Show 2 fewer ever eier Auto Licenses Issued This Year Way April was the final flat bat T f automobile owners were given BUch to secure 1933 license plates w II a result Fernleigh Gardner M has been In m charge of the licensing P U a In fn Cedar City had a rather P day 7 although not as busy as fr Jd Id I be expected when it is consider- consider w ow many cars were still unlicensed that date 3 Gardner reported that he sold I flY Is over one hundred licenses durt dur- dur t the fhe Week k and about ninety of S on Saturday There were about hundred cars licensed in Iron last year but to dat date only eight v hundred owners have hare se- se I. I lIcenses censes for 1933 3 hr Gardner has kept the office open this Me week V.-eek and has had calls caUs ute few sets set of plates but numars num- num ars have hafe been seen on the ett stUl bearing 1932 plates |