the two House The Third Liberty I.oan, the great- concurring ; Section 1. That it I proposed to amend est financial achievement in the his22 of th Constitution of Utah by Article thereand tory of the United States, adding Section 2, thereto, which section shall fore in the world, Is to be perhaps read a follow : Section 3. The salt, keeping doubly eclipsed by the Fourth Liberty er storing fer sale manufacture, er offering or exposing for Loan. aaia. or importing, carrying, transporting, adgiving away, exchangThe part of the farmer probably will vertising, distributing, ing, dispensing, er serving ef all fermented be as proud. or vinaua malt, spirituous liqusrs, a techs 1. wine, porter, ate, beer, absinth er any ether not bank account only prointoxicating drink, mixture r preparation ef -- frfrfrfrftftAAA x it resolved by the Legislature of the Slate ' af Utah. ijf all the member elected I ear b house concurring therein Section 1. That It is proposed to amend Section t of Af1 l XUljaf the Constitution co that the came wni read 'ac follow ; Section 2 Th I.egisltur chall provide by law a uniform and- - equal rate of assessment and taxation on all property in the Slate, ace cording to ite value in money, and (hall ac ahall by geaeral law tuch regulation aeeure a valuation for taxation of all property, co that every peraon and corporation ahall pay s tax in proportion to the value of hta, her or ita property : .Provided, that a deduction of debiteafrom credit may be authorised: Provided further. That the property of the United State, of the State, eoun-tu- e. clue, town, achool district, municipal corporation and public hbrarte. lota with tho building thereon uced excluiively for either relic to u worship or charitable purpose, and place af burial not held or aed for prlvata r corporate benefit, shall be exempt from taxation Dttchoa, canal, reservoirs, pipe and Sum as owned and used by Individual or tor- parationa for Irrigating land owned by such individual or corporations, or th individual member thereof, ahall wot he separately taxed aa loag ae they shall be owned and wed for such purpose I Provided further. That mortgagee a pun both reel and personal shall he exempt from taxation: Proproperty vided further. That th taxes of th iadlgoat ut The soil, the fighting men that spring from the soil, and the unconquerable. determination of the Americans who till it, are beating the , t t j Burhmghahfj and family moved to .Idaho, Mrs. G. Zesingar is very low with where Mr. Burningham is teaching school. 'heart trouble.' ( exemption. B two-thir- . f but WITH DIG CROPS - t 90-tto- n S. STARVATION PLAN Mann- -. frfrft ittrtrtctrfrtrk proposing n amendment to Artnlt It of tho Constitution of th of Utah, relating to unifornf taxes anJ A resolution E. CONST!-TUTIO- N HOI 8E JOINT RESOLUTION NUMBER EIGHT. FARMERS KILL IIUI1 Gailey, on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Galleys mother, Mrs. Louisa Mr, very ill. faOfOSED AMENDMENT TO THE Must be clean, soft, cotton rags, free from buttons, . hooks and eyes i g Our Fall Shipments of 5 Are Now Arriving We expect to show our patrons a two-thir- ds better line for style and sendee than ever before. a 'You will find the ODonnell, Patterson, Godman and Lion lines meet every requirement, - mtA-la- V V J le GENERAL MERCHANDISE KAYSVILLE. UTAH nt Boy-Ed- Co. Stewart-Burto- n IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII it i After seven months of waiting we have ceived a shipment of Crockery, which we are offering at very low 3t -- prices. - pro-pose- d, two-thir- A tect! your money against theft FILL YOUR COAL BINS. and Ion, but also protects it ns-ha- against temptation to ipend. Every man owes himself and hii family the protection of a subsavings account in a good stantial bank like this cne. po-t-U- t-fawif Why not itart in a small way and save every pay day? ; Great Oob from Utils Acorns Grow BARI,IS BAIHffiG COIMIIY EAYSYILL5, UTAS AVe Need Regs atOnce. Bring Them in Now People of Utah Should Lay in Winter Supply at Once. Order your winter coal now. Tlte Utah Fuel admiulstrator, W. W. Armway strong, is urging in every the storage of coal by the household consumer, In addition ter 'the usual and very potent argument this practice, there are at this moment tfi Utah three special reasons. First The ; freight rates ' on ' coal from the mines will advance 25 per cent on June 25, or practically 40 cents a ton. Second. The price at Uie mine on hunp and not was advanced by the gxroernment orihrrhrrSiaw'hTrrhflTTfte' producers Ia..Utah(. in. order to encourage the storage campaign, did not take advantage of this advance. It is indicated, however, that they will do so not later than Jnly 1 which would add another 35 cents per ton to the price. Third, The crop reports indicate an extraordinarily heavy yield of grain, potatoes, fruit and other products, which will burden the railroads at the beginning of the cold wwatber. This is likely to result in the shortage of transportation facilities, and coni qusOt shortage in .co'ih ' But tkw amendment ary 1st. A. D. 1S19. Come and make your selection. d like nature; and all malt or brewed drinhsi fruit preserved In a ire babe liquors af any bind; and all beverage cantaining In axcam af a lf af an per centum af alcahal by volets ; and all mixtures, cam pounds ar preparation. whether liquid or not. which ar intended when mixed with water, ar otherwise, I ar otherwise an produce Af fermentation intoxicating liquor, are hereby f srever prohibited in th State, except alcekal fer acien-tifi- e and manufacturing parposm, and win Bsed for sacramental purpasso. Section 2. The becretary af State is hereby directed to submit th proposed amendment aontamed herein to the Hector af --.ha Stat at th not general election tn the manner provided by law, instead of the resolution as embraced In House Joint Resolution No. I, heretofore passed by this Legislature, and - which repealed. Section 2. if adopted by th (lector ef th I 3 THE HOUSE OF QUALITY i i Known Everywhere As The -r VERY BEST- - ahall have effect Janu- Approved March I, 117. I. HARDEN BENNION, Secretary of gtat-- f Utah, do hereby certify that th above k fall, true and .correct copy of a .Ltfit jeso-- , lulkm providing for the amendment of tn Constitution of the State of Utah by adding S to Article XXII relating to th prohibition and regulation af sale, maaafaetara, aa, advertisement af, poasasslon af, ar tralJU in in toxics ting liqaora. In vritaaaa whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the Grant Seal of th Stat mt Utah, this 2Jrd day ef Aensvt, 1911, HARDEN BENNION, (Seal) hoervtary af State. 4 SllSISjSift Made of Choicest Utah Wheat Milled in tlie most modern mill -- ;Packcd ii tho neatert TevERY DEALER I! A3 17. 4 i |