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Show with the exbadly, and we got them all for noth- earth could now interfere ecution of tho program. ing P I did nut know at that time that the How firmly the kaiser was wedded German army lacked medical supplies, to the dynastic Idea and bow deeply but later I saw paper bandages In cue. be abhorred the spirit of democracy whole I have previously referred to the was revealed throughout the conversaIn his and hi fife, course of kalseff defense f the use f gsve exagainst Paris, London and other, tions with me he frequently nonm Ilitary cities. lie claimed, that it pression to views which disclosed how wax proper to make, war on dvClans, thoroughly he believed la the "divine because England wAJ endeavoring to right of kings. I saw him shortly after Wilsons starve Germany. On one occasion I ' In 1912. 1S70 election in to the out him that pointed accomplish-witever America "What will Germans hud besieged Paris and had DAVIS. D. By a professor at Its head? he starved Its population. "The cases are entirely different,' asked, sneeringly. "Davisyour counhe answered hastily. "Then we Were try will never be truly great until It (Copyright, 1SU, by tb McClurs Kswsp apsr Syndicate.)besieging a city and the civilian pop- becomes a monarchy ! On another occasion be sneered at CHAPTER V. more positive proof against them. The ulation had plenty of opportunity to evacuate It before the siege began. conditions fn England. Belgians were simply Englands tools nation The Kaiaer Defend German War Took at England today. be reSome of the arguments the knlser England Is besieging women and Method. marked. "She is ruled by Lloyd raised In hie discussions with me re- and trying to starve my. The kaiser was always very careful garding the war were so weak and children,, who have nothing to do with George, a socialist I Why. England is ! about everything which might affect untenable that one might well doubt war virtually a republic, as bad as France of Enghis health, and even after the war his sincerity in urging them, but I I conldnt help thinking of the Whats become of the king started, when his attention was natu- shall give them for what they are whole nations which had been ab- land? One never hears of him any solutely crushed under the kaisers more! Why doesnt be assert himrally occupied by many pressing prob- Worth. lems, he did not neglect his teeth, but "They refer to us as the Huns I" the Lcel of Belgium, Servla and Poland. self? The tone of disgust with which came to me as regularly as be had al- kaiser observed the he gave vent to these sentiments was bitterly. "If your . The kaiser never admitted that 'rewas a of Lusitania destruction the ways done. more significant, perhaps, than the people could see what the Ilusslans Of this I . was very glad, because It have done In the Bukowlna and east- sult of special instructions from him words used might Imply. gave me an opportunity to draw the ern Prussia they would know then to the commander, but in dis"Tour president Is trying to overkaiser oat on many of the Interesting who are the suborn of the ! general subject throw me and my family from the They de- cussing questions which the war suggested stroyed everything they could . lay rlne warfare he asked? throne of Germany by his notes, he and which I found him always ready their hands on. - In one of my shoot"What right have Americans to take commented bitterly, when I ssw him to discuss, perhaps the fset that I ing lodges which the Cossacks entered passage on these vessels, anyway? If shortly after the publication of the was an American . led the kaiser to they even knocked out the teeth of ttg they came onto the battlefield they president's reply to the pope, "but he greater lengths In his justification of boars' heads which hung on the walls ! would not expect us to atop firing, little understands how loyal are my German war methods and measures With knives they cut out the covers of would they? Why should they expect people and now futile his efforts .will than he might otherwise have thought my chairs. They had special fire any greater protection when they en- prove. They held meetings recently ' aJI over the necessary. bombs which they threw on peaceful ter the war sons at aea? empire. In every city and The first time I saw the kaiser after villages. These bombs had been con"Dont ever forget," he went on, a village, and showed their allegiance the war started was about August 10, structed In peace times and were de- bullet from a pistol would be enough to me in no uncertain way, and your 1914. Between eleven and twelve signed solely for Eow can president received the answer from pillage and destruc- to alnk one of our o'clock the night before, ! had been tion. we stop and board vessels we encoun- my people that he deserved ! I wonnotified by telephone that the kaiser "Instead of treating their soldiers ter to ascertain whether they are neu- dered whether the kaiser was unaware would like me to attend him at the as prisoners of war we should have tral and not carrying contraband? If of the fact that all these meetings Berlin palace the following morning strung them up by the neck every what appears to be a neutral should had been Inspired by the government at nine o'clock. lie was abont to make one of them P In fact prove to be a belligerent, or If pnd their useful agent, the press, or his first visit to the front and wanted Several prominent roles, who were a belligerent should heave to In re- whether he was once again making his teeth examined beforo he went. patients of mine and whose fine es- sponse to the command of one of our use of his histrionic ability. The work I bad to do for him was tates In Poland were looted and de- submarines, how could we safely send Although Germany Is regarded as a rifle the cradle of socialism, to the kaiser nothing of a serious character and did molished, told me positively that the a boarding party over not occupy more than twenty minutes. destruction and depredations were shot from the vessel In question would It was a cancer which waa slowly eatOne of his valets stood by to give me committed entirely by German troops. send us to the bottom? Obviously If ing away the foundations of his emany assistance I might need, but left The Russians had occupied the houses America persists In sending munitions pire and he viewed Its progress with ' the room when I was through. when they were In possession of that to the allies, there la but one thing the direst misgivings, "Have you been reading In the pa- section of the country, but It wa hot for ns to do sink the vessels." Before the war he steadfastly reWhen I suggested that while the fused to receive a deputation of sopers, Davis," the kaiser asked when we until they were driven out by the Gerwere alone, "how our soldiers have mans that the acts of vandalism were vulnerability of the submarine un- cialists and never once gave an audibeen treated by the Belgians!" committed and they had convincing doubtedly lessened Its value in con- ence to the leaders of the socialist 2 said I had not had a chance to evidence that In every case the Ger- nection with the right of search which purty In the reichstag, although the read the papers that morning." man soldiers and sot the Russians belligerents have under International heads .of committees of all the other Well, you must certainly read them. were responsible. law, still the law ought to be ob- political parties were at times reThey've been gouging out the eyes of The outrages committed by the Ger- served, the kaiser Interrupted me has- ceived in conference. our wounded and mutilating my men man In their treatment of While the reichstag was little more prisoners tily with the remark : "International Jaw? There is no than a childrens debating society, the horribly! They call it modern, civi- of war will probably never be known lized warfare. Thats savagery! I In their entirety. We do know that such thing as International law any growth and Increasing power of the hope your president Is taking notice they executed Captain Fryatt, the more !" socialistic party, which waa constantly of these atrocities," In that assertion, of course, Res the clamoring for the reform vote, coaid commander of a British merchant ves, Of course I was In no position to sel, who waa captured after he had Answer to all the questions which have not be ignored, find no doubt had a contradict the kaisers assertions, as rammed a German I- deal to do with the militarists dont arisen in connection with the conduct I was not In possession of any of the know to what extent the kaiser was of the war. If the Germans recog great anxiety pot to postpone the war too x facts, but I learned afterward that directly responsible for that dastardly nlzed no International! law hut were long,. four American newspaper correspond- crime, but from what he said regard- guided solely by their Ideas of expediAfter , mobilization was ordered, ents had scoured Germany from one ing the capture of another British cap- ency and the demands of kultur however, the kaiser decided to recede end of the country to the other In an tain, the commander of the Baralong, then the whole course of the war be- from his position somewhat, and from effort to run down these reports. They It was quite evident that he was in came perfectly clear. The use of poi- the balcony of the In Berlin, in left no rumor unlnvestlgated, no mat entire sympathy with acts of that sonous gas, the destruction of unfor- front of which anpalace enormous crowd ter how far they had to travel to ver- Character. tified towns, the desecration of lad gathered, he declared significant-y- : When had exhaustIt ify they finally AGerman bad sunk a Brit- churches, the attacks on hospitals and "I recognize no parties. We are ed every due and followed every lead ish vessel upon which were some of Red Cross units, the countless atroci- now all Germans. they had not found a single case to the relatives of the crew of the Bara-lon- ties committed against civilians and If anyone 7 Imagines, however, that exwar the of no made the other kaiser had charge justify waa prisoners The crew of this require lls kowtowing to the socialists in .this against the Belgians and which, of subsequently captured by the Bara-lon- planation. 4 Instance was evidence of a permanent No inch thing aa International law course, thq Inspired German press conand according to reports In Gerchange of heart, he little appreciates tinued to report from day to day. many they were harshly treated. Then any more ! how deeply rooted Is the kaisers abThe object of these Ilea was to Jus- It was reported that the Baralong had horrence of socialism and democracy. CHAPTER VI. tify the outrages which the Germans been captured and that her captain Indeed, one of the principal things the were committing In their plan to ter- and the crew would be summarily calaer hoped to accomplish by proserorize the Inhabitants of the countries dealt with. Democracy Worst Enemy. the war to a triumphant concuting The great military Machine which clusion was the blow It "I bear we have captured the capthey were overrunning. According to would deal to tain of the Baralong," the kaiser de- the kaiser had built up during the first socialistic progress. reports the activities of franc-tlrcur-a He felt that in the occupied territories wero met clared to me at that time. Tf we can 28 years of his reign "for the purpose would make his army the idol victory by the Germans with the most bar- prove that hea the man well fix him !" of maintaining peace was constantly of the people and that their monarch baric punishments, crucifixion and The manner in which the kaiser Inching for war. There was a feeling would shine In the reflected of similar atrodtles being very common. spoke left no doubt In my mind that among the militarists that while It their martial achievements. glory A sucUndoubtedly the kaiser was aware t the direst punishment would be meted was all right for the kaiser to assume cessful war, he believed, woud set sowhat his soldiers were doing, and to out to the unfortunate British captain. the role of theprlnce of Peace" dur- cialism back a hundred years. defend their conduct he lent a ready Booty is undoubtedly a legitimate ing the period oXpwpa ration. It was Certain It Is the war brought no ear to the pnfounded charges made Incident of war, but it is legitimate possible to overpay thd part' lie so change la the kaisers personal habits. (the fact that Even to only as an Incident. Otherwise booty frequently referred against the Belgians. with favor the socialiscurry T have already framed a message becomes loot, In any event, when In- his sole rurpose In miialnlng a large tic element he never unbent to . the Maintain which I Intend sending to your presi- vading troops seize private property It armyand navy was to peace In his outward disdegre slightest war the that lords of Germany began dent regarding the use of dumdum is customary to pay for It That the play of kingly attributes. In all Ms bullets by the Belgians and Frenclp? Germ&ns were good takers hut poor to fear that perhaps he might mean It career the German people had never The murder of the Archduke Franx seen the kaiser went on. "We have aifiple payors Is revealed by two Incidents their kaiaer other than In his the successor to the AusFerdinand, which knlser to the narrated and not me, this to establish only chnrge proof uniform, and at all military paroyal tn the character of the wounds suffered the keen enjoyment he derived from trian throne, and his wife by a Ser- rades or reviews he always rode a on Jane 2D, 1014, gave Germany by my soldiers but la the shape of un- them enn be fully understood only by bian white he that horse, be most might used cartridges which we found In the those who know how much the kaiser the excuse for which she had been conspicuous, and bore the mace royal so to start a European which his ancestors had long appreciates getting something for waiting captured forts." centucarried conflagration and found Austria as ries before him. Strangely enough, the kaiser sent nothing. With the death anxious for war as her ally. "Roumnnla our food wanted Wilson for to President off his protest gold between medieval monarchy struggle But even had Emperor Franz Joseph and about the same day that President products," he told me. "They demanddemocracy raging abont him the Poincare forwarded a similar protest ed pure gold and they set enormous shown reluctance to plunge hla nation kaiser was determined to toot a based upon the use of dumdum bullets prices on their wares ; but we needed Into war and had Austria1 refused to tittle of his prerogatives. yield autoIlls what they had to sell and we were chastise Serbia for the murder of the mobile still made Its by the Germans. known coming by Xleg&rdlng the violation of Belgium's ready to pay even the outrageous Archduke I doubt very much whether Its distinctive and the ofkaiser demanded. would And then they have allowed that the prices they icutrality, the kaiser was able to royal palaces were maintained in fer no reasonable argument. The fact foolishly declared war against us and event to have gone unavenged. all their accustomed pomp that be was willing to pay Belgium for we got It all for nothing! When I It touched him In one of his most But while the kaiser's armies were permission to allow his armies to go spoke to Ulndenburg about the con- vulnerable spots. The sanctity of roy- triumphant In the field, the principle through that country was apparently templated campaign against Rooms-ni- a alty Is one of his most cherished Ideas, which he was combating was, everyhe said. This will be a very inter- lie felt sponsor for the monarchies where sufficient justification In his eyes for gaining ground. On March 15, refused what campaign. It was. We got all of the world, as we feel sponsor for 1917, the czar abdicated and force esting Belgium taking by Russia, ' we wanted and didn't have to pay a the democracies. A thrust at a throne whose antocratic form , to selL of government rewas it." for a to have stab at the kaisers heart, and had long been the penny TIow foolish of Belgium envy of the German The kaiser beamed all over as he with or without .the sisted us 17 he declared. In this conof aristocracy, became a republic! nection. TIad they consented to let contemplated the results of Rouma- Austria I firmly believe he would have "The downfall of the Russian em'In war. nian the entry gone to any lengths to have avenged pire was brought about us walk through we would have paid by England for everythin" everything I , Not a ..When the German troops entered the crime of Sarajevo. because she feared that the Czar was hair of their heads would have been Tornapol, Russia, at a later time they It Is true tliat the kaiser sent & hbout to make a separate peace, the touched and Belgium today would he captured vast quantities of Amerlc&n-mad- e message, to the czar of Russia in kaiser commented to me. "As a matwhich he pointed out that Austria ter of fact, however, neither hospital supplies. in the same harpy financial condition the czar We were just figuring what this ought to be allowed to chastise Serbia that Luxembourg is." tisgoveramc;p,.tc.vcr..Jippn .ached y selznreramourrtta-iar'iincl'''Kir-firm4 a CltBourIuie'rfwiM'tnm"'thr other us on that subject, and when E island subsequent interview we ferred to Belgium again, and the kai- doctors were strutting around as If European powers, remarking. "We overthrew the Russian monarchy she ser alleged that Japan had violated they, owned the world, declared the princes must hold together," hut there defeated her very purposd. "With the the neutrality of China when she sent kaiser, "when One of my officers was can be no doubt that that was very czar on the throne Russia would probfar from the outcome deast to his ably have gone on fighting ns. troops through Chinese terrltoryto approached by a group of " r lhete greny-- J ew8r-seize Indeed, the Tnmtstrnetif Tbf ATfnougn the knlser bore no particuto them. do are to Serbia had been They surplles belorged accomplished with- lar love for the czar, whom he- was It Is all right for the allies these things," he commented sarcas- our private ioperty; we bought them out war the kaiser would have been a fighting, he had no desire to convert tically, but when Germany docs them and we should be compensated If you most disappointed man. and If Russia the empire Into a democracy, and his England rises up in righteous Indig- seize them,' they contended. Did you had failed to mobilize her troops, bitterness toward England for what nation. The hypocrites ! Why, we pay for them? my officer asked. 'No, which gave Germany a pretext for he thought was her'part in the estabfound papers in Brussels which we didnt pay for them, but we gave crossing the Russian border, I havent lishment of the Russian republic was shewed ondnsm'ly that England and our notes, they replied. Then, said the slightest doubt that Germany very pronounced. r.elglcni hr d a secret agreement by my officers, when you take up those would have prodded Russia Into war. a When, a few months later, the abdiv.hlch In the event of war with Ger- notes well puy for these stores; In anyway, knowing that France weald cation of the czar was followed bv the was to he permitted to the meanwhile well just take them. follow. Der Tag many Eng-un(the day) had abdication of King Constantine cf We pu-Ithose serums secured bandages, every- come for which Germany had been Greece, the kaiser sustained occupy Belgium! Wove got another ia Berlin. We could have no thing, la fact, that w neetUd so very planning and platting, and nothing on blow which hurt kka mors than the The Kaiser as I Knew Him D. S. ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo V ole " ; U-bo- at real-Hans- n U-bo- U-bo- at g. at g, h long-haire- - mao-Ctum- v f. & -- d rs Marvelous Story of Wom&ng Change from Weakness to Strength by Taking Druggist Advice, . Ind.I rf. suffered from Fero, placement with backache and draggimj badly that at times could sot be on my feet and it did not seem as though could stand it. I 1 i Jfo IVW trisuiifferent Without 1 F benefit ft -- My hama Vegetable drugtne o f i -- 'if Compound. I took It with the result that I am now well - i good. gist told Lydia E. Pink-- , ? 1 and several doctors told me nothing but an operation would do me Err ' and strong, i I up fat the morning at fourodock, do my housework, then go to af actory and wore all day, come home and get supper and feet good. 1 don't know how many of my mends I have told what Lydia E. Pinkbams Vegetable Compound has ments hesitation. done format. "Mrs. Anna Metesiano. Your country would like to make a S6 West 10th St, Peru, lnd. jW omen who suffer from soy such ailrepublic out of Germany, he comshould to mented, a republic like France, per- mentsand herbnot fail try thisE.famous root remedy, Lydia all down the haps, going down and Compound. Vegetable I ruled a time by lawyers country And he mentioned half a dozen of the Resigned in Favor of Horse. great French statesmen who were A prosperous grocer had oocasioa the legal profession. Its members to a new errand boy. Trade engage when It a for gets sad a country thing was very brisk, and the lad had a Into the hands of the lawyers. France deal of work to do la delivering great and Italy are already controlled by In different parts of the town. parcels ara and England them, and America "Well, ! Johnnie, how did you get aa their example rapidly following on Saturday V asked the groeern The kaiser Regarded the German Monday morning. people as his own property to do with fine, "Oh, replied Johnnie, but Ill as he liked. When I referred to the be leavin at end of the week. the he conversation "German people in "Why, Johnnie, what's np now? would delicately correct me by referqueried his master. "Are tie wages ring In his reply to my people." not high enough?' ocWhen, for Instance, I said on one "I'm not flndln any fault with the casion, "I understand, your majesty, the boy, "but the fact Is, pay, replied are anxious German the that people doin a horse oat of a job. Im good for peace," he answered, Yes, Da via, ' here. my people are strongly In favor of peace, but they want a German peace Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured no allied peace! by local application as they cannot reach He believed that Just as the universe the diseased of th ear. There la is ruled by God so should the earth only one wayportion to cure Catarrhal Deafness, that le by a constitutional remedy. be dominated by an earthly ruler and end HALLS CATARRH MEDICINE act him selected God the task. had for that through the Blood on the Mucous Surface of the System. Catarrhal Deafness I To displace him in favor of a repub- caused by an Inflamed condition of the Piuk-ban- zs lican form, of government, to substitute a ruler elected by the people for a monarch deslgnatedby God was in his opinion the basest sort of sacrilege, and the unfortunate part of it all was that the majority of his people coincided with him. They preferred to be ruled by a hand of iron rather .than to rule themselves. Some day they may he awakened to the blessings of but up to the present time they have not shown the slightest indication that they would prefer to rule than be ruled, and because they submit so willingly to the kaisers domination he has become obsessed with the idea that the rest of the world should follow suit. mueoua lining of the Eustachian Tuba When this tube la inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperfect hearing, and when It ks entirely closed, Deafnesa i the result. Unless the Inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing may be destroyed forever. Many cases of Deafness are caTreed by Catarrh, which is an Inflamed condition of the Mucous Surfacea ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for any case of Catarrhal' Deafness that cannot CATARRH he cured HALLS by MEDICINE. All Druggist 75c. Circular frea F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio. The kaiaer and other German leaders believed that their army was Invincible and that when Der Tag the day" arrived, Germany would crush her enemies and gain all her ends within a few months. Even after America entered the war, the kaiser seemed supremely confident of an overwhelming Doctor Davis relates victory. some of tho kaisers boasts In the next installment of his narrative. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It (TO ,DE CONTINUED.) Cuticura Ktila Dandruff. Anoint spots of dandruff with Cut) cura Ointment Follow at once by hot shampoo with Cuticura Soap, If man; next morning If a woman. For free samples address, "Cuticura, Dept X, Boston. .At druggists and by mafl. Soap 25, Ointment 25 and 50. Adv. Hed Uual!y Not Worth It The trouble with the man you have to know to like is that usually he is so disagreeable that few people care to make a second attempt to know him. Detroit Free Pres. Important to Mothers . .Bears the' -- NOW Well-Know- CALLED n From . Signature In Use for Over Years. , Inconsistency. "Did you ever notice, queried the almost philosopher, "that a man will stick his hand out to Bee if Its raining and then become peeved If h catches a drop on It? NICKEL-SILVE- R Metal Has Been Relieved the Obliquity of Bearing German Nam. One of the largest concerns in this country has recently changed the name of the alloy heretofore known .as German silver, and Is now marketing this commodity as nickel-silveand a publication devoted to the metal industry suggests ' that the word silver be eliminated entirely, as there la no silver in the combination. This publication says: "If tho nickel is taken from an 18 per cent German silver, alloy only a two and one brass will remain. Why not then call the compound nickel-brasor, if commercial objections are too strong to be overcome at once, why not nil It nickel alloy? The various contents of nickel may be designated by utilizing the different percentages that the alloy contains. Thus, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, IS per cent, etc., nickel-alloIt Is a fact that some manufacturers are n 'ffis!gMfrng HQiematerlai1 now being sold as Sheffield plate, aa' r-plate on a nickel base. We see no reason why the. same argument does not arply to the alloy being called metal-handlin- SO Children Cry for Fletchers Castori Punk Breakfast Fruit g "Do you like pumpkin? "Not when it is disguised as Boston Transcript . r, -- e. Dont 6a Freni BiitoVoreel Are yon always weak, miserable ad Then it half-sick- ? time yos found wrong. Kidney weakne causes mack suffering fvm backache, and rheumatic stiffness lameness, paina, and if neglected, bring danger op serious troubles dropsy, gravel Brights ' disease. Dont delay. U Doans Kidney Fillx. They hav helped thousands and should help Joa- what s, is ! An Id&Iio Case y. ' al-Te- dr Mrs. J. W- Eighth 1st, iston, Idaho, says: bad trouble from L" OHO stive- Minor Scales. There are two Torms of the minor scale, viz the melodic and harmonic. The former Is siroetlmts called the vocal minor scale, lecanse It is easier to sing than the harmonic. The latter has an augmented second between the' sixth and sevent- degree, and this Is difficult to sing until one has acquired a certain degree of proficiency. The harmonic minor scale Is more used la Instrumental than la vocal canta-ionp- is a duty. kidneys. my - Mornings al nature. were w my hands lea so bad,fl ! - DORKS 15 HOURS fl DAY e, . "tade-tada-ta-- ta DOM - for Fourteen Years ARTHUR N. ' defeat of one of hi armies would have done. rot' "They are trying to force their ten form of democratic government on Greece," he declared fiercely. "The way they have treated my poor sister, the queen of Greece, Is a shame and a Invadisgrace. They talk about our in actions their out sion of Belgium, have" worse.' I are Infinitely Greece. studied the English people for twenty-fivyears, and they always try to cover their acts with religion and the talk of benefits to civilization and humanity, but, hypocrites that they are, they continue to grab all they can get their hands on Just the same I The fact that Greece had a treaty with Serbia which required her to take up arms if Serbia were attacked and that she had failed to meet her obligations in that respect was naturally of no significance to the kaiser, to whom treaties were but scraps of paper. The keynote of the kaiser's military program lay in the fact that lie realized that it was necessary for him to win In order to hold his throne.' I feel wilquite sure that if the allies were terall the to concede to Germany ling ritory she has conquered Belgium, Serbia, Boland, Roumanla, Russia and part of France, and restore all her colonies, upon condition that the kaiser step down from the throne, he would reject the proposition without a mo- hardly close my feet were too. The my eyes wa up end I annoying eymptom El S Pr hadrf ' kids Doans V Kidney fixed me up 1 f shape." Grt Dean, at Any Store. 60e a B if DOANS Y ecr EasiaEss Prslless o a ii.b.mj asa JJffl6. t A.. |