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Show T i v. t . , THE ALTA INDEPENDENT Successor to The Alta Independent Alta, Salt Lake County, Utah. more than half as big ua now, reniem hers the whole performance as clearly The as though it were yesterday. D. E. Deapain Local Editor services did not occupy dedicatory Entered an matter, Sep tember 13, 19iia, at the Piwtofflce at over an hour's time, and to make the Alta, I'tuh, under the Act of entertainment the piece of March 3, l!79. which on the following marked SUBSCRIPTIONS: "The Pride of the One year, 7iic. Market." was giveu, making It altO' Sis inimihR. 4 cents. Three months. 35 cents. gether a most memorable evening. Is not cimsi These rates hold good until Jan. 1, However, as slated, this the gener1!06. and do not apply to back when qiiential. especially llm-preK- a full-orls-- d r oiH-uln- lii-- I ally accurate ami unquestionably Advertising rates on application to cresting story us a whole Is considour local or Salt Lake office. ered. The book ought to timl a place In Salt Lake Office 257 Commercial the library, especially wlu-every Club nid. and Postoffice Box 17. considered. 5u is cents price only LOCAL OFFICE. book is on sale in all the Salt The at tho The office of publication is Mr. Lindsay has Postoffice. where the local represen- laike Hook Stores. tative. Mr. I). E. Despain, will ever done a great work. be ready to receive moneys or attend to the business of thiR paper. THE MAN AG Ell. CONCERNING DEEP MINES. Payable ore la still found in the This paper Is kept on file by THE AMERICAN. MINING. CONGRESS, deepest gold mines of the world--thoChambe of Commerce Building, Denof Colorado, California and Vicver, Colo., where our readers will be welcome, to the use. of. the. leading toria. Australia, says tlic Mining and papera from the various .mining sections of the weet, a scientific library Scientific Preaa. The latter are down and mineral exhibit. 4,00(1 feet, with pav ore still in slghl. READ THIS. The deepest California mine is down All new subscribers paying 75 cents about 2,80(1 feet, with good ore In the tor one year, or 41 cents for six lowest level. Some Colorado shafts months, the American Parmer will be sent free for one year. This offer have penetrated lielow (he 2,000 level. holds good until January 1, limit. and the mines still are prosperous. At THE PUBLISHERS. what level may we exMct them to beMETAL MARKET. come barren? Deep mines may beWednesday, 18 Silver, 62 ; copiter, come unprofitable because of Inlead, $3.50. creased expense, while the value of copper, Thursday, 19 Silver, lead. $3.50. the ore remains the same as above. Friday, 20 Silver, 62', copper, 15; On the Rand, In the Tranavaal, for Inlead. $3.50. g blanket concopper, stance, the Saturday, 21 Silver, lead, $3.50. to tinues produce nearly the aamq avcopper, 16; Monday, 23 Silver, lead, $3.50. erage values as above, while the of mining increases aa the levLOCAL STOCKS IN THE MARKET. els are carried to deeper and - still f.Saa.l .,,1K Columbus Con., ? 300 y - ' V mBSs iuXlkoO $WS0. . 20 325 shares of Columbus Friday, to economic and not geological condi Con. sold for $2.50 a share; 600, $2.55; 100, $2.55; 100, $2.60; 90U. ttona. A careful review of all that is $2.62, and 100 $2.65. Saturday, 21 Columbus Con., 200 known of the ore genesis of deposits, shares sold at $2.52 per share; 100, $3.52; 400, $2.53; 400, $2.54; 100, and particularly of secondary enrich' $2.55. 800 ment, leads to the Inevitable concluMonday, 23 Columbus Con., shares at $2.52 passed hands, and sion that there still remains much to 2000 at $2.58 learn about both original and second LOCAL ORES AT THE SAMPLES. ary ore deposits. At one time secWednesday, 18 Two cars from Alta ondary enrichment was not recog and one from Big Cottonwood. nlzed aa an important factor in minThursday, 19 Three cars from Alta and one from Stockton. ing, but a study of the remarkable Friday, 20 Two cars from Alta. phenomena of the ore deposits of Saturday, 21 Two cars from Alta, one car from Stockton and six cars Butte, Mont, forced the conclusion from Frisco. upon the observing engineers that the Monday, 23 Three cars from Alta and six cars from Frisco. rich ore bodies of some of the great mines of that district were due wholly to secondary enrichment No one now doubts that the phenomenally rich ore of Fryer Hill, at Leadvllle, Colo., Treasure Hill, White Pine, a score of AND THE MORMONS THE DRAMA." places in Arizona and Nevada and elsewhere, were due to similar causes. literato The latest contribution the The gold mines of California owe ture of the state Is a booklet of neariy their surface richness to the same 200 pages beating the above title, the cause. The notably rich deposits at and fa- Goldfield, Nev., must be ascribed to author being the se 15; I i'Mi c r Pioneer. ALTA, SALT LAKK COUNTY, UTJfL WKDXKSDA Y, OCTOHKK 25, VOL. X. 15; 15; 1!g Utah -- 62; 62; 62; gold-bearin- ex-Ien- EDITORIALS. well-know- n vorite actor, John S. Lindsay. Having this secondary enrichment, as must been through the mill" he is well almost every other occurrence of unqualified to discuss the snblect, al- usually rich ore at or near the though his experiences began quite a decade after the commencement of things theatrical in Utah, he has used due diligence and intelligent research ante- NO. 13. 190.1. pi Mory from IToui. telling of the find old trail of Zion's ramp. The K "f a deal hnu-in are be mar the imiut or coming says pie general see the truth of the cause aud matD ,hl' nunuii.iiu, lu.rtli of which nii-.- l are as the properly of Me the Gospel. He alas hsgill an enjoyable time at the conferenit Dlunls. It .ts alsn ,i a:,-i- l to be the umounced nt tla- Utah at Kauvoo. News B J P au.lmrities to MeGiunia for piiis, The main topic of discussion amoul criu.uy .illllli;ils ()I1 llllHir. th ll mining fraternity st AnuTieubjhe had n auitn.dM, harnessed, to Fork is a deal fur the Japan group Oi jje. M'l'iimiK Kit. I elenl.i that he inliiin claims iu the American FoiW,stis I't i'luiiif.trom Lelit to the o y I g arc-eptin- S Saloon Mon! t.'ijrur Men! - k l.-- was cum.", which Just recent o bls ti. hlllUjl s.(1 iv luKcd. ii h.H-jj- utl1 I Want Your liuRinosa! UIKUKi: & LIXDLKY, Tin Wliiskt-- MwcltiHits, Wo y Stilt Lake Oitv. h ,lls played out. Hi' tiiili.iriii-.-Keone hors.- " old ami once' famous HagstuhT'11 ll"' r ;l Passerby, with propertv is reimrted as having a shipji!ril,r' he was 1,1 ride to Sandy. ment of ore en route, und It la stated vvvsvvsssssssvsvsesssssssvvsvspsprpssssvssssrssssssst pppprppppppppppprpppPK4MMMMM444(l44M4MOM$ 1,11 ,,M same evening ,;"ir) that the production will be maid' ,,K,1 ,lh! "l! ' ! mined mull the snows of winter intef. " . fere with the hauling of ore. a enable to timl him. He is unable 4 tell ho- - the horse got away, as lie The campuigu of exploration at th DEALER IN. left him tlu.l. Herald. Kennebec mine in Big Cottonwood canyon is to be pushed more vigor THE POPULAR MOUNTAIN WAY. ously than ever. It I. the intentioa . of the company, probably early nex ,M"nU ,!lSt- - duriug any season year, to install a power plant, whlcht tll, year for service Hnd is very much needed. equipment Is via tho Midland Route. B J line uf more unique and Interest- The best place in Alta to get supplies for the Home or IVallace w. Wait, one of the big ag mountain wonders Hum uny other the Mine. A.Y'.YA! Miners and Prospectors' Supplies men in the Continental-Alt- a company, lo Ike world. here you go that "? ",,K;h Is out from Kansas City visiting wits' makes the trip pleasant, 11 Is liow you It if. Manager Henry M. Crowther. that C(iunu gart r,R,t by seeing some time since Mr. Walt waa last list your tickets read via the Colorado ARRaaRaRRAagaaaRAaRaaaRRaaaAaaaitaRMaarAMa wwwv. here and the expectation Is that h Midland. Tell me where you are go- "f i; 1 !?d wlll remain some little time. U1,cQr"'' 7 West Salt latke. 4 j, for AKnt- - lllus- School SALT LAKE CITY. Opposite Sewlh Gate T.mpk Bloch. Dancing. No! rated :dinK' 1(!pri!1 Isxiks free on request scenery 115 East First South street. Salt Lak( o City. Ball room, fancy stage and bat CHEAP EXCURSION TO CITY OF MONUMENTS. HEADSTONES. let dancing. Open summer and wii MEXICO, MANTELS. GRATES, TILES. ter the year round. Fall classes eo Under management of mence the week of September 18th, The FIRE-PRO- OF Sugar A Live 8tock CHIMNEYS CEMENT. ETC. 1905. Correct methods. Thorough InCompany. ' ; structions. Only $75.00 Round Trip. X Tickets good leaving Utah, October & BuotifnRy Illustrated Catalogs! Saat Fni. Writs Os. Manager William Hatfield of the Slit. Final return limit December 1905. Clit, Albion, at Altai Saturday night, sta ROUTE: yesterday that the mine was lookli Going, via Rio Grando, Santa Fo finer than silk and that the first lot And Mexican Central Railroads. of ore was nearly made up at the sas Returning, via Mexican Central, pier and that he expected to have it OS $anta Fa and Union Pacific Railroade. We carry the largest stock of Mens $3.50 and $4.00 j the market before the end of the pres- jFor further Information, tee local nprowntatives of above llnea, or ' Shoes and PROSPECTORS and MINERS BOOTS I ent week. EBER M. WELLS, President, or " 4 Utah- HAMMOND, Bceretary, qT. t The Pioneer company, operating b ' rfajean Sugar 4k Llva Stock Co, Salt qq in Salt Lake. qq i- fAlblorLgtJ tween the Pittsburg and the CttyUtalLVa).j qq ' ftItaS" dell veredit H Alla, '"lias qq properties nearly $1000 worth of tlui Day of Heaviest-Rainfall- . qq aeronaut celebrated A after qq asserts, ben and supplies, with which to kee; si qq si the boys running during the win!. patient investigation, that the ninth qq kL 177 Main Aft The new tunnel being driven by At day of the moon la ,ihe moat rainy of qq aft and four qq twenty-eightwhole the qq ft thur Murphy and work upon whia b'clock in the afternoon the rainiest qq Salt Lake Citv. sft was commenced early in the month, t hour of the qq day. x q vwwwwwwwwwrwvrrwwwwwwwi.rwwrrrwwwwri.vwwwwi.wwwi..wwp now In a distance of more than lift' S feet, anil the expectation is that tin fPPPP.HI shale formation through which most To those who contemplate building Homes and Business the will of the work be done until R. A. HASBROUCK, contact is reached is now close ai Houses in Altai Physician and Surgeon, hand. Office, 60 Commercial Block, Jt Jt Salt Lake City, Utah. The Providence Gold Mining comThonea 1412-- and 1429-K- . pany, operating in Gold Mountain district, has completed arrangements for the patenting of Its ground, comprisSANDY. UTAH ing eleven claims, upon which preliminary work has revealed a good Chris Hanaon. showing In gold values. The property HACK LINE. ALTA Can supply your every want in BUILDING MATERIAL , adjoins the Annie Laurie extension. From At the annual meeting the following Sandy to the Mountain City. officers were elected: John May- Every Day From Sandy. hoffer, president and treasurer; Rates: $1.50 to Alta $1.00 from; ThE HIGHEST PLACE Alta to Sandy. George Mayhoffer, vice president and W. with for E. J. a Larsen, secretary, these, cigar anywhere in the country, E. Rowe and Frank Brazier, constituwhere quality counts, is given the ting the directorate. Blue Point by anyone who knows J Jt 'i A. W. THORSON Interest In the Columbus Con. of what good tobacco and clever cigar Will Carry Alta continues unabated, aa Is evirolling combined will do for the cigar Your Express or Yourself denced by the active demand for the lover. Sold everywhere. to or from shares at a constantly increasing figALTA. $ ure, and that the property Is giving h WHITTAKER A DALLAS, splendid account of itself Is proven by f And Do It on Time Every Day. J MAKERS. 4 the steadily maintained record of The output of the mine shipments. 13 W. 3 South SL, is now thirty tons or better dully, said Salt Lake City. Manager Tony Jacobson during the day, the product netting the company $50 or more per ton, after paying costs of shipment und milling. In The oldest reliable Shipper and Outfitter for Alta fact, some of the recent consignments of ore have yielded not less than $69 per ton net. JOHN G. STILLWELL ....General Merchandise... ELIAS NORRIS tZSL SONS CO. 1 X n J f - j Walk Over Shoe Store, St, - q9wwrrrrrwwi.rrwwrrvwrRrrwwwrrrrvrwrwwrrB The Jensen Lumber Company Z ; i FINE TAILORING. Local & News Itrns In getting together the materials cedent to his' own time, all the re- OUR NEIGHBORS AND OURSELVE8 mainder being, of course, largely a reJt jt When In need of any carpenter cital of his personal experiences, from an inspection or be and to work, building varied. contracting and which have been ample call on John Olsen at Sandy several Alta properties in which he is The details, showing the birth, done, or leave orders at this of- interested, says a Salt Itke exchange, Utah, 'ty. the of status and Joseph Llppnian was buck In town present growth fice. B free.B a in yesterday, ufter spending two days In are drama herealwut, given A. A. Ball, treasurer of the Annie the camp, which he says is giving at handed, entertaining manner, quite Iiurie company, says that Gold Moun- the present time more promise ol free from prosiness or staleness, and tain Is now snugly In the arms of winprosperity than in years. Mr. Lip;-ma- n are in the main close to the facts. ter, although the storms so far have regards the Columbus Consolidated as certain to prove at no distant Some few unimportant departures not bothered traffic to any extent. J date one of the great mines of the from the record. It being such a voWil- state. on rholre call lota For building He found the Albion taking the luminous one, are Inevitable; liam Aylett. Also agent for the In- out considerable good grade ore, the. greatest of these, which is shared by dependent Fire Insurance company, Continental Alta prosperity umb-- r the some others anil doesnt amount to and the Rocky Mountain Bell Tele- management of llenry M. Crowther and the Alta Quincy behaving in much anyway, relates to the dedica- phone company. . d manner. Salt the of tory opening Elder Amos E. Jenser of Sandy, Salt Jt Jt anbeing exercises Theatre, the county, returned October 5 front Joseph McGinnis of Sandy Likes ex Itke nounced to have concluded with the the Northern States mission, whither ceptlon to the conclusions of Sheri tr of he was sent August 15, 1903. The Hannon of Utah county, publlshel in singing of an nnthem. The writer InterWisconsin and Iowa conferences were the Herald of October 20. In the Her these lines was present on that his fields of labor, l.i the latter along aid on that date there was published occasion, and although not the uig sandy merghanta'JWX Miners and Prospectors, Dont Forget the Place C. C. CRAPO XXXXXX SANDY, UTAH young man If your taste for good clothing leads to be critical of Style, Fit and Finish of your you wii! garments, yourself no end of trouble bv Jinking into our store and examining and plM of workmanship we turn out. JOSEPH BURKINSHAW'S LIVERY a 1COD BU8INESS 8UITS FROM UP. Sorenson & Larson, W. Second South, SALT LAKE CITY. IGG esting 0 .1 . -- $16 f t STABLE Opposite San Pedro Depot Sand, Utah of rig or paddle horie at any hour of the day or night, and Burkinahaw'a team are r4(e( and courteoui treatment guaranteed. X ' Cottonwood and other reporte well known in Alta, Waiitch Any kind rcH-fl.- u. " r . |