Show WEAR illS HIS FLOWER FLOWER His fixed bayonet was pointed toward toward toward to to- i ward the enemy JIb Ills steel helmet was tilted down over o determined eyes An unseen machine gun sprayed his path with death but he went forward for Am America In a studded popy-studded wheat field he fell They burled buried him after the wave wa of battle had swept by and poppies sprang up around his grave C HU JILl victorious vic vie comrades returning to America brought memories of the poppy On Saturday May 27 the men of the American Legion will ask us to wear a poppy The women of the American Legion Auxiliary will offer us poppies on the streets and will give I us an opportunity to aid the war var disabled dis cis- ls the widows and the fatherless I children Can there be a person in Cedar City in whom the pulse of ot patriotism patriotism patriotism pa pa- beats so low that he will IU re refuse refuse reo re- fuse He lie who can so soon forget the i patriotic sacrifices of the past Is a It person person per per- son from whom ham friends community and country can expect little of ot unselfish unselfish un un- s selfish service today or In the future |