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Show a household atters An that if Ti Improve txiUTirhml Knit Hava Lotist-kt'i'jii- tr u tr u u gt,g..tf.rru.,u tr The Life Story of a Fn )tj p aununanu CL CL At oili-lot- Xf'frfNhliii to tht Kyf Aspic Jelly is a valuable aid in gar- to-da-y M. A, I l, llirlr altiur g Pi U,c il.cify that iiiS'.iT-rt il is 1; lApi-r'- i 111 AifKk Mil lie;: cv.--l. that I'li1 only a i.y iiiM-ilti.-' X a haie 'k pn I, in h neks ci- inuiiiliK I ii,.xl;iii l ni nil, Min-,he time iu which S t a ;, may i: . pern-neU mi " " , ) ill an lU'lio miicd. I'.iit Mr. IMnn-iii- l nr ninli-waiSKic" Ivuiiite of tli tlii'iry. sluraa us iliat 'in, esa-- i run W"l fora, W il uiili :.k. n.a- - s facts may spauu. of tin- - ben supposing that tlie original evperieiiees. mi:, ilk-- and H iinmi:ii, .iintniii a germ, of which the iiisituri of luseei is the yolk, frm whii-- i !i(- bring nniimi: is successor by In rediiaiy transmission, hatch'd- ami a food .i.iii,. as acquired by ;ln-'- r uiiccsiors age inner beHi eil longer and bail u liieh tbe ago, when ilu-ing dmpiy i be nitii'.l;!iii-iinr-- will nhsiirh during tlie time to learn. Hf this living theory, M. A. I a lour says in Iai Nature: thus of i!. in the egg. Tin The progress made reci-ii- l ly In the one sixteenth tug i of IS Iii'h in d iiiin'ii-rand contains study of tlie nerioiis system Iihs led M. food enough p, -- nniiu the new theory of joimg in- Filiuoud Terrier to a mate for nlomi a lor.nigii:. When he liistinet, regarding which philosopher t eiit In- - hear no will probably lie caivr,gg- - ,:k skeptical, resewl'isin t i ,i but of which a g- idngicnl coiiseqiiciire p. 11,1,1s. a ml ; cal Hi a help, !e. v ine.-iuof a deserve to be known for it Ingesuiter (111 the imder si,!,. r h- - hi ail he nuity. attadii-inn, elf t,, a The nntlinr (s cndcnioring to ex ,,r some .11 1;,. Ottltr lbil-,mid herplain, by means of K f'w 'lay a u .ii:'i with horny edity alolle, llotv insect s. whose adult aw. l!t no t i le. , I'leped, nml life Inst only a feu weeks, or cieu n dlfo-tit'few days, ami who know nothing of ten times as long a Ills body i oil, if np like a watch-qwls- i llieir paveiilage. have the time jn,t the infor illh"-i::iuse. while Ids tail :i i i y to aeipiire tin !r iv'iiiih-rfuIs no possii , , leiijfihi-na'al a splendid stinct. Evident!)' 11,- v) ;i; of education Iior of ciistnlll. pniUlealniMi. and feisls bility It would seem u if tln iiiniiifi-staiioc oil IN'ader p. nits and decaying liiiilti-r- , f at this stage lie is a of instinct In the linlii nlaul were quite ltut M. Terrier note vegitarlan. spontaneous, Awl he Is imt like some of those big that the existence of the sea sons, as we pretenders we know of. who live In know them, appear to be of very retbe water snd yet are not fish, having mit origin, (leologists In to wmr to the Mirfaiv to breathe general agree that temperature and air. The tadpole, like a true climate were once, for very long fish, breathes through gills delicate, periods, absolutely uniform 111 all part A n'M t'i' S yesterday was tbe age of The clergy man's field is broader than money getting and the day that of bis brother scientist, artist or before that of adventure, mi teacher. Hi profession is for tbe peotbe ple. He docs not meet a class, as dims is age of the eoniroversinlist. the professor, or the Instructor of culTile iutdieeliiul world lias ture, wliii finds liis devotees already seemingly resolved itself into a huge refined uml matured. He Is rather the dt bating society, uiul woe to him who teacher of plain men of practical af- To brighii-1wab It with clean water to which some borax Las been added, then wipe it with a flannel cloth dipped in milk and wrung us dry aa possible. INSTINCT IN INSISTS. A I t , is Attractions Offered to Younjj Men by tlie aa j hard Church. Oilcloth. Brlahli-nlii- tr tr tr tr IN THE MINISTRY. one soak suit liiiiu that and dry oi.e day iu water and one day K milk it will be greatly improved. 1 uu an , ll.i-u!- - . 0li. f - ( , Iln-M- - e l',i--l- i u. - ! cri-ii- i liigi-uinu- s ir.iir,-i,iuiv- w mori- - r i,t fr-'- could be cnrioii foiu-.i- i for s church phn-r- s than one at Souihaui I elii which M.iinlx in iln middle of a furiuianl. The only menus of dUram-Lis by paxiing through lbs yard. bi-r- - cnidnui hulls-- - ortlcer at Yarmouth, Kiiglaml, the oilier day snieil the life of a boy wliu luid g d off ilie quay iuto the sea, and fuiiml lie whs ii hoy whose in s similar manner life he had twice In fore. A enters tbe arena unprepared, l'or con- fairs, inspiring limn with thoughts troversy breeds apt violists, and a spe- which they are hound to apply to tbelr cialist Is linrd to down iu an argument lives mid characters. . a Gmiinii, comAntoine when lie Is discussing bis own indiAnd not ouly is bis field broader but siileiile near mitted Al'lz., by vidual ihouglit fad. higher. standing upon the slump of a tree mid Ill all branches of professional work Man is striving after the good that exploding a lieaiy charge of dynamite are the Individualists hceuniing mori Is higher and better than ever scleuco that he liml placi d hi li. Ticci-- of hit and more unassailable, and per contra or culture can give. Convictions nml all dirictlon. body wen- blow n the different departments of the desires for morn nml social betterment A II hum Keautlfier. linmei-seltin- sphere and world's thought ere demanding more enlarge The proprblor of a traveling Nasturtiums, says uu authority, grow atnl more skillful workers iu ihelr variof the present day clergyman, in W lies1 rollle bail be-- ll uecc.-sarilKill hyacinth ous fields. beautifully lit water. lie an lie must, y interpreter, who bad gone Into bankand Wales bis resi-- relies, not for glasses with slip, putting u few pieces Among the three great professions, lie urt that lark ruptcy, informed the of dinreoal In tlie bottom of tlie glass, possibly none is so persistent in her hr. si If alone and for bis own mlvnn-au- e , due to (lie religious of and pour in fresh water. Tut the glass present day demands aa Is the minisuml eiihure. but for the small bad caused bis failure. In a light window, not necessarily a try. Tbe cull for the better moil aye, ill lit of his own parish nml the larger - world--fo- r tinaunny window, and the stalks will for the best the world has to offer of the public guidance An i xplnualiiui of the reason why Boon take root, and afterwards furnish Is loud ntid persist! nt. All d nomina- uml tlie uplifting of his fellow men nml varnish look white after a paint His learning, philosophy, culture, eloplenty of bloom. Such glasses would tions, all creeds, ure uniting hi an heavy rainstorm lias Just been furbe delightful In winter. for the rrcHin of the universities quence ami manhood are moulded and nished. The moisture bn Insert ul Itmid the seminaries. And what inis rcllm-i- l to lie serviceable to this, the self into the minute divisions of tbs . line Carpel,. the church to offer? Wlint passion of Ills life. paint, and thus gives it the whitish Tbe hygienic advantages of floors does the pulpit of y Is not The preministry only a profession appearance. covered with removable rugs instead of sent to the brains and energy of the requiring special tastes nml capacities, dust collecting carpets tire so well younger generation? In other words, hut also pieuli.-i-r training, learning and AN INTERESTING TREE. known and realized tbat tbe tendency what clmnc-eis there for tbe intel- discipline, to furnish which special curtain-likstructure, hanging from of (he earth, and throughout the whole , ircln-sFill now la to have bare floors and rugs for lectual giant? Th Rhrllbark II Ickory I a It assail Natl anil colored red by the year. schools are necessary. The Importance the Auatrlran blond Is This the that fact the sake of comfort and convenience as aside flowing for the the tlmm. by inonirnt of takra explained through ministerial lie was made rutting origprovision The sbellhark liickory Is perhaps th well as to follow the trend of fashion. argument that the ministry la a snored inally among the Jews for the training in water through the mouth, passes It the siiii was then much larger, tlie InBays tbe Manchester Knlon. Hood hard calling, and Judging It simply as a and the spirit of the priesthood, and Into Ids throat, and then out nt the gill equalities of tbe season having been most Interesting tree we have, beeausa wood floors are blessings tbat certainly profession, there is an earthly, a ariou regulations were designed to sllta It the side of tlie uei-k- , and so fluidly brought about, little by Utile, It is a strictly American tree, and w w Cihl I'd to it native anil that It refuses are anything lint disguised, for they selfish, side to It tbat 11 Is not wise to secure eminent qualifications In the conveys oxygen to bis blood by ila gradual eondensnlion. Now existed at a time when this con- to become a citizen of any other counsacred oltb-e- . always look well, form a pleasing con- leave out of view. There were more than Ufa heart has two elm ni hers only, an trast to any kind of rugs and above ell About 100 years ago a great effort fifty ''Hilngfcnl schools in the country; auricle and a ventricle (later on, when densation had not yet taken place. try. Iu the RlunliiiPKR of Its roots and were remarkably abundant on trunk, in the boldness in which It they are easy to keep clean. Iu case, was made In this country to arouse re- no one was allowed to enter the priest- ho become an animal, however, one lias an old floor of soft ligious enthusiasm in many ways. hood mi 1,1 thirty of age, and there will be two auricles and one ven- the banks of the carboniferous lakes flings out Its tough branches, in its or lagoons, and the lnteresllng discov- strong iudithlmillty of character, slid wood that Is hard to treat satisfactor- Kdueatioiml societies snd beneficiary large funds were act apart for the tricle). In Its general fruit fulucsa, not forgetBy this time tlie eyes are perfectly eries of Messrs. Fayol ami (baric ily and the laying of a bard floor la r.ot foundations were provided, college men maintenance of the priest In both his possible or practical, a floor of hard were asked why tiny should not trad preparations and h!a actual service, formed, and the mouth Is removed to Rrongtdnrt, at rouimenlry, bare shown ting Its uncoil! Ii roughness of hark. It how great was their variety and how further manifest Its strong A in cries pine put down on top of tbe old floor did not enter the ministry; mid, as a And these regulation have been prac- tbe extremity of the hend. Its winter buds are large and All this time he Is only a tadpole with Luge their size at that time. may he made to look almost as weli as result, there wns a suddenly increased tically retained In every branch of one of expensive bard wood. For this numb- r of clergymen. Then ennie n theological study since, with plnn for no llinbs, hut underneath the skin they Karly In spring Hie dark-- . "Now, slnee there wore then no seaouter scales fall away. The Innow brown sons about ranse floor that a stain, one of those espe- day when young men shrank from hrmlcning ami deepening the culture are preparing. About the end of the tbe brings pine cially prepared, should be used, a light the ministry, thinking that they were of the proposed ministerial candidate third week the hind limbs nppenr in the early death of insert, so soon after ner scales then lengthen to protect the or medium color being preferable to happier and would be freer from the with each succeeding generation. To- the shape of two liitle projection on fliclr reproduction these carboniferous growing leaf, sometimes attaining a a dark one, and it should be remem- meddling with their private affairs by day he must be the leader of the de- the surface where the lmdy la Joined Insects must have lived as long at any length of five Inches. These Inner bered thpt several thin coats will wear remaining laymen. They felt that they bate. lie must tie able to thrash out to the tall, and grow rapidly. The fore other creatures; they must have Imen scales are marvels of beauty both in texture nml In eolur. The body of the llmba arc also sprouting, but are at able, like onr higher animals, to much better than one tbiek one. After had an obligation to soebty mill to tbe oh! and convince with the new. the stain la put on the floor may be themselves of getting on In the woihl. experience and transmit It to scale Is thick and leathery, while Its And herein lies tlie power of the first hidden by the two folds which oiled or varnished with good results. They feared the limitations atnl the younger thinker, a point in whose favor form the gill coverings. In a few their offspring, thus gaining an ac- surfaces, especially the inner, are soft bondage of creeds; the narrowness of la the frcslmrss of his thought and ex- weeks they push tlirir way through quired and cultivated Intelligence in with a silken nap gorgeously dyed In bechurch feeling and opinion. yellow, orange and red, suggesting tba pression. His Intellectual tools are the folds and appear almost suddenly. the sumo meusurc as other living both of tluse arguments have whetted during the seven or ten years Towards the end of the second mouth luga. chimney eorner, and the heat which Frank lost much of their force. Tlie pews of liia close study, and the domain of the lungs come into nee, and froggy "This was then transmitted by hered- glowa from a hickory log. demand front tbe pulpit new views, spiritual truths la a new discovery to sometimes rises to the surface and ity, when the Reasons began to appear, French, in Kcrllmcri, new Interpretations, new presentations him. How bright and attractive it all takra In a breath or two of air, tlroa In the tertiary rpneli, when by the apof the great problems of life and des- appears! H?nry Ward Beecher uaed for the time being becoming both A l'hllmlalplitw rklr. pearance of cold insect life was reof In duced to a brief season, when expert and the the pulOne of tbe curb fakirs ou Market an and waterbreetber to occupancy tiny, aay that tbe lore principle in the Baked Corn Cover the bottom of a pit the young man aecs not an ignoble Apostle Paul was more enthusiastic But tnrard the end of the third mouth ence and parental education could no street had a new ware yesterday. pudding dish with corn, then a layer sidetracking of bis ambition, but a de- than in the. Christ., because it was a ;hige romp over him change as longer play tbelr part, the Intelligence Knowing Hist this was to be the day of rolled crackers, add salt, pepper and cided step toward Its further and fuller novelty to him. It was news and vivid grass that which 'converts the' soft Tnfiftpny "urinnfM' "ftheii" (he suiT'woiiTil lie In 'ecUpifiTTie butter. AVhen the dish la half full of realization. news. One utters a truth with the ad fhnpeless chrysalis into tbe winged from generation to generation must, showed blniielf up to dale and pro alternate layers of corn and crackers, There is a spirit of unrest abroad, greatest energy when It first crosses his hkvrfly. Tills is the great epoch in according to M. Terriers theory, have vliied himself with bits of smoked who poor in a pint of cream or milk and and a process of readjustment to meet vision. Oliver Wendell Holmes once tte frogs life, and is called the tneia been changed into Immutable instinct; glass, which he sold to passers-by- , bake slowly. the altered conditions of life and said that the young doctor waited for amphosla. Not only are hla size and that a to aay, it must have been fixed were attracted by his cry of, "Git your Tomato Sance For Bottling Take a thought is visible in the church. Con- bis bald spot to enable him tape changed, but his internal organa at a determinate point without power smoked glass through' which to aee tba to progress further. Our present in- great eclipse of the aun gallon of ripe tomatoes, add five pods tending voices are discussing new ways to get into practice. The minister adergo alteration. of rpd peppers and cook until tender, of presenting old truths. In Ben would wait for bis bald spot to get out Byet, he ceases to feed; the outer sects are thus reproducing indefinitely The pieces of darken id glass were gothe faculties and cerebral development ing like hot cukes, too. At a moment href of his akin falls off, the strain through a coarse doth; then atir Hnr, Messala, the Itoman youth, turns of service. I pity Tbe young man la more apt to con- dad np and the gills are absorbed, the of the Insects of the secondary epoch when trade got a little alack an onthoroughly Into It two ounces of salt, to hii Jewish friend, saying: looker asked, How la it that you can two ounces of black pepper, half an you, my fine Judah, for you must go centrate his energies on his sermon. lag'tall shortens and soon completely of geological time. Literary Digest sell so much of your smoked glass?" ounce of white mustard seed, half an from the college to the temple and Ilia audience and his sermon constitute dSappeers; the llmba, particularly tbe Because the Thllsdclpbla folks are ao ounce of allspice; add one pint of vine- then (an all crowning glory!) to a seat tbe world. Later on he broadens and hhd limbs, lengthen: tbe lungs are War. Altar "CtranlBg Us" a without In life What Interested in astronomy, be remuch Sanhedrim. the canal world-widboll e the and undergoes for three digestive hours. gar slowly gets what is called sym In consequence of the floating mines But few people will want to See what no la While still warm bottle and cork tight- opportunity! possibilities patby; other matters appeal to him and dings, and froggy longer In tbe waters traversed by steamers plied. B o'clock to ace an eclipse, and fish-lik- e Tbe ambitious take hla time, and his sermon often at lie before a Roman! rise creature, but bound for ly. This will keep for years. Newchwang freight and In- It la all over g lives In the Western becomes an incident rather than the land animal. In keep surance rates by 7.30," sold tbe byApple Salad Cut small round slices young Roman still have been raised and vesrevelation itself is stander. "Well, they don't think of lafwith all these proceedings Mr. Frog sels have been life and aoul of hla work. from the top of six nice King apples, World, and. delayed by anchoring at tliat1 answered tbe merchant of tba twen men on of Tbe the of hla trial. alters feeding; young system The Is fshely hollow them out, making the pieces as enthusiastic, yonng preacher With every precaution several there ne expects to achieve everything. Ex- htls a vegetarian no longer, be will in night. a - wink, "and I dou't relarge aa possible. Do not spoil the tleth century must settle whether steamers have been blown up or dam curb, with la and whether aa to Is them. a a there mind Mare be be Philadelphia llccord- slugs gospel; liminot him has hla s of perience the apples. Cut the scoop-nlgtaught shapes ged. find their God. to is a there warns will insects whether and They Christ; In small squares and pnt them in tations, nor have repeated failures Many have been destroyed since Mula to th RfWii, a bowl. Cut, also the same aixe, the are examining the theological nomen- chilled hla ardor. Ilia earnestness of chL steamers have been provided by tbe Adolph WllKon, of Nleholssrllle.'wha same quantity of white celery hearts clature and the creed statementa daily. manner, aa well aa of spirit, draws the But what becomes of the long tall? Chinese Government with Hotchkiss d was In a railroad wreck in India ua and English nuts. Have half a pint of The ministerial calling has peculiar people to him. Physical force is need- It does not drop off, aa we might guns for (bat pnrimse. the Is absorbed; begin-the is last for It Friday, attributes th saving of his clergyman imagine. attractions, ed in a tbe clear and Mix with strong, steamer pulpit, the salad, it On a recent voyage of the mayonnaise. shrinks to the action of a mole, lie says: in of life at bnmankind friend tbe it gradually lig tip, outrecognised voice, vitality, and an occasional and finish with a quarter of a pint of 8e a floating mine was sighted When I came to my senses a bugs of private and public activ- burst of power. With age a man loses tU it disappears. But though tbe frog Kwang Chinese Tlie North near Head. whipped cream. Mix gently and serve every trend gunner ity. He has an assured social post his power of Imagination and his emo- lnea in one direction, lie gains In an shot five times before hitting the mine, Umber was lying across my back, In the apples. which I could not move. In glancing la treated with marked respect tional nature. In thought the young otter. All through hla infancy and tlon, ISO yards distant. On hitting it a Chocolate Cake One and a half cupand is held high In tbe esteem and the man la not so profund and uses simpler yoath he has been tongueless, now he only looking for help, I discovered A followed. fuls of sugar, half a cupful of butter, confidence of the great aaround, deafening explosion within a few feet of The language, and the themes of a mule la furnished with that useful member, standing community. mass of water, streaked with flainea, beginner half a cupful of milk, one and three-fourtmanwas fixed usual I not looking at ms in where the is of is pinioned, enormous, it thtugh preachers company are always of fine and most striking bine In color, was thrown 150 cupfuls of flour, a quarter of and he, the minister, la one of the great to render assistance. la fastened to the front mostly as base if or. its wishing to man The mine designs. of young preaches feet Into the air. Tleces (be a pound of chocolate, three eggs, one Boon the mule turned hla heels toward army. Sociologists, political econoau- afihe lower jaw, and Its apex la turned came down upon the deck of the teaspoonful of cream of tartar, half a mists and educators of every descrip- the conscience, using the tone of This me toward the and began to kick. The first kick throat bukwards thority, offering statements and contea spoonful of soda. Scrape the choc- tion Kwang Be, severely Injuring a China struck the limber a glancing lick, the with him, the gospel of clusions without argument. tosgue is covered with a slimy secreproclaim, of man. A piece of the steel frame olate line and add five tablespoonfuls human welfare and human salvation. forth with second hit It full and Just grased my This, then, la the picture of the pres- tin, ande can be darted the mine, still hot, fell beside one of of sugar to it (this in addition to tbe All unite in some which now shown the mark, as on to Peace lllktning-llkearth, ear, capture rapidity chanting mlnlster-tbent Reand hla is Consular women the day position passengers. cupfnl and a half). Beat the butter to good will to men," even If they do not Into can see, and somewhat moved th and it victim poor convey yon straight power a picture that cannot hut a cream. Gradually add the sugar, ports, Newell wsng. The third kick raised it suftimber. of other throat. half tbe to the tbo it angelic frogs prefix attractive to the most gifted and asbeating all the while. Add three me to slide from under, to the for to attarlies God Interest in the high- piring of the oncoming generation. . Ike greatest ficiently salutation, Glory Year. Married SIsiy-llirof boiling water to the choc- est." from the ground the arose I the as from and hla transformation and (tog la a profession calling for unbounded of Bristol, mule followed, evidently satisfied olate and sugar. Stir over tbe fire until Mr. and Mr. C. Boski-bu- , of In is expected to animation, snrcesslve that the The minister of tut stages stimulating effort and amooth and glossy; then stir into tbe take a Ta., who reside 011 the Bristol turnaeeomprahed." prominent part In all movements a profession that Is being Ml development he resembles the adult pike. have been married more than with the good work hope, beaten sugar and butter. Add to this of Individual Herald. (Ky.) and social welfare and to broadened and elevated and Inspired form of a group of animals lower down Hnrrodahnrg Blxty-thrc- e mixture the eggs, well beaten, then the nhow his fellow men his year. They reside In a enterprise and by the best of Influences that penetrate in tbe scale of lielng. The frog and cot milk and the flour, in which the soda little Inge, and their only comsung In Heflstutlloa Didn't l'sr- wisdom. Ills activities bli cousin, the toad, stand at the head and aurround It. From whatever I Hnd faithful shepherd old an and cream of tartar have been thor- practical said tbe man wbe Resignation, of the Amphibian elnss, living far panion secular directions need not secularize learning, thonght, Is eighty-fou- r literary power Mr. years oughly mixed. Bake twenty minutes his mind, but they should, and do, dog. thats the great thing to liked newt the their preach, of relatives, personal fuvor can he enlisted In tbe Insdvsnce in a moderate oven. This will make tend to make him more old atnl his wifi is They In this world. If we would all Just can mature The salamander. oud frog completely cause eaiinot fail to yield abundant " two sheets. Frost it If yon like. 1 vl ti on. resignation our troubles and still were iiuiri'ied In Bristol In April, IMS, man snni'J lli fr" fruits of good to the community and wstk- - run and leap on Inmi,movement Nine practice IVrkins. William Jlev. the one, the by in broke Yes. In the owlm well tlie Mayonnaise Dressing The important large tbe sphere of his thinking and be a Inspiration to him who of the limbs in water; have hern bom to the couple, with Hie last thing in compounding a mayonnaise is to devoir and vary ihu tunc in' his choosesatisfying the latter element beyinrs straw hat. Tve his New Vorlt for it life work. seven of whom arc living. The chil- practiced It. I scut in my resignation, to have all ingredients and utensil at pulpit addresses, tend to bring down a of with those almost identical ing (.lenient, Frank, thinking theyd give me a ra so to get dren lire the same temperature, whether chilled the generalities of the rule of life to a Tribune. bob In a similar situation. Ifc Is ill" llnssi-iiii- . Mrs. George nml Clinrle or moderately cold, the ingredients in more definite application of daily eon me. to slay, but they accepted it, and of aid the the very By strong. The Karaite Swain. ( Anderson. the best mid Rewl Mr. .Martini r I could do afu-- bunting tlu-lnot and Is and tlie limbs lower great perfect condition, A well known Albanian and his best proper pro- duct. Th" peenninrr promise have twenty-on- e Mrs. Itossi-arun ml three months was to take a portion of oil oiip pint to the yolks of large, neither is It necessarily small, girl went to ouc of the suburban hotels msfeular power aume frog cun raise Mr. mid grandchildren mid two Joli at $i a week less pay." Chicago two raw eggs. Season the eggs with a but there are but few wlio are wealthy, for dinner Inst Sunday, and the young themselves In the air to twenty tinusn lijo.v excelThe cimple Itc-agnl Id. W of mi a ii traverse own their salt saltspoonful height, and liny pinch of mid it Is not at nil certain that any man's Joking propensities got him in lent health, and peutl min-l- i time In pepper, and bent with a wooden or sil- other profession would ybld the pros- dispute that wound up with a boon 'I a space over fifty times the Wlial Mm I) Ini (If. pretty garden adjoining their home. ver fork until it thickens; add one lens:)) of their own bodies. pective minister a fortune. There are frigid 'feeling on tlie part of wIidm wife was sick at A Ledger. Philadelphia is of vinegar; bent thoroughly, ail vantages, however, greater than There arc several lintels in Ti. though the present day frog tin lies' evening she called a hospital, then slowly add a little of the oil, heat- wealth, and llie rational man estimates the village and tlie couple were debut bats pygmy rnmpnrcd with tlie giant I'nilt-rtinMini inquired how she was Premier. Ihf was there in land the roamed which ing vigorously nil the time. Add a few very highly any nerupntion with ele- lug as to tlie best place to dine. Whi Amphibian Wh:i' placing III a iiiirsoiin- - at North getting along. He was 'old Hint ho drops of vinegar I until not over two vated and favorite stmbes. the constant the youth' was gazing around he the far off Carboniferous Ieriml of the Mr. Baltmir wa obviously was Improving. Next diy he called wonderlablespooufuls have been used alto- chII to beneficent activities and the en a sign hanging over one of the stub'.cs, morM history, he is truly Imhi off game by nlie iff Hie speetn-to- r again, and wns told she was (ill have full little put with the and the esteem oil ful nml gether!. alternating until Jnymciit of the roll animal, lire and nudcitig his girl, lie said: some time, for went This oil at in ('(iiighiiig proving. win) just the dressing la like n smooth, thick of bis follow mao. helped to reveal to us the marvels of art. let There's the place we'll go. Ids wlf cream, I'.eep In covered glasses In the tors and Instrnetlon, ail Inspire and it underg- the critical moment. Mr. Balfour's each day the report being .hat and the his ilriii-tur"Where? wns her query. oue night uutliorita-liii-l- y was old Finally, a Improving. stager, eiiddie. regular London Should S. the 8. Times. refrigerator. oesyolks of the reward their devotees, to whom fame "Over there where you sec Hint sign snipped the game, and, address- when be railed he was told that his eggs not thleken before tlie other in- ami iiiiiiiriiec iiiui pri'i. nt employment The girl looked and read, Teams ha ing the onlisikers with great politeness, wife was dead. Peeing the doctor, gredients are added, discrri them and are ample and satisfying emoluments. Fed for 25 Cents." Then she handed Can any of you gentlemeu went up to him ami said, with a world Sixty thousand elephants sre annu- said: Is no danger of A mere money rewnrd does not enter her friend a line of patter (hat put beat np others. Th'-rYell, doctor, of sarcasm In Ills voice: wT a eongli drop? ally slaughtered to give the world its oblige this insn enrdlfng If the eggs are - ery fresh and into their calculations as the supreme him under the wagon. Anbany did she dia of Imbrovementsf vat Wife. and Ills World Tbe IrotJ. the oil be added very tl'.wly. of attraction life or decisive nishing salads, mid meats, game pies and so on. It la refreshing to the eye always, and may he made to assume any form or eolur. Cube of pale aspic laid In rings of green peppers have an exceedingly pretty effort: or the aspic !a chopped to present n rough surface. . 1 s s s -- y, prosi-i-uic- a - 11 ex'pi-rii-iii-- 1 ss Sb-nod- siiiin-ivlia- j t i merry-go-roun- - l l, lull-mage- s 1 Ill-r- -- - veg-ctaii- it- ap-pp- ul Imlii-e-ment- e " In-se- ct g In-se- m. - !MJ To-da- y glll-elef- d, g, aiilr-breathln- to-da- flesh-eate- r, per-hap- hs table-spoonfu- ls y cos-tinne- -. r 11 1 s . 11 e 1 J |