Show Court Fails to Convict Trio Warren Brownie Mackelprang Max Music Murie and Leo Corlett were brought before the District court at Parowan during the past week charged with grand larceny each being acquitted in separate trials Evidence given during the trial however resulted in the arrest of one of ot the defendants Corlett Corlett Corlett Cor Cor- lett on a charge of perjury He was given a preliminary hearing on that count today and bound over to the next term of court The original complaint was brought against Mackelprang and Murie Murle ac accusing accusing accusing ac- ac cusing them with having killed two steers belonging to Chris Ashdown on February They were alleged to have killed the steers In Cedar canyon canyon canyon can can- yon and taken the beef to Las Vegas Vega and disposing of it The officers built their case around Corlett as the principal principal prin prin- cipal witness but when he failed faUe to give evidence that would convict the theother theother theother other two a complaint was filed against against against a- a him charging him with the same offense as the other defendants Mackelprang was tried first and was acquitted without sending the evidence to the Jury because of lack of evidence and the judge ordered the arrest of Corlett on perjury Murie Murle was released without trial and Corlett faced the court on the larceny charge yesterday He Jle was acquitted after the Jury had deliberated until after midnight last night |