Show WANTED WANTED light light housekeeping rooms or board and room for lor young couple and two babies Steam heat private home preferred o T fray y Y 1 t 1 1 i t 1 inri I I Our Good Guad Printing and aid M tr D give sive you ou a a letterhead that is h a dignified representative o of your business Du Buy Your Printing HERE r. r FOR SALE or WILL VILL TRADE for UTAH ranch haying ing some outside range and CATTLE Acre ranch anC near l Eu Eugene ugene ene Oregon r S n and State University Pavement most of way Mild climate dimate- New House House- Two Tw large clearings 40 to 60 acres atres having been tilled Springs scattered scattered scattered scat- scat over ranch Partly fenced seeded to hay and grain Fine tine dairying country Five Fhe million feet of virgin timber For or further information write owner C. C J. J WOODWORTH Alaska 6 1 1 I THORLEY FRIDAY and SA SATURDAY Y Ronald Colman In Arrowsmith With Helen Hayes Also Cartoon and Clancy of the Mounted SUN MON TUES TUBS Its It's Here King Kong the picture it took two years to make Come early and be sure ofa of ofa a seat Next Wed Thurs lOc tOc Return Engagement of BIRD OF P PARADISE r I q tJ B J JI ler a 4 m I A rA i w I U mm V p I. I M iMf a ii s u P Y 1 Or 84 t Q l y i 4 f oJ ORPHEUM FRIDAY and SATURDAY Zane Greys Grey's Wild Horse Messa With RANDOLPH SCOTT SALLY BLANE NEWS SOUVENIRS SCREEN SONG SUN MON ON TUES TUBS CONSTANCE BENNETT in her finest fi picture What Price Hollywood With LOWELL SHERMAN NEIL HAMILTON COMEDY WED and THURS DIME IE NIGHTS DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS JR JP In Parachute Jumper With LEO CARILLO BETTE BETIE DAVIS Also BERNICE CLAIRE ALEXANDER GREY In Red Shadow a musical comedy taken from THE DESERT SONG COMING Merrily We Go GoTo GoTo GoTo To Hell I Trial Subscription Beginning Saturday May 6 the Record Record Record Rec Rec- ord Publishing Company will give a atrIal atrial atrial trial subscription TO ANY NON SUB NON SUB SUBSCRIBER SCRIBER for six months for lor only This offer will be in force for one week wE-ek closing Friday May Iron County Record Record Readers will do friends a faver favor favor or er if they will notify them of this liberal offer Pp p I p S rZ tj-jaa tj a B Sleep All Night TillS THIS TEST FREE If It It Falls Falb box ot of DURETS mad from Physic the bladder as Sou jou v. v would uld the bowels Drive out the impurities and excess a adds acids ds which cause the Irritation irritation irritation tion that wakes altes you up Get a regular leaves juniper oil etc eta After Aner four days test if not satisfied go back and get t your They work ork on the bladder similar to castor oil oU on the bowels Bladder irregularity is natures nature's dan danger r signal and may warn you of trouble You are tUe bound to feel better after this clean cleal cleaning ng and you ou get your our regular sleep Jeep Sold b by Petersen Drag Drig Co Adv Classic I Beauty Parlor North Main l Phone A. A ANN N CORBY CORRY GOLDA COX COY I I Proprietors ton NEW SHOT SHINE PARLOR i Adjoining Hunter Cleaners I SHOES lOc lOe BOOTS I II I WHITNEY LEN DENNIS Prop p 1 rII I J I It a u 1111 a lot m 7 Maeser DaSSey Daney Real Deal Estate I Fire automobile and plate glass Insurance Surety Bonds Only the strongest Insurance Companies represented Are you ou having difficulty in paying insurance premiums Would it be a benefit to you to pay your premiums in nine p monthly installments with a very small handling charge iI i I am now in a position to offer you this additional service I See me for Full Details Phone Old Bank Bide Cedar City Ut UtI I W- W FOR SALE SALE Electric Electric Singer Sewing Machine practically new AUSTIN a. a X Adv A- A 27 n. M 4 A MOTHERS l DAY SUGGESTION j If distance makes it impossible impossible impossible im im- possible for you ou to be with her Mothers Day telephone your greetings Its It's like being there in person Your voice is you and theres there's a thrill in hearing hearing hear hear- i ing familiar a voice miles awn f. a. The Long Distance operator will be glad to tell you the rate I 4 it j The The Mountain States L' L Telephone Telegraph Co Kentucky t A Burley Tobacco l Direct Dired From Grower To You Old Kentucky Burley Tob Tobacco cco is the cream of the finest crops crop Kentucky's bountiful soil can produce ripe rich leaves leaves- and mellow with that rare old-fashioned old flavor and fragrance that only proper aging aging ag ing can produce We bank on 01 onit onit it you have never tasted or smoked a finer flavored more satisfying tobacco in all aU your you life SPECIAL OFFER FIVE POUNDS SMOKING TOBACCO 1 l f fRich Rich Ripe Old Fashioned Leaf Our Old Kentucky Burley Durley is i nomore namore no na nomore more like manufactured than day is like night Guaranteed Guaran Guara teed free from chemicals and all other adulterations that conceal imperfections delude the sense of taste and undermine the health We use the same method our grandfathers used in preparing tobacco for their own use use use- every trace of harshness leaves it nothing to bite your tongue or parch your taste Thousands of tobacco lovers the world over swear by its able smoking and chewing REDUCE YOUR J 1 1 We sell di- di TOBACCO BILL 2 reet from the grower this eliminates the eighteen cents a pound Revenue Tax all aU manufacturers' manufacturers and middlemen's profit thereby effecting a saving saving saving sav sav- ing to you of 50 or more No fancy packages no decorations just quality and lots of it MONEY SAVING PRICE SMOKING 5 Ibs lbs Send us One OR for Dollar Cash CHEWING P. P PO P.O. O. O or Express Express Express Ex Ex- press Money l Order no personal checks and ancl we will promptly ship you a five pound package of Burley To To- bacco I Five pounds of Old Kentucky I Burley will make 40 90 large packages packages pack pack- ages of cf smoking or 50 twists of chewing Send 35 cents in silver siT 5 53 3 C and am we trill WN s ship p Po t Po t. t Paid one pound of Buley IJu Lu Luley ley Tobacco as a trial offer A Atrial Atrial trial will convince you We have thousands of requests I daily for Samples our margin margin margin mar mar- gin of profit is so small we wC cannot cannot cannot can can- not comply with these requests We do not ship C. C 0 O. D D. D orders to do So eo would require a large staff of clerks Orders must be beIn bein bein in English language Independent Tobacco Growers Association McClure Frankfort Ky |