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Show Tramp's With la Fulfilled. "I might aa well be dead aa alive for I have nothing to live for," said ai. unknown tramp to another tram; whom he had met a few minutes before on the road near Leigh. England Don't any that, mate," replied the other. At that moment a bolt of lightning killed the first speaker. Vayj for the Ad-dic- e Let's see your longue." the doctor said, You feel run dumi. I see; Juti sleep eight hiiuis of every day len dul.ars is my fee. VHI may be right. " lh lawyer said. Hill Juries disagree; leu heller settle uul of court A Hundred is my fee." THE CHANGE OF LIFE Th the preacher said. With pious teal rials. love "Just your neighbor as yourself' And then he noised the plate. And thus la human nature made. For In these rases Hirer Jours gladly paid for good advice its would hate scorned If free. Ntw York Life. "YVnuld you tie good. 1NTELLIGENTW0KEN PREPARE Danren and Pain of This Critical Period Avoided by the Uae or Lydia Z. Vegetable Compound. Pink-ham- s iii in tin" fU kulllfd h!H UW-- I utils ii .11 It rect it to be hiddeu while you turn your back. Place the slate ho that the audience cannot see the front of it and then assume an attitude of deep thought. Then say, "Now, if some one will kindly read aloud wliut is on the paper, 1 will prove that I have written those very words. The patter Is then rend, and the time has arrived to turn the alate When the apcrtators see around. what la on ft the laugh will be on them, for you have done what you housi ed you would do that I to say, you have written "Those very words." Methodical Fish. Tk uiiniii i.i 1 r i HI I. rati. iwli't ilim mvwi tne tfui Ls.lJlsplill jrti r iiiuld ! oj h wry deep id Ilf HiTMti'tied ninrly Bald. much uvrtous The wood most commonly sought for making pencils is Virginia ur red cedar, which grows abundantly in the the moat critical South, especially in Alabama and period in a woFlorida. Europe, having nothing aa mans existence good among its own trees for pencil is the change of covering as Virginia cedar, obtains in KlU life, and that the Pd l' i mum i' in.. ii, iitii'.it, mi slwll try its supply of this materia) from the anxiety felt by T Join in i;'u uiili'ii thi luMik and ilia ' 1nlted States. Hut Ihe Auierlran women as this Wdl. this oninly h os hla orderly manufacturer ia compelled to go time draws near t W:is is not withuut abroad for the graphite contained in . It li his wide. Ilf krit n.,.i, reason T Mexican Bread Fruit thoiiRliiiiit a pencils. Mexico, lloiieiula. Ceylon and i'. a AW WI'miii'iit In- run d hmW. Siberia If her system is in a deranged condiIn the puhlir gardens at New York yield the beat qualities of Inn IUrol.nl up nidi lie or she is tion, predisposed to apoplexy look, graphite. The preparation of graphite, there is u Mexican bread fruit an or congestion of any organ, it is at this Ari tln-i- i Vw.im I, way with a sat tutted of which, with clay, pencil lead con- epiphyte that cling to v dead tree. time likely to become active and, with wink 1906 by Daily Story I'uU Cat (Copyright At n luMik to my Stflna. Hie sists, Is an important industry in Hsulf. Us leaves grow to be like big fans l'.it a host of nervous irritations, wake life 1 think; and it has its home lu (iormany. mith deeply aealloped edges, and its Bbort," he answered with somea burden. lie had poured forth his soul in I, olio 80 1 is Kipi iiri i.pi-- (as eveiy At tlr.s time, also cancers and tumors resembles a long ear of corn fruit oukMi. sentences which left him weak thing like tlitbuslasra. Nellie was tall . are more liable to begin their destruc- tnd trembling as he walled for her This "I Beg Your Pardon, and willowy. Short, and, soft and Aid eauiiht: tin- wise lil tlsli never was wrapped In a single sheath. tive work Such warning symptoms as The Y.intli's clinging." station a at railroad other I'mnpanlnn. day a sense of suffocation, hot 'fiashea. dii-i The color faded from Kellies face. Her voice was full of sympathyh,,7and a Japanese young man was noticed it She felt ziness, headache, dread of impending Game of Rival Armies. as she answered Mm. unreasonably hurt and angry among several Americans, who were evil, sounds in the ears, timidity, pal- - I at the man and the northern girl rm an,l there was no trace Soys and girls do not use slates In eating, that Is, bolting food by jerka. pitatiou of the heart, sparks before va "Was she light or dark?" she asked school nowadays; laaaiou. the eyes, irregularities, constipation. writing pads seem He kuew but few words of English, aa though jiossessed to drink the very weak ness and inquivariable aps-titc- , but managed to call for some oyBters "No, Arthur," she said, it Is Impos-liblas a dregs. I like you very much etude are promptly ur coffee. He ate und drank with most by intelligent women who are uppronching the riend and I respect you and admire "Light," he replied with fine enthusexquisite manners and attracted much period of life when womans great tou, but I do not love you and 1 can-lo- t iasm, gazing Into the coals as though attention by Ilia frequent use of "I lieg change may be expected. he saw her. "Fair and dainty as Dresmarry you. your pardon." When he wanted the Lydia U. I'inkham's Vegetable ComThe color left his face and the lines den china, with hair like liquid gold pepper, usn reaching fur 11. he said pound ia the world's greatest remedy and eyes like a summer sky. Her In a sweet voice to the man before for women at this trying period, and Irew tight about his mouth. 1 "You must. Nellie," be exclaimed cheeks wore a perpetual flush like whom lie had to pass his arnt: may be relied upon to overcome all distressing symptoms and carry them lercely. "I love you so much you beg your pardon." One roarse fellow vere made for me I 1 cannot give safely through to a healthy and happy who sat with his hat tilted over one old age. ou up." eye surprised even himself by pushComI'inkham's E. Vegetable Lydia "Uut I do not love you," she said ing tho plate of crackers toward the pound invigorates ami strengthens the And you surely would not polite Japanese without being asked. female orgunism. and builds up the fently. not to have taken their place. Here is Ho did not look up, as If ashamed of weakened nervous system as no other want a wife whose heart you did lave." such a nice game for a slate that being caught in the act. medicine can. he rejoined, I want Yea I would Mrs A. E. O. Tlyland, of Cheater-towevery ose of you will want to buy one with the Conversing afterward Md., in a letter to Mrs. Pink-hayou on any terms. I will make you off, though, for that matter, you young man front Japan he admitted right love me. I will find a way. Only says : can also play It on paper. that be knew leas than 100 words of Dear Mrs. Plnkham: me, thats all." marry Divide a elate into three equal our language. "I beg your pardon," I had been suffering with falling of tbs she Now be reasonable, Arthur, parts by drawing lines up and down it "thank you, if you please and "you womb for yean and was passing through the You have so much sense genwith a pencil. Then across the lower are very kind" were phrases he could change of life. My womb was badly swollen. urged. fruit when ripe has the taste and odor I bad a good deal of soreness, dizzy spells, erally that it la moat distressing to end drew another line. In each lowspeak very distinctly and by means of of pineapple, and we can Just Imagine headache, and was very nervous. I wrote see you go on in such a ridiculous the corner a er cannon, filling them made hla way wherever he went. place you for advice and commenced treatment manner. You will get over this nothat the little Mexican children feast with Lydia E. Pinkliain's Vegetable Comspace above it with o for the solFolltenesa costa nothing and la the will and while am to I and little a In upon it as the lioye and girls of our of von directed, happy say tion yours pound as diers of the army. passport to every good in life. It that all those distressing symptoms left me, find some other girl Just suited for country feaat upon peaches and to how will show This you never falls to bring returns. This Jap cream. picture and I have passed mfoly through the change a I a be will friend, and good you was unlike little American girl, do.lt of life a well woman." Nov the battle begins. Each player aged S. For special advice regarding this im- sister to you always. in Single Rope Swinge. Oh, Lordy, not that, he broke d No. 1, has s pencil. Recently her father brought home a portant period women are invited to Sometimes a rope will be found lywrite to Mrs. Pinkham for advice. It making a comical grimace in spite of placing the point of hla pencil on the humorous hook teaching polltrneaa by barn or back of tha hla distress. It's too horribly trite la free and always helpful. month of his cannon, draws It very showing the shockingly bad manners ing about the be used to make could which house and commonplace. Be a niece or an No. toward of a family of children. quickly across the slate la not quite long It but aunt or a grandmother anything but a swing, Edna." be said, "I hope these funny fa irmy. If the mark made by this for tha purpose. That Is th a alster. It makes me feel like the enough men of the and will to any stories pencil passes through help you pictures hero of a short story. The girls to time a single rope swing may be made of the opposing army, they are killed be more polite. whom they propose always become "I -3ftteh,irM,fiKnMLwmK& Iw ltt.fr iL, ........ p" - u "tu suppose a woman hae a right tc .jt of action. rj iffti.mii all summer. sisters to them. manme to a at teach book more 2 hla pencil than takea No. (urn ten change her name, W. L. Douglas 94.00 Gilt Edge Lina She blushed a bit and then smiled. Tha end of a soap box makes a good until on an new old teach You cant nera. dog ljing, and so the game goes rarest cannot bo equalled at any price. See, ahe said, you are Joking about rose and her lipa were like the seat, dead. are explains the Rochester lithe side one on men tricks' It already. Youll forget all about It coral." Nellie was dark with flashing battBora a hole In tha middle of a of the shows his plan diagram black eyes and an olive skin. tic (n a fortnight' Bee. board, The Carrier won. paai the rope through andothei She she must have been very le,' No. 1 having No, not in a fortnight, he replied In the bottom. Tie the knot a must he track The of straight heard have carrier You often pigpencil bqgutlful," whispered Nellie, her lipt v Nor In a lifetime. gravely. curved ; any shot In which there Is eons and the part they play In war, end around the branch of a tree, ai "Yea, you will, she replied smiling. quivering. trunk aa possible angle does not. count. If either but how many boys and girls ever far away from the "She was," he answered, "and u "You are no Judge, yet Men always more than all not he board bis hit the to Let la enough bee? a carrier 0f unlucky bPgr(j think their first love affair very trag- good and true and sweet as she was pinner wide. Inches seven or ;.lde. other the for counts It These little honey gatherers bava go men, ic. Thla la your first affair, la it not? beautiful." A good athletic buy' can have great such a sense of direction that they You must have loved her very You you never were in love that ia, can always fly straight to their hives, fun with such a awing. There Is fascinated by faltered Nellie, much," In love with any thought yourself even from places they have never knack In handling it, but when once the light, which shone tn hla eyes at other girl, did you? mastered be can awing back or forth visited before. fire in the vision He shot a quick, sharp glance at he contemplated the a few told are that We years ago perfectly straight In any direction was face hla in place. sadness the and her some trained of his a love did "I Grasp the rope as high as you can her beekeeper tenderly, very very, replaced for an Instant by an expresaa carrier!. message Knowing reach, atand far back and with a sion of mixed shrewdness and deter- he replied. Did she love you?" asked KellU they till always fly home from any quick Jerk lift yourself off the ground mination well known to hla business point in a range of four of five miles, and straddle the swing. The board associates. Dut this was only a flash after a long pause. he tied tiny notes for his little daugh should be far enough front the ground Moat passionately," he replied and the sadness returned to his face. us. of ters on the bees and set them loose in to let the toes touch, then, by touchThe , UK L.DOUGLAM MAKES AMDtFLLB both killed rehe parting nearly "Yea, there via another," MOKE MEM 3.BO SHOE THAK asked the a did girl totally unfamiliar place. In a very ing the ground occasionally It Is posAMY OTHER MAHUEAOTUREK. you part? Why plied softly, gazing reminiscently Into Ike faster the pencil shoots the more abort time they were back at their sible to keep going straight and not forward eagerly. IWllOts"ynwtisesa leaning the fire. as own hives, messages and all. o lUjUUU Siipovs this itstsmsst. revolve. If some one la near by to Her father resolutely opposed thi I oclting the game. Aa many dots for She started Imperceptibly and lookW. L. Douglas 63.50 shoes have by thotr sx-bo drawn wish may wa repifed think bees be 'He Be, Some players ho might people slowly push you can be pushed In a circle celleat style, easy fitting, and superior wearing ed at him searchlngly. His eyes were union, There la useful in war times, and like a "merry-go-rounmade any U.H II tlll on the fire and she bit her Up In an Invalid and she thought it her duty tk armies. very qualities, acbiovsS the largest sale ofaa nod aa aha In tbs world. The arc lust of awing In this remalr are now made and even to style to wishes defer his being experiments variety at enough tha cost to the S7.00 those that Involuntary feeling niijr vexation you Ss.oo Home Tackle-Makindllierenca is tho price. If I could toko yon Into (jie ha(1 to see just how far and how directly to make it worth while to make one. with him and care for him. Sht Splayed. In IP factory at Brockton, Moot., tho Isrtest There Is no more interesting and they will fly. tho world under ana not making men's tine "Wag was it long ago? ahe asked would dot listen to any waiting or my our hnppineu ikiorbing occupation during the spare shore, and show you tho Cora with which every in a disinterested tone. When Koreans Go Calling. renounced but never You part, pelrof Douglas shoes is mode, you would realize once snd for all. Korean vlslilng cards sometimes angler, than the Magic Second 8lght. Kars, for the ynnn-why W. L. Itoutples 63.50 shoes sro the boot ipoke df her to me. shoes produced In the world. measure a foot Bqtinre. The Bavagea Nellie had risen and now stood Mete manufacture of his tackle, saya To do the trick of "second sight Yea, it was some years ago beIf I could show you the difference between the ' In and Recreation. face Keene J. Arthur to with never close "I of In he came of I the pale Dahomey announce an intended Harrington all that is necessary shore made la mv factory and those of other fore replied, here," way makes, 01 course, few boys can hope to beyou would understand why Douglas visit a Is of eyes. a frightened by sending In advance a wooden slate piece large equipment VO S3.. shoes cost mors to moke, why they hold Is her father still alive? she ask gone expert rod, reel or fly makers, clmlk and a sheet of paper. First, beard or the brnnrli of a tree artistictheir ehape, fit better, wrar longer, and are of greater Intrinsic value than any other 63.50 ed. sor with the beautiful and comparask some one In the company to write ally carved. When the visit Is paid shea on the market No," he replied, "I read of his atively cheap products of skilled luhor nnv number or words on the paper snd the card Is rciurncd to the possestV. L Dasoln ffrana ifstfa JAers for death only the other day. Is the tackle stores Is It necestvtry Mmn. BSt.BO, SS.Uti. Boy Schnol A him that you. without seeing the sion of Its owner, who will doubtless BO Orasa 5Aoss,f2.50, 62, $1.1 5, it. do you not go back to her? that they should. But the mending will then write upon the slate use It for many years. With tho naWhy I paper, YV.J,. tonInsist 1i:itIiv CA UTIQN. upon . she faltered. sil tives of Sumatra the visiting card Is Tikke no substitute. None gemiiue olt broken or weakened rod joint, the those very wovds. without Ills nemo and pries stumped on bottom. he replied, replacement of a missirg guide ring, You ought to know, once at and will smile composed of a piece of wmsl about a Everyone A shoe (Ira ter Iniwery tnirn u tiers . WA rising and looking down at h'-- ten the whipping of a honk on the sm-llcall upon you to make pond your font long, decorated with a bunch of Ih.imUs Plums are pet unlit. Full line of tt.L. vrr.l. The old love Is dead anil a and the joining of the gut by the 'biim. Wlun the paper j ready dl- - straw and a knife. sent free dinpli-upon request. dorly. Fait Color fyejsft nr rrf; tint will not near bratif. new ono lives In 11b place right knots in a leader, ought to be an Write f'r Illustrated fatalng of Styles The color swept hack to lior face as accomplishment within the reach of W.L.IJOl'til.AC. ItraH'kton, Muse. she asked hysterically: "Arc you every young fisherman. MERRY-GO-ROUN- D sure you lovo me as much as you did Is cou'wo of his a ireHlilp in her? simple inn:e9( s, 'he nspirnnt Tho express charxea both ways when More," he exclaimed jmsslona'cly. (or "high hookshlp" should proceed in repairs-Our us for to Watch you send your as he held out hie arms appealingly. thr making of a pasBuldy good l suaranteo of quality boos with It. She nestled herself within llicm und fly which properly considered 'Established sobbed, hysterically, ns she flung her is in imitation bs close as possllde of I suppose a the fly or Insect on which the Iron; arma about Ms reck: woman has a right to change her sad other fish feed with reudini-- ' mind." during the spring and summer monOnce, but no more, he answered. ths especially, and even to the middle And the girl did not dream that the jlauiumn In some localities. pcrlidious wretch was saying to hoi self: "First prize to me as a scloniilir MAIN Two Pencils a Year for All. romancer. nSASONABLK PRICES The number of pencils used in the And she never know that tho girl In TORSO IN SALT LAKE ANO DENVER States annually, if divided palled Michigan was a myth born of the ne evenly, would be a small allowance "She she must have been very beau- cessitits of Arthur's courtship. (or those requiring them every day. tiful, whispered Nellie, Yet, at this rate, when the total o ( Repaired Wrong Covering. of It bccsuKc It Is s closed chapabout 160.000,000 for the whole counspoke A man went into a chemists shop MUST FULLV PROTECT AN INVENTION. ter a sacred chapter, and 1 never Is calculated, one cannot help LAWRENCE, Patent Lawyers, NASON, FENWICK and bought a bottle of some patent try c cared to resurrect It." how It Is possible to wondering Established 1881. Washington, D. C., stuff, which was advertised thus: were soft still and His of dreamy. eyes number vast penrlls. such a show-Inr fur nor Ord Anniversary me Booklet, ni NO MORE COUGHS. "Where was It." she asked as IndifIllustrations of Mechanical Movements. Itrfsr gome of the pencils we buy are made enees. Brsdsireet end tlmnssuds of seihSed riles is. like the one pic- works as an axle In an old wheel of NO MORE COLDS. A mosome as after possible ferently la Germany," but of the entire numCouiniualceikB cull dentist. Write tie today. and no any kind, which Is snehored out by IS. IlOTTLE. 1HDTHE construction, of s la silence. awkward ments of rather tured easy ber that Americana use three or four guy wires. The other went to Three days later be In Michigan, he replied. "Before A considare of home manufacture. explanations further than a few hints parts of the apparatus are too simple hla throat erable I came south. that chemist, complaining also la to the prospective to reed le given quantity of thin article Great Western lion and Metal Cn. need description. The seat arms could he on and that fixed wai the Still slopped up the dreamy eyes exported as well ae Imported. The builder. tNceneunsTin. be of any length desired. With may Tve drunk all that pencil factories of the United States The girl moved uncomfortably scarcely breathe. fire. Pats ap os pits! I'asne. Wholesale end Retell. The center post elands ten feet a motorman In the middle, the swing tn her chair. She resolved to end the patent cough mixture, he said. We nay highest prices for Reran Iron. Capper. employ upward of 2,000 people, paying Brass. Load. Kngs. Rnbher. Hollies, ill das. and rests In a shallow auger- - takes on quite a country fair aspect "Drunk It?" yelled the chemist. conversation, perceiving he danger, about 2700,000 In wages every high, Fella, ate. Ball Faooa tows, ladependeai ISZL -Oscar P. Roberta In Montreal but curiosity or whatnot wss too "Why, thats an India rubber solution IS," Nos. MS to M South first Waal Etroat. The I or top tho for to put on the soles of your boots! purpose. set ALT LAKE CITY, CTAH ....... post strong. clli Is worth 12,000,000. t. "Was she tall or abort? she asked. I,ondon flow many wo men realise that All t n clistnn in .Hu. 1 ionic day CsitlKlil if f tun m.iih Hint truut .i 1 may ptcuuFhi Hi un t'M.'ily. I Udnrlike wa y. in hla s DMfjt r iti orr deny K K PiMik k (m yn m art 111 VA Rmiiy a iih im n ihi Icmi Ii u lumk in it: iiii iiih or prrlmiMi In III 1 4 I in. n-- m - 8T (. ao!i!i-l:nw- re-sl- -- d n, sharp-pointe- W. L. Douglas 3&3 SHOES". - . Post-Expres- I fin , y. tu slii-s- r s F-i- THE WE WILL PAY niH-fld- 3 PATENTS1PR0FIT t con-iub- merry-go-roun- d nine-tenth- 1 Tlt-DI- H. - w |