Show THREE BRIDES ENTERTAINED Three recent brides Mrs William Osborn Mrs Lorin Wheelwright and Mrs 1 Durrel Corry were guests of honor honor honor hon hon- or at a non-hostess non party at the residence residence residence resi resi- dence of Mr and Mrs W W. H. H Leigh covers being laid for thirty-six thirty guests The brides brides' table was covered with an Imported ivory satin linen with tall Ivory and peach tapers and bridal wreath and spring flowers were the decorations An attractive gift was given each bride Mrs Bert Smith was was toast master for the evening Toasts were given by bythe bythe bythe the brides and their mothers and the following responded with toasts Mrs G G. G O. O Larson Miss Maxine Froyd Mrs LaPreal Smith Miss Ella Gardner Mrs Lillian Corry and Mrs Wheelwright Wheelwright Wheel Wheel- wright of Ogden Utah During the luncheon Miss Alice Williams sang two solos and Miss Roma Jarvis Janis played a piano solo The evening was spent in table games and Cross Word puzzles Mrs Alton Paulson was chairman of the arrangements |