Show Poultry Hints Tuberculin testing of ot poultry Is valuable valuable able ahle and accurate for tor diagnosing tuberculosis tu tu- E Eggs RS supply Iron and vitamins In Inthe Inthe inthe the dietary as well as other needed elements An egg a day I U is food tood Insurance Insurance insurance In In- S e Chickens like Uke I people Inherit certain abilities to live lire and resist diseases and other things that cause earl early death and we call coll this vitality or vigor e e Birds will normally molt once a year ear The best layers molt late http that Is I. In late fall taiL They Thel are entitled to this rest and there Is nothing one can aD do except feed well and give them an opportunity to get back their lost flesh S Poultry flocks which are following the recommendations of ot the college based on OD research averaged IH eggs per hen r per r year In to 1031 1931 The production production tion thou records of general farm tarm flocks flock were 10 eggs p per r hen the same year yeara year year- a difference of ot 30 39 eggs per hen heD per year year Iowa I Iowa I-Iowa Iowa State College CoUp |