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Show THE WEEKLY KEFLEX, KAYSVILLE, UTAH IffiD CROSS Homeward Bound H ILL BJ THE PRESIDENT . V , RESOURCES OF GREAT MERCY ORGANIZATION TO BE USED TO COMpAT EPIDEMIC.1 PEACE PROGRAM TO WHICH GERMANY MUST SUBSCRIBE TO END WORLD WAR. . NO PEACE POSSIBLE WHILE TH S Germany Must Evacuate Russia, Belgium, Free French Prov- tncee and Guarantee That She Will Keep the Peacer Ra-glo- re President Wilson Washington. propara of world peace stated In fourteen terms in his Address to emigre last January 8 and which the German, chancellor Is now asked to say whether-baccepts without qualification. In- -' fore the president replies to the latest . ieaee proposal. s as follows: 1. 0ten covenhnts of peace, openly; arrived AG after which there shall no private International understanding) of any hind, but diplomacy shall pro- -' eeed alwaj s frankly and In the public " u Mobilization of the Washington, full forces of the American Red (rims to combat the epidemic of Spanish which rapidly la spreudlng over the couutry, was determined upon Monday arid instructions sent to all , 4 sf tr f, 4 ? . , f r e v j'3''$ p (t 4 x sent by Secretary LanslngTuesday afternoon, October 8, and wa as follow SEiTOBS DECLARE OFFER IS SNARE -- action jam-dlde- es ojten-mlnde- Pan-Ilussia- n Brest-Lltova- - Brest-Lltovs- k , -- a, pro-visioi- uil Alsace-Lorrain- lifj ! Alsaee-Isirraln- e Y e, I I Austria-Hungar- at ltu-leri- al . d ! s i1 Austrla-Gungar- e J ""i1"1 1 en-if- s J pm-jimo- poiitlc-d.indcp'Ui- e ? f1'l -- for Retreat Back t 1 Paris. While Germany sad are clamoring for jug. tria-Hunga- ry the entente allied goveriknotm, far are paying scant heed to poeals, but their arnica are forward to further victories thui ft prt. preswng u front. Over a wide extent of territory, out. lined by burning villages, the are retreating rapufly before General Gouraud0 troop. They are crowded by General Berthekas ioreev from the west and In danger of hem-coff by the ho have crossed the Arne river. On the battlefront the. German everywhere are being forced to gj ground to the allied troq. in glum the enemy I gradually eastward, ami In anticipation of a forced final withdrawal is yon. tinning to make ready for that evehis guns and ntuality by removing otherwise lessening the value of In defensive works in the territory upon and adjacent to the North sea roam. The past week has srea one a ictory after another by the allies. To the south from Arras tn the Verdun sector the Germans are being hard pressed by the British, American, Italian and French forces, and, although on numerous they are stRl offering desperate resistance, they seemingly are unable to do more than retard the advance of G-- mans : Sir; I have the honor to acknowledge, on tiehalf of the president, your note of October 6, Inclosing the communication from the German government to the president; and I am Instructed by the president to request you- - to make the following communication to the imperial German ;chan-cellor : Before making reply to the request of the luqierial German government and in order that that reply shall be candid and straightforward, as the momentous interests Involved require, the president of the United States deems it necessary to assure himself of the exact meaning qf the note of the Imjieriul chancellor. Does the Imperial chancellor mean that the imperial German government accepts the terms laid down by the president In his address to the congress of the United States on the 8th of January last, and in subsequent addresses and that Jts object in entering Into discussions would be only to agree upon the practical details of their application? The president feels bound to say with regard to the suggestion of an armistice that he would hot feel at liberty to propose a cessation of arms to the governments with which the government of the United States is associated against the centred powers so long as the armies of those powers are upon their soil. The good faith of any discussion would manifestly depend upon the consent of the central powers immediately to withdraw their forces everywhere from Invaded territory. The president also feels that he Is Justified In asking whether the imperial chancellor Is speaking merely for the, constituted authorities of the empire who have so far conducted the war. He deems the answer to these questions vital from every point of view," ut Franco-American- s, Wing-pushe- ms-tor- their foe.-- s ' " Doual, south of Lens, Is almost and Cauibrai has been further endangered through the capturs of the village of Auheneheul-uux-Ilofive mile to the southeast, where more thuu BKM) Germans were made prisoner. Hard fighting lias taken place around Monthrehain and In the Immediate vicinity, where the Germans hme brought up fresh reserve in an endeavor to keep Field Marshal Haigs men from cut Jtlng the highly imjMirtnnt .St, Quentiu-L- e Gateau road, from which they now are hut a step. Both Beaurevoir and Moutbrehain .are now in British i, lleao-revol- r. hands. With the Germains being defeated over wide areas by the French and Americans, from - llheinis to the ne forest, the Italians south of J.n on have begun an joffensi e, which seemingly has n it objective the finishing of the work previously begun The German Proposal. by the French for the obliteration of The communication from the German fr,u Fere and Laon. government to the president of the In the Macedonian tbeuier the aUnited States a transmitted by the llied troops have compelled the Aucharge daffaires A. I. of Switzerland, strians fo withdraw from the El Easaa on October 6, was as follows : sector and other positions, while near The German government request Vranje,' central Serbia, the French the president of the United States of and (Serbian troops have captured America to take steps for the restoran held positions. In the tion of peuce, to notify all belligerents latter region the enemy Is retiring of this request, and to Invite them to northward In disorder. delegate pleidjmtentiaries for the purpose of taking up negotiations. The TOO BUSY TO DISCUSS PEACE German government accepts as a basis for the peace negotiations the program laid dowrt by the president of the Unconditional Surrender of Centrx!f Powers la Official Sentiment United States In his message to conon Washington. The outline of tenrlbe gress Jannary 8, 19tS, and In his Wliich Irin e Maxiniillian said to y subsequent pronouncements, pnrticn-larlIn his address of September 27, ready to discus and the report that 1918, In order to avAid further blood- he Is ready to consider President afourteen points In no way shed, the German government requests to bring about the immediate con- ffects the situation. clusion of a general armistice on land, The United. States government of on water and In the air. tint going to enter into discussion M terms with the German government MAX, Ur i nee of Baden, Teuton Imperial rhaneellor. piatter .how ingeniously t subjw-diplomats approach the to his Ui peace. Bersldent Wilson Diplomacy of Preaident. made It very clear, it & P Among diplomats here the presi- (speech wa dents communication Is regarded as ed out, that this government one of his master strokes. It is j wont- Interested In terms. Officials therefore do not care P ed out that, upon cursory examinaof term tion. It may not show' such strong tiCularly what sort to discuss, wants Maxiniillian terms as some may have desired. All to the presidents advisers, however, are fact of the matter, according here. J best available information confident that as close consideration now to Is StatesUnited the reveals its full import, ft will le apnearer tro parent that it Is a. king step forward bringing realofpence to war the tf Germany really means peace, and prosecution 00 considers that If she does not' It will strip bare tracked Into useless nf of f terms another hyprocrNy of German diplo- "Made In Germany 1 trying n Germany obviously macy so completely that the responsibecause talk the going peace for bility imdonging the war never . , can be charged to the allies, even by to her advantage to do the that Is her? admitted It the German people themselves. tS ingenious peace feeler m to attract considerable notice Berlin On Anxious Seat, United States ahd In Copenhagen, Berlin, according to tries, put 1$ Is believed that tMP nil dispatches from the German capi. tic will soon become used to tal. is waiting excitedly for President fusions. Wilsons reply to the iieace offer. The reichstag had been summoned for Russian Fleet Manned by unr ' Thursday to discuss 'jwmi-e- . presum-ahl- y Amsterdam. All the ships because the American reply Is Black Russias expected to have reached Berlin, hi constituting nrrwmaTrried ' h.v 5erHM-learned, from Russian Austro-Germa- 1 nil-son- D 1 " fr v American Steamer Goes Down. Drink' 'Cost Brings Boye-Washington. The American stetsm-e-r Dublin. AH the trade u'00 "West gate of the natal overseas izations at Waterford have transportation M'rvke1 has been sunk boym.'t of the city public at ea, .with the hiss of Six members a protest acajnst the prices of her crew, in coflMon with the for drink. Ilckcts arc sratioo tetrmer American. licensed premisi. ' side-many Russ Food Situation Serious. Stockholm. Unwin's food sttuitrion Is rt pidly gr,w Hjr worse, In 1 etre-r- at and d -- lB German SoiL -- chapters. lu with the public health servlet and the state hoards of will enroll health, the Red Croat nurses and will freely use Its accumulated hospital supplies to fight the 4 lns Washlngtyn. President Wilson has informed tiie gayemuient of Gernmny that before the United States cn discuss au armistice, German troops must be withdrawn from all Invaded territory. The president's answer to the German chancellors note of October 6 waa 7- - . Forces, Badly Defeated Belgium, Removing Guns m Rea and Upon Reply Recta Issue of Further Conflict or T reaties. epidemic. A cull also will lie made volunteers to go Into the homes for view. where mothers and housekeepers are 2. Almolute freedom of navigation HI and assume the management of the territorial outside the seat, uin waters, like In peace and In war ex- household. A In a further effort to curb the cept as the seas may he closed In spread of the disease, Surgeon General whole or in part by International for the enforcement of Interna- Blue of the public health service has suggested to all state health officers VIGOROU8 OPPOSITION TO PEACE NEW PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT tional covenants, schools aud places of amusement that , TO SEEK RENEWED TREATIES FEELER VOICED IN THE 3. The removal, ao far as disconclosed and be meetings WITH THE ALLIES. piddle esHOUSE. UPPER , of all economic barriers ami the In all places yi here I he malady tinued of trade an of tablishment equality becomes prevalent. Importance of re. conditions among all nations consentporting cases also was urged by IT, Leader Are Most Emphatic In Da- - Expect to Bring Order Out of Chaos ing to the peace and associating t and Hope to Liberate Russia Blue. minding Rejection of Tender of for its maintenance. German-mad- e From the Power of the Peace to When health Hunt service the public Reports 4. Adequate guarantees given and Bolshevlkl Soviets. Face Defeat Allowed both that the disease Is spreadtaken that national artnuments will le recases of and that the number reduced to the lowest point consistent ing where it had been prevalent ported Washington. immediate alms of Washington, Discussing Germanys with domestic safety. Is increasing. heretofore fi. A free d peace offer In the senate on Monday, the new Russian provisional governand absoconSenator Hitchcock of Nebraska, chair- ment formed at the lutely Impartial adjustment of all Look Askance at Offer. French libinclude month at commitvention Ufa last man relations of the foreign colonial claims, based upon a strict Paris,- - The request for an armistice of the Russia of from eration abhorrent" dedeclared iowcr In absolutely tee, of the principle that and the opening of peace parleys by even a hos- the Bolshevlkl soviets, annihilation of of of sovof suspension thought all auch questions termining the central powers is looked upon by ad- the k treaty, restoration of ereignty, the interests of the popula- the French press generally as an at- tilities now, and recommended the laid allied nations and with the treaties to dition the principles previously tions concerned . must have equal tempt t evade certain disaster. It Is for a war against the basis as continuation of the down the byof clulms president weight with the equitable believed that Germany tmpea to conthe government whose title Is to be de- clude a peace which will jiermR her to peace, one providing that the allies Germi coalition. These aTlLoc along w 1th those affectwould deal only with real representatermined. the peace treaties of exploit German the lnternuT5TfqlrB of Russia are tives of the ing people. Evacuation of Russia. and Bucharest and also to save North Dakota of MeOumber In the text xof the act conoutlined Senator Russian (6, of all The evacuation the llohenaolleru dynasty. rewas which introduced a resolution, stituting the supreme power of Rus-aiterritory and such settlement of all commitrelations which wa received Monday by ferred to sethe forelgu questions affecting Russia as will Yankees In German Prison. United the before the that Russian tee, of providing embassy from the cure t)w beat and freest Washington, Members of the Amer- States Gerto The act was aparmistice, In ole any world agrees government the of the other nations ican expeditionary forces who have surren- proved by the convention, which was disband her must army, and many an her for unhanqiered talnlng been Identified as prisoners of war lu unembarrassed opportunity for the In-- . Germany numbered 1480 on October fi, der her navy, arms and munitions, and conqwwed of representatives of all govto cities and ernments and parties jin Russia exdendent determination of her own said an announcement Monday from agree to pay for damages e cept the Bolshevlkl and the force sdltlcal thveloptuent and nuthmnl the office of the udjutant general of country devastated, restore with the pen- which opposed the first constituent asto welFrance, sincere a together her assure of and In 220 civilians the army. policy addition, sembly, which was overthrown by the come Into the fcwlety pf free nations Interned In Germany have been Identi- alty exacted from France In 1$70. offer of Discussion Germany Bolshevlkl, peace choote own pudor aktlfpfora of her fied, as have 61 suitors held la Constansessoon senate In the after the Order Out of Chaos. asbegan a welcome, Hd, more than tinople, sion convened. Senator Poindexter of The new government Is expected essistance also of fvery kind Unit Mie Washington, Republican, declared the pecially to bring some measure of orDsfsctlon of Austria Expected. may need tmtj may herself desire. The Bersiscensor at proposal for an armtstlce a most In- der out of the chaos In Russia, and the Russia by her Pali. The German Jfftnett accorded allied governments are understood to to German come to ermlts will the press lin print sidious danger, ter nations In the months declared Wien Poindexter Senathr on situhope tliat It eventually will become the of article probable their of dwelling good will, le the add test of her needs ns ation of Germany in the fuse that Aus- an armistice would mean the end of all, one With which they ffiafr deal . their comprehension amf If accompanied by In Its Interior policy the provisional distinguished from their own Interests tria almulil he forced to lay down her military action, of Belgium and government announces the following evacuation enemy eml of their Intelligent and unselfish arms under pressure. a be would Prance, .victory for Ger- alms ; ' vympatby, For of Nebraska, Hitchcock Philippines. Dry Erection of a single ami powerful Senator many, 7, Belgium, the whole world will Manila. The governments program chairman of the foreign eolations com- Russian army beyond the influence of agree, must be evaettatfid ahd restored of absolute prohibition during the and subordinate, mittee, pointed out that the German political parties without any attempt to limit the sovthe war Is to he presented offer also provides fog acceptance of through Its military chief, to the Rusof period ereignty which she euJo,v in common to the Philippine legislature when II the 14 terms laid down by the presi- sian provisional government. with all other free nations. No other convene this mouth, according to an In his address of January 8. In the liberated dent serve single act will nerve as this will announcement offer Thursday. of municiRussia democratic of of Germany's only Acceptance parts to restore confidence among the naand of xemstvo and evacuation Belgium guarupon actually palities themtions In the laws which Hit CAPT. F. M. GUAROABASSI would anteeing general security and public Hitchcock said, Senator France, selves have set and determined for the he declared res- order. he preposterous-bu- t government of their relations w 1th one to Prance of toration Development of productive forces of another. Without this healing act the and for well as and Belgium the reparation country with the aid of private whole atmeture and validity of interthe presidents capital, as well Russian aud foreign, are France among national law la forever Impaired. MAT V terms which Germany proposed to and of personal initiative. 8. All French territory should he accept. ls'gal regulation of commerce and freed and the Invaded portions resenate said the Poindexter Senator Industry, stored, and the wrong done to France foreign relations committee should Development of labor legislation, by Prussia In 1871 In the matter of seek consultation on any negotiations protection of labor and regulation of which has unHettled entered Into by the government, and the conditions of employment and disthe jieuor of the world for nearly fifty that the country should he warned charge of workmen. years, should be righted. In order that the Insidiousness of published against secure jtence may once more he made GEN. SIR HENRY HORNE suggestions that an armistice should la the Interest of all. Ik Agreed to upon withdrawal of Ger-- j i 5. A readjustment of the frontiers hiany from occupied! territory. ' of Italy should be effected along ranking Republican Leader 4lcarly recognisable Hues of nationalminority mender of the foreign relaity. tions committee, declared that an armi10. TW people of stice would mean the loss of the war whose place among nations wc aud all we have fought for. wish to see safeguarded and usuml, should lie accorded the freest opinr-tunit- y Evacuation Before Armistice. ofautonomlus development. No armistice will W lsmdon. 11. Rumania. Serbia and Montenecentral the powers before the granted gro slwHild be Evacuated; occupied terhv them of allied evaruatifm eoiiiplete ritorlcs restored; Serbia accorded free ion of the with a I'es-.territory, and secure access to the sea and the aud burning of allied cities. relations of the several Balkan states This Is the personal opinion of forto one another determined by friendly eign diplomatists of the highest rank counsel along hlstorieally established who have been questioned concerning and nationality ; . lines of alleglanee the ppace sjteech of the German and international guarantees of the chancellor, Brince Maximilian, Th Italian government nee eward-- of Baden. political and economic lndejiendeiice to Capt. Francesco Mario Guarda-basa- l and territorial integrity of the several Its silver modal, which is vlrtU Balkan states should he' entered Info. To Treble Balloon Corps. 12. The Turkish jmrtlou, of flic ally ths highest awt-- d of military re. The balloon curqw of Washington. present Ottoman empire should be as- egnltion that can come to an Italian l!(, Amerl an army Is to he trebled lu sured a secure sovereignty, but the soldier. The medal was awarded to size Immediately to meet Increasing deother nationalities which are now un- him when ho gave admirable proof cf mands from the. forces tn France For der Turkish rule shouidTw assured ntt hrs brivery tn checking ! sodden amd Imllnou crews. The war department undoubted security, of life and an ale threatened panic aroused among the .announced Monday that the air service opportunity of troops at Tagtlamento on October 26, j hHrt ll(,n aMUorired to induct men of soiutely unmolested 19t7. Captain Guqrdabasal, owing to t autonomous development, and the Pur transfer officers from dandles should be permanently opened his knowledge of Amerhui and Amerb so as to add 1200 of- - , Latest photograph-O- f Gen. Sir branches, Henry as a free passage to the ships and Com- - cans, was sent to the United States on 25.000 men to the present Horne, and commanding the British First a special mission from the Italian gov l,00ik. :: , nwy tional guarantees. Vatican Refuses to Interfere. 13. An Indejtendcnt Polish state Hun Ace Slain. y Barts. should be erected which should include j recently Ncvr Yirk. --7 Lieu tenant Loewn-hnrdT- . Inslstwl that the Tatiean under-taklib territories Inhabited by Indisputsgatn foremost German aviator after steps toward peare. it is rejorted ably Polish jmpulutlons, which should the death vf Itaroa Richhofen, has In Rome, according to a Havas Is assured a free and secure access to toen killed, after having scoretf S3 from that city, Tim Vatic? n. ibe sea. and whose imUtieal ami eco- victories In the air, says, a Breslau It is added, rejected the denamd. nomic Independence and territorial In dispatch. - .. ...y tcgrfty should he guaranteed v Inter Continue . May for American Daylight Memorial Heroes. 'Saving. national covenants Wosh'ncton. Indefinite Kmtiruatma 1 Lrmdon, A permanent memorial to A general n snciat1nn of nations the members of the Amer'can forces'll ether employes of the W. J. Oliver of the day tight saving time sehtU, formed undr ;ec!flc eo li.tcjf prepsxwl In a bill tnrrodueed by Seaof effordlmr tru who have given their I ves In the r ar M mlifncturuig Co. were arresed on for rne GnUer of New Yurie, with the in c lu of rtor ttle fr.tnd t of Who he ami emicvl will hoMer Ciiarges mspiracy. tu.tl guorant of CUnirn.tn Barn h nf . : deftc:4cId Vre-racient cci to in f o' cathedral. ait greet ctim,i4Cti!re .sfng Sage Prral IntcgiHr ;,ir.:.n:;.eand i X V b 1 rMf nt hern-selv- Kaisers President Asks Who Speaks for Germany, the People or War Lords, General Blue Suggests to State Health Officers That Schools and Placet of Amusement be Closed for a "Time. Surgeon s. Alsnce-Ijorraln- ENTENTE FORCES HAMS4ERlh(. HUNS FROM ARRAS TO THf VERDUN SECTOR TEUTONIC ARMIES .REMAIN ON ALLIED SOIL. i O v. fub-stcln- L'h Moscow, ? where th fVted.v mi the nid h ( f f r ns-Sa- n Will Import' Porto , Joan. ...Borto wfP e s d |