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Show Will CZAR LEAN UPON UTAH STATE NEWS iKiiliall rlci Saturday l.y a Tin n-or- 111 of to 24 r lion. Tha of the Salt week. niii-i-ii'l- b-l- i roiivi-ntin- I' T I' a an held in t'ny I lie !a'ii-- part r tint W I will r riipliili-ri- at anni:il i ha a maili- - Hu appearance lii lin- - of Trli'iilnitii iiiiiiiaiiy rrmii Halt IM) to Lilian v.us eiunIm--t III;. (deled Tin t'lali full trin (inn i,iiiHliy tiaa tiliins al wink till tl.i- Mil (if (In Ia lilt, i.ml Hu. work la k"Hik h'.uii rapidly. in Hie Salt J.afc- - ImiiK i;ir 3101 anii'tinw-i- l to f 157.2'iij 723, while tin) for flu year Jjuj H la total will reai'li $20'i.(i'Hi iinn. Salt lake in (lirenteiiml will) a am famine, short ik nf cars on But roads handlim; the product id the coal mine Inilng tie chum' There appear to In- a great demand fur laborer In Salt iJtke City, aa employment agent declaring last week that he cuiilil Mini work (or at m-- - VI W'l'.-.I'T- - leak I GUO nit'll. George, iitirkeii, a funni-- pollei-nia:- i f l)Kleii. while riding a bicycle, collided wlih another rider ami wu everely Injureil, hi leg and riba being broken. In Total death fmin all cause tilth during the month of September were 301. Typhoid rlnimed the great-aa- t number of tlcllins. Of 304 rases, twenly alx remilw'd fatally. John Wright, uf Salt l.ake, received a aontenre of tifteeii day ill thu city Jail aud a lecture from Judge 0. D. tilehl, fur Icaviug hla I cum standing in tha alreet for acveral hour. Two Salt lathers are In the grariu at Ing clasa at Annapolis which wlb graduate early In February' of ncxl year, They are Stephen Wlnchestei Wallace and William Cyrua Darker, Jr A. U Kaiser, an cnKlncer who for merly lived at flleun'a Ferry, Idaho, aulclded In a Salt laike City lodging huu mi, taking strychnine. It la bo r IfovOtf" ltffT),am'ffc9pondrtit orw lack of fnnda. Tha roul valuta men of Stilt ara fonuliiK a "laamtcr'a club," which ia to roiiKlHt uf every man In tha city who wanla to do wliat he ran to hole Ilia city by saying a kmh1 word when aver opportunity offers. Growing bualncra at Salt Lake and In tha territory adjacent to Salt Lake, la the reason given by the Dnrllngton for Ha announced Intention to build 100 ntllea of new road In order to on ter the Utah metropolis. William Haronclicgt, ilia aim of Mr. and Mr. Hermann Ilaren chegt, of Ogden, waa driving a cow to water when ha tied tha rape around hla walit Tha oow ran away and dragged tha boy' to death. A a attempt waa made to destroy (he Ilngroe school building. In Ogilen, by fire one day Inst week, presumably by buys who had a grudge against a teacher. Dut little damage was done by the fire, however. W. M. I .nnd, of Salt lake, is the owner of a kitten that was born three works ago with only three legs. Mr Land also possesses a dog that waa born with three legs, the dog being on exhibition at the late fair. The largest delegation that cvei attondiMl the Utah Federation uf Wu men's club gathered at Sprlngvlllc on the li'lh. and held Its first meeting ol the twelfth annual convention in the ehupcl uf the ITcshytcriuii ctmrcli. Mrs. CIcsson S. Kinney, tin past two years president of tlu Utah Stair Federation, waa reelected to thnt of lid, and Mrs. Mary M. F. Allen ol Dark City was made ib-- president, nl In Springiille. tin recent Ill a lertn.ii orchard In Caclif county la:--t year. 73 per cent of Iht fruit was win my. Tins year each tree wax sprayed twice nt a cost ol scion ecu's per live, and less one per cent of tin fruit was wormy Fvidcmiy spraying pays. Illrinl Wh.muua, mi old Maori chief, died in the L P. S. hospital In Salt l.ake lust week, from appendicitis. Do was convortcd to the Mor moo faith by missionaries in 18S2. and rnmo to Salt laiki in 1X94 to do temple work for his ancestors. Daniel W. Tmcc.r. who shot James Faddlos In n Clear Creek saloon February jn, i !)ir,, was convlctd of murder In tho Hccoml degree at I'rico last week. The murder grew out of a divorce contemplated proceeding against Tracey by Faddlos daughter Mads C. Wangsgaaril, a well known resident of Weber county, met with injuries at Huntsville Friday that resulted In his death several hours later lie, with olbers, waa working In a gravel pit when the bank caved In covering Mr. Wsngsgaard completely r T President Roosevelt Given Con tinuous Ovation During Mis Visit South. ly The Victim Attacks His Slayer While Almost Insane From Wltt, It Drink anil Jealousy. to St. Petersburg. Count bus definitely come imjM-ria- l favor, and tbs shrewdest ole consliler It certain that hlU to khortly tie In active direction ofthe Executive Chief of Visit During aa premier and head A Montgomery He Speake to s Great cabinet. of Since hla ream Shadow the Under Throng fniri be United Statea Count iota the Confederacy First himself on the aide ofthe Ims r.iug'-Capital. bbciuls and lisa not only advogd'-complete liberty of speech, of the Mi 1ien.bnt It!-Diriiiinchaiii. press and of assembly as a carifliry of tlie ci mi Ing doiima, but baa dged .1 sir minus d.iv in 4' veil cuiicl'idi-l i'll the extension of the powere ofthe Icilii.i mi Tuesd.ii b a tan liimi-til III! ll.ill1.' Ilil III where Ids I ( ;!' Ill, ib m ma along the lines demandehy m at Hie n fnrmi aa well as a broiler ill i eepilil Wl'h tin . ' I'M W.l .Hid Tn: !.: trancliixe, so aa to admit of fi.l-Ills l.t .uid x ml xf ii i in;.representation from the ranks (4 laulo-l7 lilt Ml bor and Hie riiltured classes. nr loci., speei.il j Mil Tin emperor, (o whom the ifud Ir.uii Mili'gliii r. lor Tuskt-)'.-'-Voutlined hla views, i ;iis in til' Tiid.i'i1'''' iioriniil mi l in much sympathy with them'ind lie 1elli.id!:.r F'liiiilc college wei it I learned favored a number; of erowd'-i- l Ill'll ( lll'le less lllll tWn miiiixiiTH suggested by the count; . tn Mir.-- rfiil lin in ill iiinir had Juki nr biding General Trepoff, aslsun' of the Interior, who tow riled wlien tin executive stepped mlnl-te- r iik as on of the most broadmiul-- I ll r from Ilin cm III Muntgoiiieri of his majestys counsellors, ud he s;iki In ii great throng under lit1 ..Im Is iinderstiKid to be working tsr lir.d e.ip-II;- . rnoiiloiisly with Count Witte. kIi.iiIuw- uf the CnlirediTiicy' mil was on Ids wav aisiiti ;it 2 JERRY SIMPSON CALLED. ii liefiil ( o'clock. A few inillllll-o'clock the president wa the guest ol From Kants IlirmliiKhum. mid until his train left Unique Congressman as Sockles Jerry," Known at ti:13 p. hi. on tin night rim to l.ltth Wichita. Kana. Former Congrrw IliN'k, Ark., the piexhlcnl was clieere! man Jerry Klmpnon died at 6:93 at every Inin. o'clock Monday morning at SL Fra hpri-rlFollowing the plesident's ex Governor .IuIiiimiiii xpiki In lielciit ci hospital, from aneurism of the of the Uliiii'il CoilfedelMti voter ills aorta. He had ljcn hovering between und jiriKiiiii-i- t to tin president uvcr.il life and death fer ten days. At the young ladies desceml.iiits of Ciinfeil-er.ilMrs. were bedtddo 11111111.-Klmpson and their soldiers mid HimiiMirs and of honor, who present! I to tin presi only child. lister Simpson, of Ri (lent a budge from Camp Hurdle Mr. Simpson was c well, N. M. scions up to five minutes before death. CONFLICT AT KHARKOFF. The end cn in without a struggln, Tho sage of Medicine Lodge, u on Both Many Casualties Reported Jerry Simpson was called, was In Sides. one of the most unique respect every A serious con Kliitrkoff, Ituusln. which adorn the history of characters flirt between the troops and Hie peocongress. He waa swept Into the ple. during which there were many cor grows by a wave of casiialtles mi both aides, occurred Kansas populism, charged with the hero Tuesday night. While a meet- task nf reforming the whole govern ment and living down Ihe only ading of 20,000 citizens, atudenta and vance Information his colleagues had workmen, was In progress, the cry ot of his personality that he won nt "the Cossacks arc comlug" waa sud- socks. The latter task he succeed'd denly raised, and a panic followed. in accomplishing In fact, although quite lost the title "SocMw want injured .. la x. ill ho never His Alaoj. accoityllid-legislative crush. Submsiucnlly tho crowd came Jerry. ments consisted In turning popnls In contact with a detachment of eastern cnntlment regarding pniallsB revolver allots were flrwl by from acornlng ridicule to n pert fdl aoiiie of the civilians nnd small bomba consideration during hit service of six Flfry-thtrwere hurled among the cavalry. Th years In the biller (hereuion tired two volleys wilh and Fifty-ttftcongresses, when hi blank cartridges and then fired with waa swept out by another Kinsn hulleta. Doth sides aiilfercd seriously wave. Many of the wounded wen left on Hit RIOT AT SANTIAGO DE CHILE. ground when the crowd dispersed. now t " r. r Miitlli.-niiiei'- 1 he.-ir'- i l )sr.-.nnall- y I In-- . - l e 1 Fifty-secon- d iMti-ao- cai-Blr- Fifty-secon- Equitable Stockholders to Be Given Chance to Vote for Directore. New York. (Inner Cleveland. Mon gan J. O'llrien und George Wcstlng-lioiise- . the stock voting Iriiatcca In the Kqultahla I.lfe Assurance society, on Tncaday sent out through the secretary circular loiter tn all the policyholders of the society asking for suggestions aa to the selection of thirteen directors to lie rhoaen by the president. The clreular uniiotinces that the next annual meeting of the diroctor will he held at the oltlce of the society In New York at noon December 6. when the trustees will vote for thirteen directors, of whom seven will Ie taken from the policy-holder- London's Enormous Debt. The chairman of the Ism don county council, tn his annual financial statement Tuesday after noon, gave a remarkable exposition of the Increased resiHinsIldlltli's of the couticll since It was constituted in 1 SSS. He compared the operations of l.MM D with thus' of the first year ot Hie council' exlxtciice, and show-that In xs;i the council took oicr a net debt of '7..rini,i1unn1 while at the iiil of March, i:"C. th debt aiuoiiui Hi n Ixv.l-'.oil to Ciiiinclls i'iclidltiiri"S wen $17,r,',i. Indon. In 1! I'l'ii. fSll.llllll.lllIl). 1 the wer' se.-sio- n Ih-i- r Great govi-Mirne- Echo, mnl Hip iiitln' m'IdhiU liaio anil a rigid fuaran'iin i lnui-.- l Tin Count Is in Imperial Favor and Things Aro Expected of Him tho Down-- redden Russian G. liy Mu' law Henry who died In Salt Ijtke fa tainiil at a iiiaiw-( a mil- Missourian Gets Five Years for Forg. ing $700,000. St. Jom pli. Mv- W. II. llarroiin charged wl:h 1111111: forgel $7011,111111 worth ef bills cf lading ami obtaining money on them, was found guilty by a jury Tuesday nt.lit mil Hi penalty fixed at live years In tie penitentiary. The forgeries i committed a year no end were prim-i- illy on Hurling ton bills of lading, llarroiin was a prominent grain merchant, operating large delators unl ofllce In St. Joseph, Kansas City and St. lnuls. Alice in Ogden. The Ogden. special train bearing n. 11. Harrhmin. the railroad magnate; Julius Kruttschnitt and other railroad nltlclals, ami Miss Alien Knosevelt nnd party returning from Orient, arrived In Ogden Tuesday C'ght nt lt:2n. ;md alt hough a stop of lint three minutes was schedule.!, the train remained here ten minutes, dur Ing which time the pirty promenaded the depot platform. Hundreds of dtl tens gathered at the depot to see the distinguished guests. tS STORM FIERCE A KILLS HUSBAND i ItmaiHiiley, fill 5 detested Salt loike on LAKES LASHED SHOW M, WITTE'S 1 lit l ull .he Ilenii-- r GREAT L d Pollcs Kill Ten Rlotera and Wound Hundreds. do Chile. A meeting 01 Santiago Monday called to petition the government to abolish tho Import tax on Argentine cattlo degenerated Into a most serious riot, owing to ths absence of the troops, who are now In maneuvers two days mart from the capital. Tho police, who were unable to maintain order, charged the crowd and killed tea person and wounded hundreds. Ths rioters destroyed street cars sad smashed electric lights. At S o'clock the rioting was at Its height sal the fire department was called out to order. e BEAT THE RECORD. 8teamer Siberia Makee Fastest Known Trip from Yokohama. San Francisco. The Pacific Mall Steamship cnnipatiy's liner Siberia a Thrived at this port Monday direct from Yokohama In Hie record breaking time of Id days id hour mnl 28 minutes, t rip bet wees the the fasterst two places hailin' made by her sixer ship, the l na. in ) days 11 hours nnd r, nnnnies. The Siberia's time I id lmur. nm "s minutes longer Ilian tin Iran ; rrcrrd. hold by the t'aua. li.in Iaciiic liner I'ai-itl- c Midnight Tragedy in Salt Lake City the Result of a Wife's Indiscretion Mon Fought In Presence of Woman and Her Children. Salt John Mathews, S3 years of age, an employe of the Salt Lake waterworks department, was shot to death at midnight on Sunday by Frank Womack, an employe of the Oregon Short Une freight depot, who roomed City. at Mathews borne, 631 West First North street. over Jealousy Mrs. Elisabeth Mathews, wife of the dead man, caused the tragedy. For months Mathews bad been auspicious of hla wife and manifested the haired toward Womack. bitterest Mathews had accused Womack of paying attentions to Mrs. Mathews on numerous occasions. He ordered Womack to leave the place, but Mrs. Mathews insisted upon renting a room to Womack. Sunday night Mathews came home and quarreled with his wife, after which he went to Womack's room and called him out. Womack slipped on his trousers and coat and followed Mathews Into the dining room. They talked In loud tones for a minute or two. Mathews grabbed Womack by the throat and Weinack a temp ted to free himself from Mathews' grasp. He succeeded, and attempted to bolt from the room. Mathews struck him down with a blow on the aide of the head. lle Jumped onto Womack and beat him to the floor. Womack pulled a gun from hla lnshle coat pocket and fired from whore be lay. Three shots entered Mathews body just below the heart He staggered backwards and fell Into bia wifes bed room, dead. Mrs. Mathews Jumped from her bed and fell in a swoon. Her two children, 8 and 6 years of age, were sleeping with her, and both saw their father fall dead. Womack Immediately notified the police and gave himself up. He denies that Mathews had any cause for Jealousy. Mrs. Mathews Is prostrated. t bin.i. hama and cicrcd a ur : W.if hingt p'vig r. It ( r ; . Yi-- ji Ce.-- Hidden Tragedy Unearthed. i . . aP--l -n- gun-da- y Victim. 0? Rs.iwsy "Accidents, Washinuion 1ip;:., thn VrelTe nionllis ('tub'll .bin 3.1, 15 eons were kiihd , ho rei:.t cf , trains, t' report Pf the cor 1;,t f., Interstate roaimi.iglon- ac.-id,- nco-r.lim- (omparisen w i, M Minr crease of clci.-- k"t..i nnii 4,.,3 Jttrcd among ployes, the tnereae 1., 1.;,,. brt wholly among number ot employ, , ki l .x ' decrease of IdC. e L-ik- NEW YORK TEAMSTERS STRIKE. Non-Un'o- n h - ':.-- aft-rni- ni BOATS COLLIDED. Hanged Himself in the Garret. rrofeasor Sylvester Baltimore. Dwight Judd, aged 35 years, formerly an assistant professor of biology at Georgetown, was found early Sunday morning hanging by a rope from a on rafter in the garret of his homecomthe old Frederick road, he having mitted aulclde. About a year ago professor Judd, owing to mental trou-bjfeist his government position. He was sent to an asylum, where after for melancholia, having been treatedmuch improved and he appeared to be xr as discharged. e, Cunliffe Declares That the Sum Which He Took From Ex- press Company is Intact Arrested at Bridgeport, Conn., Said He Was Sorry Five Minutes After Yielding to Temptation. When tig-ure- Pan-Russia- Six Men Are Drowned While on a Pleasure Trip. Beverly, N. J. A launch containing nine men, all of Philadelphia, collided with a barge In the Delaware river off this place late Sunday afternoon, resulting In the drowning of six of the The occupants of the little boat. other three were reamed by the crew of the tugboat Bristol, which waa towYokoing the barge when the accident hapbut she pened. K.dnapped. h Cleveland. (). Fix in the best Information iilitainatile lives and nearly a score at Khips were tost on the great lake as the result of the terrific gale which raged for thirty six hours, ending at daybreak Saturday morning. These are the minimum and in all probability will be Increased by later The steamer Bulgaria ranie Info port Saturday bringing new of the Iokm of the barge Tasmania off Pelee island in I.ake Krle during Fridays storm. The TaKnnnia sank at 5 a. m.' 'Friday wiili her entire crew of eight men. The birge Uhoii-ie-i- , vliich broke away from the JoKt-pi- i Fay before th latter was beached at Ilogers City was reporicd ashore Saturday on Cheboygan Point.. She Is In an exposed position, but all of her crew were saved. From Eric conic reports of tho sinking of a icsscl thought to be one of the barges of the fleet of James Corrigan of Cleveland. Captain Stewart nf tho steamer Waller 8. Scranton, which pasKed up tlie Detroit river, Bent word ashore that he had passed a Erie. Captain sinking vessel In c Stewarta report was that the wreck was seen two and a half miles southwest nf tho southeast shoal lightship The top of her cabins showed water, and the Corrigan colors were In evidence. Ee-cap- e Salt Lake City. Hoys found 'the !;n- Yaicnttl, the 1C ycari-da body of an unknown man in the hills r ,i a V.ishon was be rim her. '! to have been near the city. Sunday. Theno body of man a of year I. apparently Mbthat kldnapp. Sa,or. well dressed, the skull being ue, day a.ih 1. ano,der smashed In three places and a revolbn'thcr s!.,- .;.- - : .. .,r, and hu ver with three empty chambers lying .-e been seen t of near. The body had evidently been searched ml d.iv Saur!av md there several months, probably htit 10 tn.ee of Ih. KTlhssbcen lying are pnzzlod, some foutiil. It is bciieicd she was carried a year. The police believing it a case of suicide, others declaring it a foul murder. S.Mli:-- Vessels Driven Ashore or Sent to the Bottom, and the Lose Will Amount to Thousands. Drivers Are Provided With Mounted Policemen ae Escort. New York. Refusal of the Truck Owners association tn accede to tho demauda of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters resulted Saturday In a strike which mny Involve the entire tracking business of this city. In many respects the controversy la similar to that which paralyzed the industries of Chicago for weeks and was attended by rioting. Fearing Just such trouble, Police Commissioner McAdoo detailed a sqnad of mounted men from the traffic aqnad as reinforcements. These precautions prevented eeri-on- e disorders, and although crowds BLOODY BATTLE IN STREET CAR. of strikers gathered In the whole) ale dry goods district, just west of BroadPasaengere Hugged the Floor to way, the novelty of a mounted police Shower of Bullets. escort for every track having a nonNew York. Three men fongbt a union driver awed many tro.ible battle with pistols on an Eighth ave- makers. nue car Sunday, and all of them were OUTLOOK IS SERIOUS. seriously injured. While fhe fight was being waged the car ran at top General Strike Called on All the Railroads of Russia. peed for half a mile, the gong soundSt. an The strike or 1 alland alarm the Petersburg. passengers lying ing fiat on the floor to escape the shower road employes assumed a serlcua asof bullets. pect Saturday, when, with the tires a trackman, great trunk lines out of Moscow comThomas O'Brien, pletely tied up and the other Hoe tow Jumped aboard the car at Thirty-firs- t trains vxre street and, clapping a revolver to the roads embarrassed, conductors head, ordered him to run stopped on the branch road from hi Izh-n union the car at full speed, as he was purNovgorod. The sued by a gang who Intended to kill of railway employes have Istrapd a him. A moment later two more men call for a general atrlke on all the leaped on the car and attacked the railroads of Russia. The extent to When revolvers. first, all three using their weapons were empty they which the call will be obeyed remains clinched and fought with the butts of to be seen, aa the union la of recent their pistols. The car rushed along origin and its strength is an unknown the avenue, the motorman pounding the gong and the conductor shouting quantity. The demands of the .men ate purely for the police, as far as Twenty-sixtstreet, where several policemen board- political, and therefore It Is expected ed It and seised tho three combatants, the strike will last only long enough all of whom were too badly Injured to to serve the purpose of a demonstration. offer any resistance. Km-pre- of IS Irving Laid to Rett. Beside that other great actor, Garrick, and under ths shadows of the Rtatue of Shakespeare, as the interpreter of whose play he won ramo, the ashes of Sir Henry Irving were on Friday given burial In Westminster Abbey, thus bein' accorded England's greatest tribute to her dead. The services, which were of an impressive character, were cimdiirre I In Hie prcaenc' of a con grog: Inn which Included many from Hie highest official life of England. Txnulon. Cossacks and Police Break Up Meeting of Revolutionists. Minsk. Russia. A mootin ; of members of the revolutionary party, held in a Jewish school here on Friday, for the piirKise of discussing the candidate for the national assembly, was dispersed by Cossacks aud police. Workmen in retaliation attacked the Cossack with stick, nnd In tha conflict n hundred persons were slightly and twenty-twseverely injured. Demonstrations In the street continued. o Monopolize Carrying Trade. were reVictoria, B. C. Advice ceived by the steamer Lyra that a combination had been formed of Japanese shipping firms to send tramp steamers to tha United State anl Europe with cargoes from Japanese and points, carrying freight nt a d low rale, nlwut of the presatrnn-.-'rwhich ent rate. The alxty-ai- x were captured while running contraband and confiscated by the prize crews will be used In Conner tlnn with the fleet now In use by the government to bring home the troops. Will Indo-Jnpane- one-thir- a G. Cunliffe, Bridgeport. Edward ths Adairs Express company! employee who disappeared from Pittsburg. Pa., with $101,000 in cash, was arrested here Thursday. He made a , and expressed bis willing V-sto return at cuce to Pittsburg, rte declared that the money which ha took was intact, and that it would bo restored, hut he declined to tell unlit his return to Pittsburg, where it Is hidden. On his person when arrested was found $290 In cash. In the presence of Superintendent Detective ThronhilJ, Hriiuiugham, Henry Curtis, the local agent of the Adams Express company, and Captain detective Arnold of the Brldgejiort force, Cunliffe admlued that he took the money. "Five minutes after I took the said Cunliffe, money I waa sorry, but it waa too late tn do anything. What can you expect from a man goi-tin- g a salary of only SG5 a month and handling thousand of dollars a day.ed 1 was tempted and I fell. I I remember large suma. once when I had $2ii0,000 In cash. 1 was tempted then, but I thought It over and decided to be honest. The robbery for which Cu:iilffe la wanted in Pittsburg waa committed on the night of October 9. sonfi-rfsion- s ha?-handl- CZAR PROCLAIMS PEACE. Bespeaks Bleating in Russias Devel opment and Prosperity. An imperial niant SL Petersburg. festo was issued Thursday proclaiming the ratification of peace between Russia and Japan. It says: "God has caused our fatherland to suffer sure trials from the blows ol fate in a sanguinary war, hut ths struggle has afforded manifold proofs of the bravery and courage of out glorious troops against a brave and mighty enemy. Thjp war, so painful for ua all la now over. The eastern portion of our country will develop itself In peace and good neighborly, nesa with the Japanese empire, which has now become our friend. "In communicating the restoration of peace to ou subjects we are sure they will join in our prayers to God to give a blessing on our great labors in conjunction with men elected by the people for the development and prosperity of Russia. NICHOLAS. BUSTING THE TRUST3. District Attorney Brings 8u!t Against Lumber Combination at Honolulu. Honolulu. Acting under Instructions of the United States attorney general. District Attorney Brackens has instituted the first of a number ot Injunction suits for the purpose of breaking up the local trusts. A suit was filed Thursday against the firms Lewerv A of Allen A Robinson, Cooke, and Wilder A Co. It asks that the federal court Issue a perpetual Injunction restraining the above named firms from carrying out an alleged agreement controlling the entire lumber business of the Islands. In the petition it la alleged that the three firms named above control 90 per cent nf the business here and have combined, in violation of an act of congress, to prevent the unlawful restrait of trade. Russia Will Drmobolize aa Rapidly aa Possible. The war office has SL Petersburg. decided to return to their homes aa speedily as possibly the reserve men who were called to the color during the war, especially the men Included in the last mobilization. The demobilization nf the reserve men who had not started for the far east began Thursday in Moscow and will begin In other cities soon. The mobilization of reserves in the Caueasns, which was ordered on account of disorders there, will be continued independently. Girl Killed Her Father. Grants Egs. Ore. Jasper Jennings, after being kept In a dark coll for a month, has that his couf'-Ksc- sister, Dora Jennings, aged 12 years, killed their father with a rifle while he slept because she hated him and because she could tolerate his presence no longer.'' For two months tha officers have suspected that the boy, JaBper, and the girl knew more than they would tell, and the confession of Jasper Is believed in part to be true. The girl has been confined In Jail at Jacksonville. Pioneers Return Home. Salt Lake City. After being wined and dined, entertained and made tha guests of various societies and organizations, and seeing the greatest sights of southern California, the thirty Salt Lake pioneers who blazed tha trail during an early day, and who were sent to the Golden state aa guests of Senator W. A. Clark, returned to Zion Wednesday morning with nothing but words of praise for the good people of I os Angeles and other California rltlea. The pioneers left Salt Lake on October 9. -- |