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Show Chr Drrlvlg Srflrx D son to anticipate that the disease will prove one- tenth as serious as scores of other diseases with which the people are familiar. Precaution should be used, as the disease is very contagious, and when symptoms of the disease appear, care should be taken to avoid catching cold. Sensational journalists, old granny doctors and a panicky public have Already helped to scare thous ands of perfectly normal people into sickness. Doctor Samuel G. Iaul the Salt Lake city physician, has written a letter giving most'sensible and timely advice to the public concerning this disease, which is sweeping the country. Doctor Paul's article appears in this issue of The Reflex. - Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes for true economy ut-mo- Fafcltekwd r THE INLAND PRINTING CO. Moond-cla- w Bn CONVENTION an ancient wisdom;' the deep truth of it is now being made clearer. Clothes made of right inaterials in OCTOBER 12. The Republicans of Davis count will meet, at Farmington Tuesday, OcMt of tober 15th at 11 a. m. for the purpose wttcr Pabnurr 1(11, At KyrIH. Utah, voder th March I. 1179. best is the cheapest REPUBLICANS TO nOLD COUNTY W, P. Ewium, Editor C. A. Bpurtow, A elto Editor Eatorrd m K 1C, of nominating candidates for a full set of county officials,, a representaAdvance (n Year Per 120 Cdbacrlption tive of the 13th legislature, to ratify HmtUai Min m applicatto the nominations of precinct justices of the peace and constables and to seTELETII0KE8 lect a county central committee to W. P. Epporawi. No. T9 C. A- - EpporooA, No. serve for the ensuing two years. The Republicans are apportioned Oftoc. No. 19 delegates as follows: South Bountiful, 5; West Bountiful, 4; Bountiful, 11; ALEXANDER DAWSON, Centerville, 4; Farmington, 7; Kaysville, 7; Layton, 9; South Weber, 2; PIONEER, IS DEAD Clinton, 4; Clearfield, 3; Syracuse, 3; South Tlooper, 2. The primaries of. tha party will b Alexander Dawson, one of the best known and universally beloved pio- held on Saturday, October 12 in each neers of North Davis county, died. at of the above mentioned precincts. the home of his daughter, Mrs. Emma N V, Simpson, in Layton ward, yester- DEMOCRATS TO MAKE NOMI- NATIONS ON OCTOBER 12 day evening at ten minutes to 6 , oclock. A few minutes before death The Davis county Democrats will come the aged man was out in the hold their county convention in Farmyard, walking about, apparently en- ington on Saturday, October 12 for the joying his usual health. Paralysis was purpose of nominating a county ticket. the cause of his death and the fina, Delegates have been apportioned in stroke took him before loving hands the various as follows: South could place hint in his bed and he died Bountiful,-4- ; precincts West Bountiful, 4; Cen in the chair where those about had terville, 5; Bountiful, 15; Farmington, placed him. 11; Kaysville, 12; Layton, 10; South Some two years ago he suffered Weber, 3; Clinton, 4; Clearfield, 4; the first stroke and for many weeks Syracuse, 4; West Pont, 3. his life was despaired of, but he graduDemocratic Primaries are called for ally recovered his health until he was Friday evening, October 11. able to go about the home place and go to town. Last summer he attended; GUARD NOW RECRUITED the meetings of the Layton ChautauTO OVER A HUNDRED qua and thoroughly enjoyed them. Up The North Davis company of tht to the last he took a keen interest ih National Guard of Utah has now and local a was affairs all profound been recruited tp 120 men. Owipg to and of atudent kept European .politics the orders of the state board of health war the lie with in daily touch nes. announces that the Major Jorgensen all and times at was intensely patriotic corner c. vix be Ccp;Vy.r cannot mustered in until company sucfinal in the an had abiding faith the ban on public meetings is removed. cess of the Allies. had Dawson Alexander an ardent, However, the Guard members will not rest content with the present number chosen religion abiding faith of enlistments but will make every efLatter-DaPROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP Baints and the emigrated KAISER PLANNED TO to fort increase the number. NOTICES in 1860, to Utah from South Africa to more fully participate in and enjoy - Major Jorgensen says that notices Consult County Clerk or Respective chosen faith. In regarding the mustering in will be the teachings of RULE WORLD AFTER Signers for Further Information many respects he was a most remark, sent to each enlisted man as soon as able man, lie believAl in telling the possible. The notice will bear the IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PRO-bat- a truth in the most directxway and never place and time of the mustering Division, in and for Davis County, swerved from that principle. He loved State of Utah. his family, his felhwmai his church In the matter of the Estate of and his country. With hlrfl honesty FARMINGTON Thouaht Theft of Iron and Coal Thomas F, King, deceased. of purpose and dealing wasa part of Notice Real Sale of of Estate. toot of rich and fertile Dari County From France, Land From and" never failed him county. Horn, of tfca Millar 1 kiral com"his religion The undersigned will sell at. private pany, Um larsaat grower of flowers in tits Russia, Would Pay Bill intarmonntain couatry. Location of the sale the following described property, throughout his long life. He spwendy famous Has Laireon waterworks and Maori, loved hi.' friends and neighbors and eleotrte bahts. A fine pise for rmidenee. frankly told them So. Part of the Southeast Quarter ot Planning world trade domination, If He was eminently a practical man Section S. of herb Crane Mrs, 12, Township 3 North, Range 1 not actual woild rule, as the outeome Draper was of a short six months campaign in in all the avenues of life and is Tuesday West Lake Meridian, East of the friends. Salt visiting Farmington Europe, Germany now finds herself views of the life beyond the grave deBamberger line, from among civilized nations, outcast Mrs. Cecelia now of Lake Salt Steed, were just a practical. The writer visscribed as follows, Beginning her people impoverished, her honor was he here Tuesday visiting ited him in his home on the hilltop one Oity, tk feet from the enter line of the S. irrevocably stained by the blood of summer evening, when he was recov- former home and acquaintances. L, & O. Railway and at a point about Belgium, and facing a future of ering from an attack f the disease lr, II. W. Jones is walking with D8 feet North of the Southwest cor- fathomless ignominy and disgrace, I will make room for my growing which finally claimed him, and in etuche-.- , the result of an accidental ner of the Southeast Quarter of Seccourse of conversation he, in the direct 12, tion by taking some more of Fiance depeople thence South 42 running of the ligaments of his left grees 49 minutes East parallel to and and a few thousand square miles of manner which was characteristic ot straining mi feet distant from said railway 101 Russia, said the Kaiser. .We will him. said: Of course I want to hva teet; thence South 60 degrees West get the iron and coal in Northern so long as the Good lord permits, but The put) he .schools have been ordered 7.8.2 feet; t lichee North 112.8 feet to France for manufactures which we I am ready to go when He calls. And closed m Farmington on account of the beKmn,ncontain,n-08wm sell the conquered population of vcr.'fnf it makes no difference how soon that Spanish influenza. The order goes lndemn,iie3' Cementing 27.75 chains East and ' 111 I more effect have friends into be, ovei may today. th W3r' Ens J f 1.25 chains North 1 degree 30 minutes n? the-- e than I have hero. Sly good wife dare come in and our Southwest Corner, thence'1 d Julian D. Clark has recently been East from is waiting for me and T w mt to see 1 North 30 minutes East 75 merchaat fleets will soon crowd her degree transferred from the artificers school links; thence North 21 rld trade routes, her very much. degrees 15 min-- 1 rom tie If United States does not Alexander Dawson ran true to form, at Alare Island, Gal., to the naval air utes East 4 62 chains; thence East 6.15 j chains; thence North 39 degrees 20 , acquiesce, her manufacturers will get lie came from good, old Scotch stock, station at San Diego. minutes West along County road 2 no more of our dyes and chemicals, stock as strong and rugged as the The usual number Ipf former Farm- ch tins; thence Aest 42 chains; thence her farmers no more of our mountain and hills of his native land; ington residents were here parallel with County road Piers. And we will also take away during constock as loving and true as the shep- ference and happy reunions with rela chains, to beginning, containing 3.16 from ii qonth acres. Said land is farming land; herds and the hills and the lassies of tives and friends were mutually Also the following described proper- - Iuerut-tv- , the highland cots. In his heart was t: by all parties concerned. Commencing 1.90 chains GERM AN GRAVES the poetry of Burns and the steadfast North from the Southeast corner of GRIM ANSWER courage and faith of Bruce. Faults, PROBATE AND GARMANSIIIP mii- of Township 3 North, Ranpfe 1 West, Salt Bm 0 his v the attendants of mortal man, he had; the oung men, Is Kaiser NOTICES Lake .Aleridian; thence North 14.33 but they lie buried beneath the mantle see lo sun beginning the on set the thence West 11.10 chains; chains; Consult County Clerk or Respective thence South 39 degrees-3of his virtues. Foch will minutes smallest of his ambitions. (20 minutes) East along County road never cross the Rhine, is now the The deceased is survived by the folSigners for Further Information 12.17 chains; thence South 34 degrees German watchword. German cities, lowing children: Airs. Elizabeth Crid-dl- e In the District Court, Second Judicial 35 minutes e East stULon Road .C.01 viskatioi of of Kaysville, Mrs. Margaret I. District, in and for the County of chains to beginning, containing, less allied and American airplane bombers Dodd of Rogerson, Idaho, Alexander 6.10 acres. The said land is Davis, State of. Utah, Probate cry out: No more of this barbarity. Dawson Jr., of Layton, Mrs. Annie P. sion. fanning land; Such cries are echoed In the ghostly Also, all of Lot 1, containing 39.77 Bennett of Syracuse, Mrs. Effie L. of thousands . of Gotha and Doighs aches; and all of Lot 4. containing .Denkeis-ovictims in London and Parts. Zeppelin Ogdeiv Mrs. Eva Ella Ray 33.?j Acres ; The Rhine will be crossed, and of South Weber and Mrs. Emma V. Also, 9 shares of the Capital Stock ' of Shepherd Creek Irrigation Com- - Cologne and Berlin will wince beSimpson of Kaysville. neath the shells of Allied guns. x Funeral services willbe held Sunto apply to the District Court. Pro- - Pai?7 45hareiri5fTh6 3nve"toimcm taenTn'Fraace V erier CapitaTSIock and the in bate for of jDivision. County day afternoon ufthe Layton meetingAmerica. . Remember Belgium and re- of Farmington Land & Stock Com leave to State of for Utah, Davis, house, with burial at Kaysville. end the war In .ISIS - - sign as administratrix of the Estate pony; or after the 1st day of November, To America and her five million of John Simmons, deceased, and for oa the appointment by Court of success- A. D., 1918, and written bids will be fighting men in France will come the TIIE INFLUENZA received at the residence of the underor, glory of the world war. But signed executor in the City of Layton, greater occasion the no is for There ANNIE ELIZABETH SIMMONS, end will not be achieved withpeople that State of Utah; terms of sale, for out sacrifice of thousands of the cf Utah to become unduly excited or Administratrix of the Estate of John ten per cent of the bid payable atcash; the deceased. Simmons, nor without the most those men, over the influenza time of sale, and balance upon conepidemic. panicky McClure Peters T. earnest and united firmation of said sale develcourt. support of those have by Undoubtedly many cases for Administratrix home. us of at Attorney M. Where we have given JESSE SMITH, state of the oped in various portions Executor of the Estate of Thomas F. gallant efforts to wsr work Kaysville, Utah within a- -i wUl develop nzr.y more First publication Sept 19, 1913. we must thrust our sholders King, deceased. Published October 10, 17, 24, 1913. the next fsw days, but there is no re- - Last publication October 10, 191S. desperately against the wheel ,f war 9-- the right way last longer and look better; you pay more for them, but they cost less than. poor stuff. B talk about Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes and say that if you need clothes theyre Tliileairwe -- A the ones you ought to buy, is because the long wear and satisfaction you get makes them the least expensive clothes we know of. , DULDIHO The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes ::i hj-h- is y 6L10NTHSVWARE WRECKED HOUSE HIDES CIS FREI2CI1 GUI1 rfjp F 1 . 11 ( mm i. (t iuip t r; - ? 4 I to-w- it: ? more-particula- to-w- it: ' 5 -- v V jT -' s Ci tw kl. aI jr w t Yli lf From the rums of one of their own shell smashed homes, the French hojrly train the guns that scatter death in billets and columns of marching troops behind" the Hun lines. ' Fourth Liberty Bonds are the best insurance that American homes will not thus suffer. f 9 f ferti-sout- h 8,-- 0 i w en-joj- ( to-wi- t N. 5 Ebrikius-beneath--th- Divi-railwa- y, f here-tofor- 3 e, - Liberty Bond Safety Boxes ! ji e have a limited amount of heavy Bessemer Steel Liberty Bond Boxes. The8e Boxes retail at $1.25 and we are offering them for 75c. Call and get one. W j- - Mens Flannel Shirts at last years prices Men s 98c to $3.9S 73c to $2.63 Work Shirts ..... $1-9- 3 Boys School Shoes, 9 tto 13V2, only a few 'Boys School Shoes, 1 to 6, only a few ..$2.69 Misses Fall Hats, latest styles .. $1.25 to $1.98 53.50 valueMens Brown $2.93 Striped Pants 25 pieces 35c grade Dress ...25c Gingham, per yard Best Grade . Calicos per yard 15c Boys- .Overalls,2 ' to G years, logwood 49c dye - -- j i i i- i i- - i- - i- - i -- j i i i- - i Our lines of Sweaters, Underwear, Blankets, Hosiery, Boys uitsand-Mens Trousers are considerable on your purchases.complete'.'We'can'saVr i- - I J 1 J l GOLDEN REE J STARES 1 1 j Originators of Low Prices ' FARMINGTON ' |