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Show iimii STAYNER-LLOY- LAYTON A wedding of interest to Kaysville people was that of Miss Maye Stayner and Lewellyn Lloyd of Salt Lake, which took place last night at the home of the grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Lloyd. The eceremony was performed at 7 o'clock in the presence of the relatives and a few close friends LaeaUd ia tb miUxt of frrtil fielda. ta production of milky tomtuxa and tu(ir beets. Has tbe factory of tbs Laytoa Suxar eocnpaor. eanaery, roller mills, creamery and concrete section of state rood. Good opportunities (or those seek ins suburban acreace for fruit rowing:. truck rardeoiny, cbickeo rmisiny and dairying. On line of Salt Lake A Ox den and Orenon Short Line. Hea electric lurhta and waterworks. Wnte Layton Commercial club for information. U NUPTIALS D Excels and was followed by a reception. The bride who is well known fe Davis county is a teacher in the Salt Lake schools. The groom has recent, ly returned from Fort Logan, Colo and is now serving on one of the draft boards in Salt Lake City. They wii make their home in Salt Lake until Mr Lloyd is called into active militr service. Mrs. Robert Birkin will visit friends in Salt Lake on Saturday. was a end visitor in Salt Lake City. Mrs. William Ramsey Union Suits for Men, Women and Children. ..We have a big assortment in wool, mixed wool and cottoiy fleeced and lighter weights, at prices far below the present market. . BE PREPARED Get your beds covered with Blankets. Keep the children warm as a Spanish Fla. . . I s Our supply is limited, so come early. Mrs. Israel Smith of Centerville is the guest of her mother, Mrs. J. H. Morgan. friends. Mr. and Mrs. Royal I J. Morgan, of Ne-Iva- da are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. Morgan. Pearl Layton has been spend, the ling past week with relatives in Salt Lake. Miss I I jo .HL Our buyers went to New York for this falls merchandise early in July, a month earlier than usual. As a result our savings were very big. Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Munsen ot Ogden spent Friday in Layton with .1 t . weelt- - Miss Pauline Grants of Bountiful visited with Miss Mary Morgan during the week. . I preventative against ' Alit irirtririrlrtrk Mrs. William C. Layton $ J Our customers are now enjoying the benefits of this saving. Our line of winter coats was never better and our materials r have not been cheapened. You be sure that these are usual may Paine & Hurst values t i And every one an Miuimiiiftiil 'iiiiniiniiiiiiiiiniiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiii Mrs. Victoria Ownes of Logan is visiting with her parents, Mr. pnd Mrs. A. J. Egbert, for several days. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Skeen of Miss Vfrna Kilfoyle has guests at the home Last just rewhile I' Mr Skeen KAYSYILLE turned from Winnemucca, Nevada, cranking his Friday evening, 8 fther E P automobile, the engine Tka taryunt city tn narth Dark aontyi where she has spent the last three the crank striking his leg! Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dodd of Roger-an- d far rasidonaa. EaysrtUo fcoi1st fna ylaaa k,Un. O ay stall i and fruit aaaalxy so tab. months with relatives. breaking two bones below the I son, Idaho, visited with friends "and Mahnaant and mat brink plant add rtsadily a kne Ja tba woaltb a tha oity. GaaarmI farm, I relatives here last week. Mark E. Beazer of Raymond, Canalac, ftrnH and ontotahlo rawis far obiy. moat and onnnln aro important ladmtrtso. and Miss Alice Coles, who resides iiJ The da, a former resident of KaysLaa tba Paria Cmtf Ooatral Blab ocbooi, Liberty Loan committee uuam aad now bum a City watar is is ville, the week relawith with her spending .visiting aad ntactria liabtn aro iadaosmnak far t. parents, Mr. ported yesterday that Layton has gone Roma af tba Iala ad Vrintiny tives and friends in Kaysville. and Mrs. John II. Coles, for a short over the top on the Fourth Liberty aad its tHtdsb yriatiay plaat time. Loan. Mrs. Arnold M. Barnes will enterMrs. Eliza Stevenson friends this llls Helen dark, who wa quite ill tain about twenty-fiv- e The public schools of Kaysville have entertained 1 her home in honor of her been closed the evening at members of the Stake board ot reported much better now. today by an order from sister. Miss Florence Stanton of Rock- the Board of Education. the her home at Primary It has ben yesterday Miss Pearl Shelton was a week-en- d ford, ID. announced that they will be discon- afternoon. visitor with friends in Garland. tinued indefinitely on account of the Irvin Egbert and family have Registration for the general elec "Flu epidemic. Mrs, Verna Anthon has been visit- tion next month will be held moved from Devils Slide to on Octoing in Salt Lake for the past week, ber- IS and 29 at the residences where they will make their Layton, of Jesse D. Barlow has cabled his future home. Arnold M. Barnes and Emma J. 1. father, Jesse II. Barlow of Clearfield Mrs. Elizabeth Layton has been visof his safe arrival in Mrs. Lucius Laudie, Mrs. W. E. iting Mrs. J. B. Jarman for a few Strong. England, enrouta to France. Mrs. R. Adams and Mrs, Barlow Wiggill, days. is in the Young Christopher E. Layton, Edwin Webb, Melvin ambulance Adams Sprague unit to which sea. motored to Salt Laki Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Barnes 1 Owen Barnes and Miss Jeanette eral Davis on Monday and spent the City are 'boys county attached. all Barnes, of day., Downey, Idaho, have Salt Lake were Kaysville visitors yesbeen spending several days with KaysRobert Birkin, manager of the Lay-toJ. H. Ashley of Salt Lake City, fa. terday. ville relatives. Drug company, has recently refifteen years in the accounting deWilliam dark of Bexburg, Idaho, sumed his musical work in Salt Lake of the Oregon Short Line George Wilcox, who has been in partment has beep visiting relatives in Kaysville the Dee hospital for several weeks, railroad, has accepted a position with City. Mr, Birkin is the popular tenor recently. was brought home last Monday. At the Union Pacific system and will soloist of Davis county. move his family to Omaha. The new Miss Bessie Bishop left yesterday i.he last reports he ie George W. Green, manager of the very ill and little for Garland, where she will spend hope is entertained for his Ellison Milling company in carries job increased greatly recovery. salary. Lethbridge, Mr. Ashley was admitted to the Utah Albert Canada, was a several months. Layton visitor Wallace Galbraith of Vancouver year. He if the of ron . Friday until Wednesday. Mi, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas II. Bone are Barracks, Washington, has been the Mr. and Mrs. William Allen of Kays- is a former resident of Layton spending ten days with relatives in guest at the John II. Blood home for ville. The East Layton M. L A. held a the past several days. He is enjoyBancroft, Idaho. Miss Helen Spalding, Miss Estella social on Tuesday evening in the a Miss Emily Newman of Salt Lake ing short furlough from his military Epperson and C. A. Epperson attend- amusement hall. W. A. Morten of duties. dty was the week-en- d guest of Miss ed the Loyalty banquet for the Utah Salt Lake was the principal speaker daire Gleason, The Mutual Improvement associa- Press association, which was given at of the evening. After the program tion opened the winter work last Tues- the Commercial were served and dancing club in Salt Lake on J. L. Jolly is visitwith a social in the Kays- Monday in day evening followed, compliment to the newsing at the home of her daughter, Mrs. ville opera house, A short program papermen of the state Fred A. Sheffield. by the war was given, followed by refreshments committee of Utah in recogMiss Grace Eldredge of Cary, Ida- and dancing, nition of th)? valuable publicity work ho, has been the guest of Mrs. Hector done by the press. Miss has leased George Spalding has Young the Joseph W. Ilaight for the past week. Hill farm in West Kaysville and wil the distinction of being the only womPaid for Miss Annie Blood has been quite ill move his family today. Mr. Young an publisher in the state. She is the for the past few days, having been un- has resigned his position with the editor of the Greenriver Dispatch. HIDES able to assume her school duties. Ogden Packing corporation, to take PELTS up fanning. and v. Mrs. Earl Waite of Arimo, Idaho, FURS Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Epperson enter spent the week w ith her mother, Mrs. II I also buy all kinds of Poultry tained a few friends at dinner on TuesSusannah Burton. day evening in compliment to Miss Mrs. H, B. Rucker and daughter ol Helen Spalding of Greenriver, who has Pallas Pictures Presents Collinston were the guests of Mr. been the Layton, Utah Phone 73k2 of Miss Estelle Epperguest and Mrs. Bruce Major on Sunday. son for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn of Lur-lin""ifflii John G. M. Barnes received word Nevada, were the guests of Mr. yesterday from his son, Shirley, who is and Mrs. H. J. Sheffield' last week. a midshipman at the Naval IN academy Mrs, Dolly Brown and Mrs. Dimon at Annapolis, Md., that he has the Layton of Clearfiled were the guests Spanish influenza. However he stated of Mrs. John G. M. Barnes on Tues- that he improving rapidly. day. WANTED Used furniture by the Girls Patriotic league for their club Mrs. John Morton will leave ton the Barnes block. Anyone morrow for Ileber City, where she i2orj)s--ilend furniture to the club desiring will visit with relatives for a short will kindly notify Faye Sanders at the time, or Estella Epperson Kaysville Co-o-p William Barton entertained a few at The Reflex at once. AdV. suit of the very latest styles. there are a great many cotton fiiits,as mixed suits on the market this year, but for j ss values we challenge competition $27.50 up We have been made agents in Ogden for the famous d dresses. Our serges this season have been bigger than ever. A visit to our store will convince you that we are still showing the usual good values we have always shown. Prices .... Co-E- Elhson-backfire- net ALL-WOO- L honest-to-goodne- e. Og-Lak- - You may buy cheaper Mrs. Charles A. Layton. I - - of Moroni lis a guest at the home of Mr. and Telephone $12.98 up o, ta-i- Paime I &. Htarslt ly r Kodaks Cameras Supplies mm n- i I b" son-in-la- n w Grn m ""-Mr- We Carry the Famous Seneca Line . HIGHEST PRICE CHAS. GROSSMAN KAYSVILLE, UTAH Butter Wrappers at The Reflex. I Clothing for Youths w-a- s en needs of youths and catei.e entering young I school. Youth 1 men'wholn I re friends at cards last Friday evening. Dr. C. Q. Cannon of Salt Lake, but Refreshments were served late in the well known-iKaysville, is suffering evening. from a broken leg at his home in Salt do n A DRUG STORE AT YOUR DOOR W. DAVIS CODNTY DRUG CO. Vivian Martin e, .. I lly Gardner Hunting: From the Story by Gardner 1 cTn Xhg cnnfirw promote cally and socially. is C(onlemPat!ng re L C ie, P,e e g00d-fittin- clothes g p hlm mentally, pbysi- - Heating and Tom Forman .. PHONE OR MAIL YOUR ORDERS A wire from our store to your home connects us so closethat ly you have a drug store right at your door.' Phone yourorder and, if you live on a rural route, you will Receive Goods by Parcel-Pos- t by next mail. When you want dress of quality at common drug prices, remember your phone, our store, and our quick . delivery to you. nyton Drug Company love PuIck and thrills; city streets and romance in a big town.- You cant afford to miss charming Vivian Martin. - v, i,nStorof - Zimjyo clothe the ! Kaysville Opera House Saturday, OcL 12th I Company Ogden, Utah iialallillllllLli 1 - . |