Show MAKE GARDEN PLOTS OF VACANT CITY LOTS Although a great deal was accomplished accomplished accomplished In the matter of cleaning up up and beautifying our city during th the clean up campaign and Better Homes Week there is 15 still one thing that detracts detracts detracts de de- tracts greatly from tram the looks of the city and the the improvements improvements improvements im im- of those who ho have cleaned up and that is the number of vacant i lots that have ha not been cleaned There is no greater eye sore to any community than a vacant lot run over tr with Ith weeds and strewn with rubbish and Cedar City has its share of them It seems useless for a property owner to attempt to beautify his premises if I i just adjoining there is a vacant lot that is covered with rubbish To make I Cedar City the clean town that it should be all vacant lots MUST be I cleaned It seems that with the garden campaign campaign cam eam- I that is being conducted this spring in which it is the aim of re relief relief re- re lief agencies to have every ery dependant family raise as much of their own food stuffs as possible that most of the vacant lots in town could be put putto putto putto to use in this manner and thus ac accomplish accomplish accomplish ac- ac to purposes gardening and clean cleanup Many people have no place to raise a garden arden and surely the tle property property property pro pro- perty owners O who have ha vacant arant lots would not object to letting someone use it for a garden arden and thus get it cleaned up Something should be done along this line lne |