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Show lrTcririSIr! WE MAKE TRAVEL EASY. Kiuis and C Walker Rank Hulld-- ! lug. Fait laike City iLwith Dr. Hector Griswold for th past thrsa years. i .' j Officer & Co.. I R. H. The Sign of Safety. Speed and Com fort J Assaysrs and Chemists. 8. W. Temple St, Salt Lake; 161 City. 3 Trains Daily. 3 The etory of the Empress Eugega birth and youth forms aa allego rtf 1 i.optiis of her whole career. was horn in a lovely garden, bujai 'h midst of a terrible earthqug'-Stil- l the dramatic character of jk' adtert had no 111 effects upon It? child, who gn-- to girlhuod one oft mosL nibust, and at Ur same time, one of the loveliest era tu res upon whom the sun shone. JfcJ then, before she w as out of tha scfyI-rooshe was ia love with a man fcto pretended to love her, but vrttaj n reality was secretly paying cour'o her alster. No sooner was the disev--r- y made than they found the fume empress lying on her couch. appsrfV She had ti ly In a death-agony- . poison. Ily little leas than a mlr her life was saved; and we all k the story of her subsequent how her peerless beauty fasclnajtd the emperor, and how, she became the greatest lady rope, the sole dictatress Write for Mailing Sank. wmxnDSi ix-i iri i j rr t g jtgaigwsatttswxaASiiiijPiiliWftW a i -i- meeesa From UTAH to KANSAS CITY. ST. JOE. CHICAGO, GALVESTON, EL PASO. And tha Minin Camps of NEW MEX ICO AND ARIZONA. F. M. BISHOP. 5 ASSAYER. W. lad Bouth. Balt Lola City. Oppoalta Fostofllc. Mailing Sacks Furolihed. no I Ask us about Cheap Ratos this Sum-ma- g g U .. -- "T ggaxKSS w&WMx? agiDOTOTaxK GATRELL CYRUS C. K. WARREN, General Agent. Tha Atchison, Topaka Railway Company. Salt Laka City, Utah. ?I r. I1 A Santa ' ' a Fa Attorney A Couneelor. 415 D. F. .Walker Building, Balt lAke City. zwsf! THOMPSON REAL ESTATE CO. I s i FIVE TRAINS I 44SSSSSSSSMSSSSSSSS4SSSS4S4SSSSSSSS4SSSS4SSSSSSSS4S j 5 u X X X Tha Rock Island System now offers a choice of five daily trains from Colorado to Eastern paints. THREE of them arc for Omaha and Chicago, and tha other TWO for Kansas City and St. Louis.. The equipment is new and X and a dining car on every train.. All leave at convenient hours. "Let ua figure on your trip." X A folder and full information from 1 N. L. DREW, General Agent, E. DRAKE, Diet Pass. Agentx 800 17th Street, Denver, Colo. G. A. BIBLE, Trav. Pass. Agt.,5 or 100 West Second South SL, j mmm Tangle lard to Figure Out Nuptial rgWWltlt 1 MWta the goddess at whoae shrine all lovers of the beautiful worshiped. Then tbs fsfsl war, and th horrors of Sedan; ths flower of the French army shatter ed and disgraced; and, worst' agony of all, her husband carried a prlsunei to Germany. Into which ha had fondly hoped to lead a victorious army. Paris had cried aloud for war "A Berlin! a Berlin!' But now, when tha capital might best have served the oatiuu and the brave woman at its head. It turned upon the empress "Long live the Republic! Down with the Spaniard !" they yellsd aa they surged round the Tullertes. They forgot the Prussians at their own doors while they thundered at that of poor Eugenie's asylum. Not for an Instant did she lose courage. "You are holding iny arm." she said to one of the few ladles left In attendance upon her. "Du you feel me tremble. "Not in the least," was the truthful answer. And the brave woman went forth alone from the rear of the Tullerlea, rtnged the streets of Paris with only thirty ience in her pocket, and while tha mob around the palace nought her blood, could And none so humane aa to afford her shelter. The World and HU Wife. Birth and Youth 1 Porianta Empress Born Out by Afar Llfo Courage Ono of ibr Main Virtues. j of 5 i Poor Eugenie' Tragedies in Life of THE TOURIST'S FAVORITE ROUTE Now the daughters hedaughters. Trads Real Eatats. Three Brothers Marry Slates. roine the brides of the sons. In other of aad farma of rnthera Ws have a large list Daughter father-in-laof is the woids, Metzger city property, vacant and improved, Although Ids stepdaughters, and Mrs. Metzger U and Call Arm. other any than Is beeper Entirely Legal. of her stepsons. the mother-in-laWest Soeond South BL, sea ua. 43 And still the wonder does not cease. One of the moat remarkable Skit Lake City. tangles ever known waa present- Mrs. Metzger was married four times. cure the keeley Cured. ed to the auihorltiPB In probate court Ib-- Fecund marriage was to the brothDrunkenness when Edward and Fr4 er of lier present husband, but by that to Saturday, made application ts union she had no children. Here are A positive and permanent eure twins, Metzger, some of the puzzles to work out: drunkenness and tha opium diseases. marry slsu-rssays the Clevtlant If your two brothers married sisters sickness. no no publicity, There is Plain Dealer. of your wife what relation would your treated as privately as at their waa strange enough, children he to This In It own homes The Keeley Institute. IB your brothers' children, W 8a Temple. Balt Lake City, Utah. but when the clerk waa preparing ths or what, would they he If you and your was an learned that elder brothers' father took for hla second papers it brother of the twins had married wife the mother of the girls who are sister of i he two prospective brides of now the wives of the three sons? And A look at the entry Journal the twins. stjll further, what would they be If the showed that in May, 1904, Albert woman your father married was the a brother, had married Ida Miller, mother of your wife and one of your the third sister. While the people In brothers' wives was the widow of your the court were having a good laugh at uncle? this Edward spoke up and said: The hoys have stopped figuring on Tx-- t me tell you something that will the puzzle, saying that If they have GLADSTONE IOTtU act you thinking deeper our father Is children the relationships will be bo the huRliaml of the girls' mother." In mixed as to baffle deciphering. Mrs. A. M. Marshal, Prep, C. Metzger spite of It all the complication le enIs the story: This 111 South Main Street. Balt Lake City married Mrs. Christina Miller. Metz- tirely legal, because there Is no blood Neatly furnished Rooms by the Day, ger had, as stated, three sons, two of relationship between the contracting Week or Month. them twins. Mrs. Miller had three parties. cents 50 to $1.50 par day. Rates, or weak rates by the day, Special We Buy, Sell and ion, FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN Us-ueu- OODES' AND DENVRT?- - -- mtf-rlag- e To be asnured of a pleasant trip east, purchaso your tickets via the Illinois Central Rail- -' road a the Bouth and Southeast. For full Information call on or write J. A. FOLEY, Commercial Agent. No. 75 Wcet Second Bouth Street. Through Sarvloo fixed . PAGE RAILVAY ROUGH SCCNaO COLOMBO FERTILE JISSE3 IOAS mtPULLr ANan OLECPINC. CAML OBSERVATION DINING CARS. KLCOTRIC List RffOLINiNa . .. (stair kMMSTI Nr smATum, T. Fi Chair CANS i.iiI.hm kSVCOMMttk olNIn I. TOVMSCNB. AMO eilWMM at Demands of Hia Stomach Too Great to Bo Resisted UltCOMPANY. imate Recovery Almost Mere s work, a full entrant Than He Deserved. rj and courteous treatment to alL Nets left a A man who hae - just TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OP CARS . Free Radioing Chair Cara. Dining Oar through S!i? U rUtad hojft&l Z. DR. ALVAH SALT LAKE PRI LEWIS. veTr f of Polish Village Old Circus Clown Leader of Band. The Inhabitants of a suburb of Fo- - sen. In Poland, have recently of a p- - euliarly artful of gang burglar. Fur si l month past their tiiahtly rest ha been dls- turbei! by what they very naturally conceived to he the iiucoiriial cries of the city's cat. when the cat were at their lmulisi. a noise would he heard in ih, house. The noise was a a rule atlr was noticed, tributed to the however, tha1 Mii in'lir, ak of cats coincided wl'M a gr. a' ardv'ry on the fiaien.i-y- . yart of the Ion r a in ore than Iwn the victims u-ra- (!. !i commonly vide mined to irili mtdnlcht robln-- .im.im- tin- - r-- i Special Attention given SURGICAL and OBSTETRICAL CASES. TUB ONLY STKllTLY PRIVATE HOSPITAL IN THE STATE. No. 352 E. lit South. Salt Lake City. deter- ( ii ii.g crop V: h a halts- - Picture the I of at Too Often Tilings Not Under, food bv the Souls of tha Sons Accorded of On- hvw-- Mn. DIRECT TO CORONADO TENT CITY. Ob-4-- 4- by tlx ' wovir-- r r - i I).- - i 1 DEALERS Corner South Temple and 2d West St. SALT LAKE CITY - - UTAH ' i: Stilt Where lirm'iiik. firm And litun Tin (julieib-- Iel.ii h-- . - power Items, .. ... ... !t. ri.. iind-'-tnn- gil It .1 mill like - I.' Its mi. -a Anrt nil wl; . .I: - k ! i Mere In u... And shiTi--. Drew to j, M. Of purity and - t r y: t eliapel- - . shunned. ..nd faded idin. The lovely wonder lay. And then about it. In ind out mme rabble rout There era w led a loari Of thing which wl - I nnd flng; to th- min made, Then, pointing world - suiting eald. d I wa. evil TIow Annie Anderson. a i t- 1 1 Irnsth. from brulaet mid broken stem from root and loaf and The eweet emit pax- - uwny. CntH. amid rank weed- iind pas. i: tr ati-m- At -lf Ilf !n-- ilmilitli.g words ran l.iruui:h the land : thing we do not And ran It. thin, bo bo oril mntor 1 1) i. mu-- 1 Th-Miss Then i innu il.u- - il to I, old go little When rude wind nliook ther petals fair, ward rare, one drew lairk with Ki.-I b.m full; "jir j ei red to oo iMtln mder sen foot, And And worm unhindered t.iaweil the root And slowly lulned :i!;. 1 .t j ,filar. ic fv 4- - 4. . REMHMBER, IN F1CURINO YOUR TRIP EAST THAT TH8 Oregon Short Linb RAILROAD ft E. BVRLEY, l S. SPENCER. LF.tT.L K.F.ST.A. BBBCr GONNCTION WITH TOi UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE w VMCH B THI cnsmwNO-- '- cm tksei oma 201 MAIN TO IT. SALT LAKE CITY, VTAJL nrUAI KOUTI TO AU. g- - laFnSgaav a SPEED COMFORT SAFETY TTNION PACIFIC Unexcelled X rogressivb (THB OVERLAND ROUTB) Name Your l Route East I j j your ript trip Kast toll your local ticket tliat your ticket to tliicairo must reail via tlio agent On " A iCh icago, M il wau kee & St. Pau 1; Railway You will do yourself a. kindness, securing tlie mnxi-- n mum amount of eomfort at the minimum cost. l)r-n- h !!e daily train service from Ogden to Cliicajro and from Denver to Cliieapi. Jfate in tlirouirh slippinsH - H ears. ()rden to t'liieago, standard, $4.7r. $!1.50 ; tourisf H h anil complete Information free. Any ticket can ticket you East via this lino. Auk him to doagent so. Fobli-- r C. S. Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. bat-eye- Jif . S5 free -- Hut a-a- .nuWA RECLINING CHAIR CAR. Ask nearest agent for Information on Pacific Coast Excursions, or write to J. I Moore, Diet Pas. Agent, San Pedro, Los Angeles A Balt Lake R. R., Salt Lake City. able-bodie- d ilalx-r-mayo- r . .. Dining Car. n-- It LUMBER making miauwlng, were quite adept at forcing locka and windows. On the third night he and hla men each bagged a "cat and when their furry prisoners were safely landed it was discovered that each animal was an burgthat eon lar dressed In a make-u- p cealed all traces of his human origin. scrota1 Habermaycr. a broken-dow- n and circus clown, who had formed tl :s band of human cats, was among .tie raptured, lie confessed that ho tad taught hia men their parts, and when charged, he gave vent to the mot lifelike series of caterwauling, betidca crowing like a cock and nelghlny like a horse. The good citizen of Inai-now sleep peaeefully again, for d rata and hla gang of Iwo-Ieg- ; have been sentenced to govc-- .i years' Imprisonment. re ORANGE GROVES. Palatial Vestlbuled Trains leave Salt Lake City 8:20 p. m. dally. wnitloii, Drawing Room and Standard Pullman Sleeper, Tourist and cata, Till BEACH E8. PASADENA. The World and the Martyred Flower i TAYLOR, ROMNEY, ARMSTRONG CO. Wholesale and Retail CATALINA. OCEAN pened that when he went Into the ward the convalescent patient was asleep. The other man waa wide awake and he beckoned the waiter and told him lay the food intended for the con- posed BALT LAKE CITY, UTAH TO CALIFORNIA Series of Remarkably Clsver dozen of his man he kept watch for Tricks Played on Inhabitants several nights. He saw that the supbesides a horrible Ind. Tel. 755. F, ZX AND ITS FAMOUS WINTER RESORTS. Thieves Made Hauls Cats, A. BENTON, O. A. ZZtlltillttlltttti Beesley MusicCo. Disguised as BookUts, aimj U1,,-ra- . valescent patient alongside hla cot where he was confined for seviral The 9S.00. waiter, believing the food waa Inweeks with typhoid fever tells this tended for him, did sa The sick, men Solid gold crown, 22k $5.00. story of two other typhoid patients hnroedately devoured It. A few min-lie- s for $4.09 work institooth, In the public ward of the same Bridge later the physician on duty enAbsolutely palnlese extraction. tution: tered the ward. He noticed that Rooms 0, 10, 11, 12 Galana Block. men The two occupied adjoining something was wrong with the sick Bki trance, M E. Second South. beds. One was convalescent, while man and upon inquiry learned what the other was still battling with the had happened. fever. Naturally, the physicians kept That man will be dead In ten minall food away from the latter. The To our Fine Selection of unless we get that food out at utes, troua alck man, however, developed X hla he said to the waiter. stomach," blesome appetite, ill as he was, and X The physician summoned assistance, he protested against not being fed. I In fact, was got a stomach pump and went to work Yo have added the Chase A Baker X He said the Institution, , The convalescent pa- - on the sick man. The patlent'a only him. starring x Piano Player, Victor Talking J tlent, all the lime, was receiving light comment when the operation waa all u over was: Machines, with a choice seise- - J food. This made the man in the admore insistent that cot all the "By Jove, It la bad enough to be joining J he be fed. The physicians, however, starved, J tion of the but when they deliberately Lates and Best Rolls and Records. paid no attention to hla complaints. rob you of the food in your stomach u The patient waited for his opportun- It tf terrible." He eventually recovered, despite his x ity. which finally came. u One day a strange waiter came narrow escape, although he had a Thc Popular Music House, 4G So. around with the meals. It to hap hard fight. Balt Main SL, Lake City. a few of our prices. Full set of teeth, X Bell Tel. 755. SLEEPERS FROM OGDEN OR SALT LAKE Patient Set Life Against Square Neal First-clas- VIA OURI . in Balt Lake get your teeth THE EASTERN PAINLESS DENTAL EAST AND TOURIST nt-l- f Mets-ger- , month. AND THE PULLMAN LA-die- s w. While stTlqijis THROUGH , i from Omaha to Chicago. Flrst-clasalso between service Omaha and M Wines polls and Chicago and BL Louis, aa well as all points In CllOICB OP itntrrwL r 4. 4. 4, 44 !4 |