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Show Ou S THE WEEKLY REFLEX. KAYSVILLE. UTAH 1 At the second dujs session of ibe conference, President Smith. ing at both sessions, LUler (Nm k . Whitney, one of the twelve apostles, declared thut America lutd a- inTsuon tv fiulflll a mission that 'would portray to the world'; that spiritual things were more lowerfii! and evei. than material; and that Ann r jastinc AiV fulfilling this mission and hail oh CHURCH OFFICIALS DENOUNCE been doing It for centuries, that this AT CONFERENCE REPQ.RTS is represented In the foundation that OF PLURAL MARRIAGES, been laid for the great and m.ir Melons work of God lit. the last day Declar Such Unions to Bs Against b lie Latter-daSaints the Laws of God and Man and Atneriea 1ms so fur fulfilled tier declared Apostle Whitney, Flay Perpetrators as Enemies destiny, she has brought forth the thureh of of the Church and Nation. v PE RUNA r; J1 x - Made Me a Well Man j - f s Suffered thirty years with writes; I suffered - for thirty yers stomach With chronic howel treat 1. stem, rh traatle n heatorrkaie ( trouble and tteWehowela. a bottT ot reruns bought and 1 took It faithfully, and 1 hemorrhages of the bowels. te feel tetter. Heat roe to conAljr wife y .lesiis (lirb-- t of Latter-da- y - persuaded tinue, amt I too It for some time as directed. New 1 well wua. Saints; she and redlsoov Suit 1 41 he , Oity. With President has crossed the same liberty the to herself ered give Joseph p. Kinlih delivering t iti ien- iilL lands; nnd to her been that has seiul-an-lug address, tlie elglity-nintl- i fraud rtkife retire of ti.e tbUHll f that, this ehutrh should is part w Ith tbH great gov .s.dnts Christ of Utter-da1,1 nhtlu)I tW Friday morning, October 4. av f,r J1,"' ,nukt ,"U lp until the last moment It was iot t of Jesus "f gospel be would know.. if President Smith made an tin O. 1. McKay Ajmstle t the young P1- -1 ' tlllb w'iien i'1 bi7id bItVbu't shrapbe did apK.,rl'1 "(1 promptly at 1U . m, the assembled gases Weep 10 ,hl"kthousands rose eu masse to greet the IhemMjr to d vWxx" that Hn.nut every chuivh lender. His address was brief, but when lie of tied might lie with them. , lie not turn away from took Ids seat at its close the emigre exhorted them to . to but the pause in the midst gallon again rose to sing We Thank of gospel, and meditate on jthe'r pleasures Tliee, p to si, for a Propliet." l'resi f the God and Ho teachingNof dent Smltli referred to bis Illness, but declared lie folt it his duty to lie pres- church. is At the afternoon session, Joseph F. ent despite Ida condition. Jr., culled attention to the Smith, First Counselor of tie presidency, there had lieen lying rumors thut fact 11. Autlion Lund, who followed Presieir go-thdent Smith on tile shaking program, abroad of a purported vision supased to have been received by President guve a generul resume of the work of In the past In regard the church during tlie past six months. Smith some time on them back . can of to events great Importance dealing He referred to tlie Increased prosjter-itand I .utter-damanifested in the Increase in title, with the nations wanted it he that efqieclully Saints; lngs, and told of the good work being was no there understood lie that to done in the mission field. Tlie presalso lie the in of rumors, any ence of the greut world war was mani- truth came revelation when siuted that any' fested in all tlie uddressea of tlie day, of the and tlie Mormon church pledged to for tlie guidance of the people It would lie presented through church. supiHirt all war activities to the end, of the church, by thut the nation ami her allies might the projier channels In authority. are who those triumph in the cause of liberty aud Apostle James K. Tulmage spoke of democracy . is addresse Second (Counselor Charles W, Pen- the Impressive and touching and of the leshad made, leen that referred to tlie rose, tlie third sons of truth nnd faith thut hud been Joy cuused by tlie presence of Presideclared that the dent Smith at the conference, and that taught by them. He were God the only things of it was a direct answer to tlie fervent things way they fight. endure the would shaking up that that prayers of church member. world today. Is in the place taking r l.'oum-elowr-madden- ed Penrose spoke of the misA ostle Stephen I HIchurd sohe sionary work with its seclal duty and of tlie truths which had been uttered movcalling for tlie quorums of seventy. He In this conference, nnd of the lessons also sKke of the misunderstandings . which had been given to the people. which seem to be In existence even or the young men and . now us in dural uiurriugea, and said He spoke women of the rlmrrh, and their duty that it was the duty of anyone knowto set an example of purity and rhas-tltis ing of this transgression of the manito the world, lie told of how exfesto to rejsirt It to tlie piesldeut of shells to tlie church was the church, lu order thut tlie rebels cellently evil influences ofequlppml the world the fight is might lie disciplined by the church uud and pf the different organizations turned over to the law of the land. as were formed to counteract these fhnt President Smith arose at tlie conand keep their Influences, clusion of Counselor Penroses re- worldy of In the path young jieople marks ami stated that he felt it was righteousness. his iiniierutlve duty to indorse what At the closing session of the confertlie lutter had said oil plural marsave, 1resiilent llelier J. Grant of the ence, riages, that such unions were null and the void in the sight of God and were not quorum of aMistles presented names oT all the general authorities marriages. auxThere was ev eu a larger crowd at nnd flie general officers of the of the the church, organization iliary In tlie the afternoon session than their hand unanimously lifting jieople dex outness of a and sjilrit morning, to sustain them ln their positions. pervaded tlie entire assemblage. . Two hundred and fifty thousand dolPresident of the Council of Twelve was subscribed to the fourth Lite lars was llelier J. Grant the first speakek This Space Contributed by iu tlie afternoon and stand thut It wus erty loan by unanimous vote r tlie Latter-dagreat pleasure for hlui to lie aide to Church of Jesus Christ of session-oat Saints Latter-damornings unday Saints lu any meet with the confersemi annual ninth Its eighty and at of their assemblages, especially the general conference. He stated that ence In the tabernacle. The motion to for tldrty-slyears he had luut the make the subscription was pqt by President Joseph F. Kmlth, with an HU Question. PROMISE privilege of attending the conferences HAD NOT BROKEN of regret that educational expression of an authorities one of tlie general "Will anyone ask roe a question and building expenses of the church attended never hud and the church, yet relative to any matter of life Surely Small Boy Was Not to Blame a a rendered larger loan luijiosslble, ami gathering at which lie had not been death? asked the thought reader. Because Others Thought the was tint nie hand raised In oje there fed with the bread of life. Well, mine refers to murder. Poker Was Hot to flie 12,000 uplift ed In bis jsisltlon the of He presence sjsike feelingly "Ah, I see blood ! exclaimed the sesproval. tlie Kmith of at President opening thought reader, tragically. "Ton wish A farmer, hearing a commotion at in addition In the two chief conferwhich he to know who did the deed? the back of his heuse. hurried out to sion and of the inspiration ence honored meetings of the flay In the taberfrom tlie Yes, please. find his little boy, armed with a red-h- received not only there were two overflow sessions of the nacle, hut those It was a relative. president's remarks, poker, enjoy1 ng himself Immensely other In held tlie nssmnhly hall. he declared that mothlie or That's quite right, father speakers, by chasing some frightened farm lawas the sfieakers at the closing that indorsed Among everything ers side 7 venture the Inquirer. heartily borers round the yard. were Aftosfle Richard 1L Lysession session. aid the at morning fa"Fathers. his After a severe leeture from 1. I desire on behalf of the icouucil man. Presiding Patriarch ITyrmii "Wonderful. That, too. Is correct ttier the youngster promised that he over Smith, Presiding B.Shop Charles IV. of honor I the have r.ut wliat was the abject? that presiding would never do it again. to say that tlie references to the ques- N'lhtey. nt the morning session ; Elder Gain. A day or (wo lgter the same comwere made Charles II. Hart. I.evt Edgar Young. How marvelous! Go on. motion was heard and the same youth tion of .plural .marriage that so Penrose and more. no see President can Now, forcibly Walter 1'. Monson snfl Melvin J. BalAlas! I was found causing havoc with the by Indorsed by the president of the church lard sjieaklng at flic closing session. please read out your question, sir, selfsame poker. Charles W. Nlhley, for the benefit of the audience. Hew dare you? said the Irate pa- are heartily and thoroughly indorsed Presiding Bishop custodian of the church ns and .each for Who killed Cock Robin 7? general by the .eouiudL J sieak rent. In a brief adbusiness the stated uf council affairs, of the merolier Bat father Interrupted the .every we the dress that when that J during (residency of twelve say apostles Recognized. young culpriL V. the of Smith for past nearly Joseph Private Buller (former press agent heartily Jodurse all the remarks "Don't 'but father me, sir! to 17 years the tithing Income and the reference lu Penrose President convinced doing sewtry duty) Halt! Who goes however, The youngster, wealth of tbe ecclesiastical organizathere? of the satisfactory nature of his ex- plural marriages. doctrition had increased more than double a u delivered It Private Leggett (former reporter) tiger jClawsuu silenced. planation, would not be on the accumulations of the previous 71 Hist! Joe. could you slip me two Rot, father, he said, Its only nal sermon, laying sjieclal emphasis For .of of tlie Importance the aisle for Monday night? years e? its history. London jejientance. painted this time. Elder eighty-eigh- t stated Private Eullei Pass, fiend ! Buffalo years, When announcing the closing hymn. Oawsuu, "this people have lifted np Express. Sometimes, of Course. Smith Incidentally menand cry- President home abroad, their at Is emotion an vdes for example. "Anger, now tioned tlie the fact that 42 tnemlierir of aud coling rejientauoe on abstract quality, explained the Pride. choir were In the milihave and forth the taWniade are God of see the can going only a corporal in the lege lecturer. "One My brother of service for the United States. ail been forth years . . hear It. taste cannot tary One tlie' going . effects of ft. army. we are living, reason thal mathe feel or 7 It it. smell a simple see it. It, Thats nothin. My brothers, New wards have been organized actually living the last time, rine. "Oh, I know, but professor. It ha tlie since the last Conference, a follows! boob. present class usual the Notwithstanding color said Is in world Utah :c Straw berry and tlie Redeliffe, roan," that today must mistaken, You young le Youth. of The Fountain ward- in- - Iwbene Wake ; Veyo and the heart of men- - are-- filled Knicker A mas Is as old as Tbe replied the prof. looks. Well, in a book I am reading It ay with fear, not knowing what help Is at and flentra? In 8t, George stake; uniIn looks Boeker As old as he that mans face was purple With hand, still a a people we have re- Wandamere In Granite stake; Lark in ceived the promise of the Lord, who Jordan stake; Topaz In Portneuf form. New York Sun. anger. lias declared it lu modem revelation stake and Iegran branch In Mont- L t. stake shall coined tha Etroefl Kopc. :CPoofWemcy7: J-- Goltieti Kimball, otic.of, fhe first In tlie rejsirts prepared by PresiThat 'widower trait broken up. -Monk Now what did my wife tie seven presidents of the seventies, was dent Joseph F. 8inTfh for the eighty--nintOh, hell soon be repaired." Baltithat knot la my tall for to make roe conference, it was tlie next paker. He said In lart : American. more remember? The spirit of God gives you Joy and shown that tithes paid during the first If a man wants to get a line on hi peace and patience and gentleness and nine months 'of lflts have lnTeusd The man who handles the truth recktlie spirit of forgiveness Tlie holy over those paid during the same lessly Is sure of a irge crop when It popularity as a vpeaker let him hlr last year. a hall and charge f9 cent admission. ghost is the spirit of prophecy and t coroes to raising doubts. It wit also shown that tlie hirit1 revClntinn. Eider Rulon 8. Welt then spoke of rate witjuu tbe dumb has greatly duties of the jtrSes.hood and of advanced within the lust yinr. the A CaLFTOR LIFE PROTECT TO GUARANTEED t H Dr. O. M, Franklin. the eriftnator. their loyalty end patriotism for the During the last 'x months, 1 1 ft 11'' Sc w Jo baje'sms for the dead wee rcitonery copnaont church. lie Lkeiied tlie seven nthr in tlie training ojHnps. n veil n rinny thousand tb- - wiLLer bov i and ra! of .tonode eouinnnder their ceremonies, temple wonwuit.ng the "LT' serum co. i n been greater. tn d.b -- Mr. Louis Young, 203 Merrlmac St, RochesterN, ' I 01 9 Ltall at Tablet Ferae m-e- ( 1, Forward! ern-opeue- d Je-su- y s ,T I , With no thought of bursting nel and poisonous into which thev plunge with muscle tense, with every faculty of mind alert, with one thought only TO FIGHT '. - , - AND WIN. That the way our men are going into battle. When the shrill whistle sounds the advance, outthey whole heart in the task before them. No power earth hold Dluppuintcd Artist. Another" Discovery. . Among tio--- tslior at Atlantic City gratulmothcrT ,l!!eciC'' on yesterday--: were loo huky asked the youngster who from tbiimioutbwesterii states, training the flimr drawing. Grandmother assured him slie did at Ctiii Dlx. Two big Arlronlnns In not. i tbe group, wandering along the board Tlie young artist gave a few finishwalk, were getting tbelr first near ing touches and repeated his question. glimpse of tbe oeenn. Grandmother sniffed tbe air, and They walked down the step to th bench, watched tbe waves for a moagain declared she smelled nothing, Well. said the boy, you ought to. ment and approached the water ! have just ilrawed a skunk! edge. There they leaned over, dipped their fingers in tlie water and put ih All Geraldine's Fault. ( fingers In their mouth. The children bad quarreled frequentsaid one, it By. cracky salty. ly all day. In the evening we talked Isnt it? it over and the little tot said, I would i The kaiser Is the worlds great have stopjied qmirretlng this morning If Geraldine would have came gently example f a( tnnn who didn't know when be was well off. at me. Smell anything, v was-dln- g 1 1 et BACKACHE, KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLES - GOOD-BY- y y E V Forward! The same sharp challenge to battle " sounding for us. We must answer in the same proud way the way of our fighting men the American way. IFe must lend the We must show the Hun a united American people ing forward shoulder to shoulder, irresistibly, to Victory. Our task to supply the money, the ships, the guns, the that we y box of imported GOLD MEDAL IIaa! lent 1)11 Capsules. They are pleusant and easy to take. Each capsule contains about one dose of five dropa. Take them Just like you would any pill. Take a small swallow of water If you want to. They dissolve in tha stomach, and the kidney soak up tbe 11 like a sponge does water. They thoroughly den rise and wash our The" bladder and kidneys and throw off tbe of Inflnmiuntlon which ts tbe eiiu the trouble. They will quickly rdeve those atlffened Joints, that buck;.) tie, rheumatism, lumbago, sciatica, mill atones, gravel, "briekdust," etc. They are an effective remedy for all diseases of the Madder, kidney, Itver, Your stomach and allied organ. druggist will cheerfully refund yonr money If yon are not satisfied after a few days use. Accept only the pure, original GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. None .other genuine. Adr. For centuries all over the world GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil hint afforded relief In thousands upon thou sands of cases of lame back, lumbugo, sciatica, rheumatism, gallstones, travel and all other affections of the kidneys, liver, stomach, bladder and allied organs. It nets quickly. It doea the work. It cleanses your kidneys and purifies the blood. It makes a new man, a new woman, of you. It frequently wards off attacks of tbe dread and fstal disease of the kidneys. It often completely cures the distressing diseases of the organs of the body allied with the bladder and kidneys. Bloody or doudy.urlne, sediment, or brirkdust" indicate tn unhealthy condition. Do sot delay a minute If yonr back aches or you are sore amiss the loins or have difficulty when urinating. Go to your druggist at once and get a As Age Advances the Liver Requires stimulation. must have to win. It a tremendous task. We must do it our fighting men do theirs with the indomitable spirit of Victory. and lend We must work, and with one thought only TO FIGHT occasional alight CARTERS LITTLE LIVER PILLS i correct CONSTIPATION AND WIN. tUMam Get into the fight with your whole heart Bay Bonds to the utmost! 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At a little luncheon tjr a mutual admiration yoy robust. '.V ch acid-stoma- J, They oro of candy barmimw. Tube absolutely EATONIC and find out for younclf bow v wonderfully diffenmt yoa anil ImL ea bow quickly EATON 1C beauhao tha Immediate effect, ot bloat, heartburn, batching, food repeating, tan digaetam. etc. Sea too, bow quirkiy your general health improve how much you relish your food how much more aaaily your food Wdureeted faoweouiuUy yoa Bleep how aarvouai mm and Irritability di year. Andll.ttnry I by taking EATON UL 9 rid your etomach of a lot of Id that haa been holding hack and Staking your hit mieeraUa. Sa gat big feme ot EATONIC from dnipyuit today. Be ta authonied to guarmataa EATONIC topleaee you and you ran tru.t him to make this guarantee good. If EATONIC fall in any way, lake it Lack be will refund you money. If your druggist does not keep EATONIC wrtte to us direct and wo wilt aend send natheUicaf tag you a lx g 50c but and yeu can yoa receive it. Address- H. E. Kramer. Preet, kausue Remedy Co, )Uk W abash Avo. Qucax is causing them all tbelr Yet in nearly misery. nine cases out of ten that is just where the trouble starts. Now a four, or Marx EATONIC la la that it is just that add-stoma- rot plmont and ara yes, aarprised, dumbfounded, to ta eondl-"tkiu- at table, subject to severe headache, insomnia,' and a long tram of physical ills would be Tlt-Bl- t. 'JiKig-tnen- quickly and thoroughly. It makes the stomach pure, aweet, cool and eomfortabls. It help, yoo to ret full tnwjf-at ot ovary amaUifuJ ot land yea an aokoM yoa set full .trerirtii from g, dub, the following toasts were proposed; Ills highness, the hetman of Uk- tain! Hurra bl . Hurrah! Hurrah!" Kaiser BilL Ills majesty, the Herman kaiser! i IJoeh. lioeh. hwh 1" General IS IDEAL ffe- Oiatmwot V buuM fra by A SOte, Cwtunar. Ko. , BmIpb.1 Skoro-padsk- of Ukraine. Kudi outbursts o? lnifmKwioiied fli- to of undying quenee and expression fealty will probably go thundering down the ages' and t'auMivetf "President Wilson to shake in his shoe with laughter. - mi.- je.iw.iei1 11 iM f o sr c Reduce Striinrd, Pufy AfiUea. Lffrptamgtris, Poll Evil, Ffstsla. Boils, Swelhag Stop Lamenets and allay jwiru Heal Sores, Cat. Bruises, Boot Qiales. It it a True. tin ht ;ce?t;: 1:2 c:r.:::::n Is golf a difficult gain to lnnuter? Doe not c.r remove tl I goes sa Nobody's ever mastered hswtnd tiofJe can he worked, riercrA ta use. f 2. 5Ua bottle, r delivered. Descnhe cic for penal inuructiont and Bock 5 U Lix AESORBIN'E, J R.. lUMW, bolmeBt tar .i.nllp-- i to- - tt yet. - ,r 11 x- " - tuem Tocn Ycr Cyzz freed Czrc J Try r.zvlT.z Josk o bmartin Qc Comfort. Oi cpr n Vrt for mm !? book K&RLMkJ Ca.ClUCAUU or ffi&it It f ! 21 tmu. y-- rtmtal, Ixmni, SwcUra -- m, iwn-trar- . eutv tcu rmern ra qylicauw Pnei yw kcrle m knirrt or .tajvetc, .pi W.r.rDUa,R.D.FMJTBTgkSLSnnS;3:i.L.-j- . W. N. U., Sait Lake City, No. 41.-131- |