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Show MAKING MIGRATION. OF INSTINCT THE Shown In Fall Flight of tho Bobolink Toward tho Southland. Tho Inn I net of migration la ono of tho moat wonderful in tho world, says A C. William Beebe, In Recreation. young bobwblte and a bobolink are latched in the aame New England field. The fonner grows up and dur Ins tho fall and winter forma one o? tho covey which la runtenl to wander ntilo or two, hero and there, In March of good feeding grounds. Hardly haa the bobolink donned hla Oral dull dreaa before an Irrealvllble Impulse aelzea bint. One night ha rise up and up, ever hiKher. on fluttering wing. Beta hla count aouthward. gives you a gllmiac of him athwart the moon, and keoj on through Vic (In la to Florida, acroaa acaa, ove tropical lalanda. far Into South America. never cnntnt ut til he haa pul the Srcat Amazon between him and till birth l ire. fnr-dlata- rtao'a Cure for Honvumpitoa I aol haa aa equal for eougha aud raid. Jon K. believe do o via. Trinity Kirtu. lud . 15. Ivuu. Fi.-Ii- Popularity of Viduiah. Yiddish la an archaic and corrupt form of Herman extensively tt(okeii In mauy count. besides by Jt-w- (Germany Itaclf. A atartlius Inaiaiictf of Isa popularity la given by a writer. In Jerubalcni he met "a worthy man who denounced me for being unable to converaa with hliu In Ylddlah. 'You are no Jew be prutcated, for you do not know the Jewiah laugiiage 1 answered that Hebrew waa the Jewiah language and that I waa ulto willing to try to apeak to him In It. Hla rejoinder waa: I have no patience with Idea of apeaking Hetbla brew In Jerusalem.' " new-fangle- d imi'T roiuiKTllall kHCnw itryi tftt I'bti A Ittbl. KuHni'iwijMsnf, Smith llliie, only KpimI. lul Courtship In Siam. A Slamcao lover inuat announre hla Oral vlalt to hla lady love four tuontba In advance, and when the day arrlvea nd ho propoeea the maiden muat wait deroroualy for two houra beforo him her anawer, although aho baa decided before hla arrival. would Impctiioua American think of aucli proceedings? giving surely What lovera The Salt Ijiko lloule will at once limited place In aervlce a through heated train electric lighted, between I Am Angelo and Chicago. It will take nine complete tralna to make up the aervlce and the rimt of eaeh train will rcpreacut 1 100,000, or S'JOO,-00for the whole. Thcae tralna will run via Milford. anil Tlntlc, but arrangementa will he made to have from Sanpete Valgood connection ley point and the Provo and Nephi line. att-ar- a 0 Tha One General Mlataka. People are never ao near playing a A fool aa when they think wise, Lady Mary Wortley ' ' ' Montagu. them-Mlve- ' TEA Good dealing gos with good tea; good tea with good dealing. And had with bad. 0 Tsr yramr istunu fosr SaaMlItMiSM. usm; Un isal Uki World of Woman. The world of women, according te Vanity Fair, may be divided Into two the hnlf that dreiwra and the halve half that merely wear clothes. TEA It is a companion in pleas- ure or misery, one or the other; and some of us don't know o- -" "thcr. PRACTICAL HYGIENE In Region State. In looking about fur a site for the projurted Michigan alate sanitarium for cutaumpilvc. the discovery haa been made that the northern part of the lower peninsula of Michigan la the healthiest part of the United States. Tbla la not gueas work by intereated parlies, but the verdict of the United Statea census. It will astonish many who have heard the claim made for the Maine woods, the Adirondack. the mountain region of North Carre Una at.d Georgia. for Colorado, Call fornla, Arizona, New Mcslro. to hear that the tables or the census bureau demonstrate that Ibe palm belong to Michigan. Freedom from consumption the being the first consideration, board having the Inquiry In charge found that of tho nine registration state (where registration of death with the cause la obligatory), Michigan stands lowest on the list, with a death rate fur consumption of 107.; New Hampshire, the next lowest on the list, stands 152.3; Massachusetts. York, 134.1. Rural IS6.2, and New Michigan stands 94.1. An examination of the chart for Michigan show no lesa (linn thirty nine counties with a lower rate than 95 (which are shown In wliltel. There are only five such counties In New York stale. Compared with in her parts of the country the low rate for northern Michigan la moat remarkable. The consumption death rate for cities In the New England states is 244; for cities In the mlddlu statea 259. lake stales 1511, southern stales 277. Ran Francisco 104. Thus II la seen that even the elite of (he lake region compare most favorably with cltlea of tho rest of the country in tho matter of exemption from pulmonary tuberculoids. Having founJ that tho lake region appear to bo most favorable, tho board stuck a pin In the center of this region on tho map, In tho upper part of tbu Here lower peninsula of Michigan. era thi creat lakes to the norths the west. Here are pine and east an hemlock foreata, filling the air with Here is a porous soil of balsam. gravel and glacial drift, with good water unroniamlnated by cities. And here la abundance of sunshine, with absence of fog. 8o the board reasoned. Examining the vital statistics of the state, It waa found that the four counties of Otsego, Crawford, Roscommon and flladwln ahow an average death rate for all forms of tuberculosis for the past five years of only 58.6. Hamilton county. New York, the Adirondack coqnty making tye hi; at showing, 'haa a consumption death rate.' according to the census, twice aa large aa the first three Michigan counties named above, while the cancer, pneumonia and diphtheria charts left comparison entirely out of the question and show a clear while record for northern Michigan. It will be little wonder, therefore, If the state sanitarium la located In one of the counties above named, distant from any large city, and where the pine scented air will continually blow through the open cottage of the consumptives camp, for the sanitarium will be of the camp character, rather than a large building, and will be aa npea to the sun and air aa possible. Here the campers will he encouraged to take moderate cxerrlsc, to eat nourishing food, rich In vegetable fats, and to get tanned nn! toughened In the open air. Ity this means I Is hoped that the consumption death list of Michigan, 2,5iiO per year, will he materially reduced, nnd that n large proportion pf the enliprrs will he returned to their homes strengthened and . c l 1 i I l.ap-plt-- '' it one. I tark ness, l.-- i ti-- i.e.1 r.l! 1 K.ian 1:. r' ,nc -- t if .ri I, and v. .n i.; tl.- In I v. in if it c .r.t fadif ii-- t c-'- nf ry I . : it- ii.4 wii.iu: CuM i!. 1! ii's. In wl-.i- i ii . fiv-- ' ci':e our Mrs A I. run 1 O. J. St.i-.e- . t a'.i." r Tl.e ini l i.r.i n I- - five ei n . s t'-- Utv n a Currency. euireti.-v- " Hit ah ch the lu!di Mar!.t::.iii and New Ni 1 adoi tei! us tiicir rnrnncy from lr I 11- - Nv . Knchiiider-- i i the Indians. TEA prostration. A little more tea; take a If tic more time with your tea. Anti-nervo- us In England. TViberculoai The number or death from t u tierce lost In England I CiUl'D a year; yet there are only seventy sanatorium with room for Z.7C0 patient. s p ) t'e in up s rilling . T. . v peel to j r Mi l : !,.,,t:i fr;ui tmi much j; rrJ f cui r.i ! : - ti e i ri t: cl! re.iriy . In eviry day. w::i r i'r sun n'iiseiu-the jrli.i'e c ieoi,i-(Mil I. ep a:i iji- - on lie eh !d-n vib.o :i'e r, iriiir.l fn'iii the f- (if ; -y r- tui-r- toe city !rei-;- s i. and mil ronhicts of the par!,. Most Healthful Exer- cise. ('hil-ireof boili seves sliouM he early tuuglit to ho useful. In many kinds of useful work tiny find the most heathfu! of nil exercise. The , various movements wired in the process of putting a room in order clearing the table, washing or wiping dishes, running errands, replenishing the fire, and In other household duties afford almost a good an opportunity for tho exercise and development of the musccls ns the most complicated maneuvers of systematic exercise In a gymnasium. Children should be taught the dignity of work, and made to undents that their Uvea? If be lives of useless. sue-oessfi- the shafting to run the machinery Shafting, pulleys and belting are perfectly adjusted, bo that there la the least possible friction. This la essential, and causes trouble In many cases antes corrected by an expert machinist. The Illustration shows how the elevated grain runs down into the grinder hopper (D) and the ground feed Into the bins below. The elevator (D) nay be used either to fill bags on the platform (II) or to carry ground feed to the bln below. 1 ri )EMAND FOR CHANGE t" out lour i( v i t . . - - I, Stone Wall for Barn. , Tie "tito . 'I'' ::i-- lo-n- i I:- 111 ! r I Il I:i : eitios. eul i!:u'Vd ti.o nr1;, they liuMi s of :.::i:r-u:- - m. li:g ieilu- lie. s of i - I Ini i'h ir 'on vith iu: id . Prevention cf Leod roisr.i-ig- . ill veil? of . .v. painters. n: h.i h.i'i and ail wnr'iin-i- i t:l-of wbli-l- I. a l is liiii'.ccd 111 the Sc:. r.'iiio A ni. Such pi'ru-Hiroiui r or l.i;.-from bad poisui. riir jhe most gcrnpu'.o'is (r'liiitnr. will par iilis of tli,. tho mouth in cnHeg. dr-.;r.u--. cr smoking, (trdinary .'; nay. l.y ths which nit iimiti'ly find tiirir .n-- i0 rhoinlcnl conibinaii.'ji to whih R give rise, oven Increase the amount of lead adhering to iho sin. man chemist has a fni tho purpose of so ad-nupilI1 th lead adhering to the sl.in as to render It quite harmless. The pnric'n n( lead are chanced in'o a lior pu on rompound (sulphld or load by the simple process of wahlr.g with thi. aoap An l so-.i- r iiivt-ii!.-.- ! - Ilow many ters of stone would lie required to build ' w.iii un : a f t About 40 feet long nn.l how' many barrel of lime Kill bo ref Hew ii.auy barrels would be tciil'-ci- l for tlu- wall to nuikc it of sienes in: I gravel? quired? su-.i- The sione wall 1 ft. 6 in. tiiiek wrmM tako 4i cords of stone (12S cubic feet to the cord) equal to abi'iit 2S tons weight, live yards of sand and 5 bushels of lime. For the concrete wall for aame one foot thick it would take of Portland cement $ barrels, gravel 10 yard. Krone fillers 3 vnrds. Concrete should be mixed eight parts gravel to one part Portland cement. Removing Partition In Mow. hay mow 23 ft. by 21 ft la divided by a partition into two small mows A by hay would removed? 21 ft- - II IIow mtirh more hold with the partition By removing the center partition In bo able to get In hay mow, you would about two tons of hay as this par titlon prevents the hay from settling In center of mow anil if removed there would be a great pressure on renter of mow, thus the difference In the quantity of hay that could be stored. In mow. Place for Woman Haters. 'Woman haters should find the convent of St. Catherine, on Mount Sinai much to their liking. No woman haa entered the place lu fourteen hundred yeara. TEA We dont know how good it can be, nor how bad it is some of us. Stale Canned Fruit. In the course of the trial of a cast In a Ijundon court recently it came out that imported canned fruit la often stored in London warehouses for ten years. TEA A tired woman; a fresh pot of tea; there is joy all over her face. The Opportunity Lacking. The man who haa never been able to participate In a graft deal la usually loudest In hla expressions of Joy when the other fellow Is caught. Washington Post. W. J. BLACK. New Passenger Traffic Manager for the Santa Fa Road. Do Solo looked for the secret of youth in a spring of gushing, waters, which he was sure he would find In the New World. Al-- c '.rout Isis nnd sages (thousands of thi'ml, have spent their Uvea In quest for It. but It I only found by those happy peni:l e wd.o can dig- st nnd assimilate the rich? fond which keeps tho physical liody perfect that peace and comfort nre the sure results. A remarkable man rf Pi says: For mnry long years I mfffrrd more or less with chronic rosHvcncss anil This condition painful lndigei-tion-. made life a preat burden to me, as you may well imaclne. "Two years ago I hcean to use ns food, and am thankful Grape-Nut- s that I did. It has been a blessing to mo In every way. I first noticed that It had restored my digestion. This waa a great gain hut waa nothing to compare In Importance with the fact that In a abort time my bowels were restored to free and normal action. The cure seemed to be complete; for two years I have had notie of the old trouble I use the Grape-Nut- s food every n orning for breakfast and frequently ent nothing else. The use has made tne comfortable and happy, and although I will be 94 yeara oM next fall, I have become strong and supple again, erect in figure and can walk with anybody and enjoy it." NaKe given by Fostum Co.. Battle There's a reason." Creek. Mich. Read the little book. The Road to Wellvilla," In every pkg. William J. Black, who haa Just been promoted by the Santa Fa railroad to be passenger traffic manager of the entire system, with headquarters in Chicago, waa born Oct 3, 18G4, In St Louis, and has been In the railway aervlce since 1879, beginning aa an office boy with the Vandalla at the age of 15 years. He retained hla first position five yeara, when he became rate clerk In the passenger depart ment of the Missouri Pacific. In March, 1SS6, he waa given " a similar He was position by the Santa Fe. promoted to chief clerk In tho passenger department In April, 1887, and to assistant general passenger agent Jan. 1, 1S92. He has been general passenger agent, with headquarters at Topeka, Kan., alnce Feb. 1, 1897. Spurious Articles in Museums. life-givi- pwv ill S.JTI' of oil I; ! I" : OF DIET. Paul Dresser, tha Popular Composer, Cured by Doan's Kidney Plllo. Paul Dresser of New York, author of Banka of the Wabash" and many other great song hlta, writes: Gentlemen: I wish to recommend Doan's Kidney Pills, in tha hope that my endorsement will bo read by some of th of many thousand sufferers from kidney complaint I waa ao wretched from this malady that 1 could not sleep, rest nor eat, and had a weak and aching back. Doan's Kidney Pllla effectually cured n.c, and 1 wish that others may know. PAU1. DRESSER. (Signed) Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box Foster MU burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. cod-flahe- . I f (SpeKid- Sonatant Familiarity With Ona Form of Food Brings Loathing. breeds contempt, and Familiarity enforced familiarity la apt to Induce repugnance. But few are aware how kitense such repugnance may become In the case of people condemned to pend the greater portion of their Uvea tn the manufacture or preparation of some one particular article. It la sale ted, for Instance, that the salmon eurers of Alaska, after several months' flab, steady diet of freshly-cauggrow to ao loathe the succulent meat that they will devour almost any substance that will sustain life In preference to' IL Thf oyster women 6f Arcachon, In France, again, never by any chance eat oysters, regarding them as food fit only for plga; while It la a fact well known to every deep-se- a of the sailor that the Newfoundland banka will suffer the extremeat pangs of hunger rather than touch cod, and are Invariably willing to exchange the finest of their flah for a modicum of flesh, no matter how rancid and unappetizing the latter may he. Similarly, the girls employed In cocoa factories quickly grow to loathe cocoa In aay shape or form. Even the choicest of chocolate confections, such aa would cauae to water the mouths of the daintiest society dames, have no attractions, but quite the reverse, for these otherwise well-nig- h omnlveroua young women. T. A. T." New Praise tor Victor Hugo. A Pennsylvania woman who was called upon to write a paper at a suburban current topics club on Victor Hugo went to the local Carnegie library and collated her facts from a number of encyclopedias. When she had finished, having a quarter inch of pace at the end of her paper, aha thought she would add something Whatever we original, and wrote: and succeeding generations may think of Victor Hugt, we must agree on one thing, that lie write good English." TH E SECRET OF YOUTH. iu-n- t I Btraw-ler-rle- cial.) Scientific research shows ney Trouble to be the father of so many diseases that news of & discovery of a sure cure for It cannot fail to be welcomed all over the country. And according to Mr. J. A. Davis of this plare Just such a cure la found In Dodd'a Kidney Pllla. Mr. Davis saya: Dodd'a Kidney Pllla are all that la claimed for them. They have done me store good than anything I have ever taken. I had Kidney Trouble very bad and after taking a few boxea of Dodd'a Kidney Pills I am completely I cannot praise them too cured. much." Kidney Complaint develops Into Bright's Disease. Dropsy, Diabetes, Rheumatism and other painful and fatal diseases. The safeguard la to rare your kidneys with Dodd'a Kidney Pills when they show the llrat symptom of disease. low. - 1. Straw-ber-rie- The congregation faltered, stopped and laughed, but Mr. Beecher, sot at all disconcerted, called out, that's right, little girl. That's right, f you can't praise God in anything but strawberries, then sing strawberries. be- e V ! Good News for All. Bradford, Tenn., Oct. 23d. u i Useful Work Straw-ber-rles- one-bal- - tl--.- ri la of cold rolled spring steel, one inch In diameter. The line shafting la of the same material, f one and Inches Ip diameter, and runs through three adjuatable hangers. Wood split pulleys of proper diameter aud face are adjusted on Pigeon LofL wish to build m pigeon loft of the 12 ft. long, 8 following dimension: 1 wide, 9 ft. high at the front and 6 ft. high at the back. Uprights and Disease la not to be euccesefully rafters are to be 3 ft. apart, the floor to be double and the roof and aides to combated by fighting symptoms, httf be What amount of lumber by the removal of causes. ; ind papered. will be required? paper "And at 111 we love the evil muse, f And of lh Just effect complain: W tread upon life's broken law. The material required for pigeon And murmur at our pah. loft would be as follows'. 4 p twees' 2 ft. x(fL xfl9 ins Joist. a. 2 pieces 2 ft. x 6 ft. x 8 ins. sill. The Outdoor Gymnasium. 11 pieces 2 ft. x 4 ft x 9 Ins. studs. The nucleus of the out door 7 pieces 2 ft. x 4 ft. x 6 1ns. studs la the swimming pool. 8wtn-mln- g 5 pieces 2 ft. x 4 ft. x 9 Ins. rafters waa meant to be not merely in 4 pieces 2 ft. x 4 ft. x 12 lna. plates occasional and precarious pleasure, 200 feet flooring. but an Inseparable accompaniment ot 110 feet roof boards bathing, cleanliness being achieved 255 feet matched elding. j A Incidentally. swimming pool, there I 7 rolls sheathing paper. fore, la a fundamental need for those who have not access to a convenient ! 1 square cement roofing. To cell Inside would require 475 stream or body of water suitable for matched ceiling. Fifty pounds of feet this purpose. Those accustomed te wire nails and twelve pound (ho delightfully Invigorating effects of would do the Job. of the morning swim consider It aa much of a necessity as their breakfast, or Building a Porch. even more. should the foundation of size What Most artificial swimming pool are be for a house 261x34? Is It a porch Inbuilt An Indoors. unfortunately door pool not only larks the fascinat- necessary to dig a foundation below ion of the outdoor adaptation of the tho froat line, for the floor of a porch? will It require, the old swinilii hole, but It also robs one How much cement two feet above ground? floor being of tho natural accompaniment of outdoor bathing -f- resh air and sunshine. The size of porch for a houae aa Ilathers often spend considerable la governed by conditions mentioned (line lying about on tho bunks of the Ak the advice ol si roam or on tho sandy bench, alien and surroundings. foundations should The a carpenter. natoly basking in the rays of the sun in ground deep enough to and dipping beneath tho cooling go down the froat heaving them. The prevent waves. Powerful are Impression for walls r porch I mixed made upon tho body by the contact of concrete to one part Portland the skin ith th cmil outdoor all eight parts gravel and the floors are laid in two cemeiy, and sunshine. coats The flrt coat from I wo to three The outdoor provide thick is mixed with vlx of gravIrchea i a combinailon of the h- al.ng one part cement ami the top to el of nailin'. aluitniaiu-of pure Mr foi coats two part coarse sun. to one breaHiiii-- '. Tor n Ui- - sun One barrel of Portland cement. hatha, air bath, earth l.r!ix. r., Wil0, part content will build forty cubic feet ol biltl.s. Here Oil' j,; wall when mixed eight, parts gravel, pleasure and obt.n a!! :.uacd atone fillers are used. A barrel lir-e Mid at (bo s;; uit' (i1(, cement will lay eiaiify square feet of lleiy of su'a or river l.i:!-h.:rof floor as described above. .r-- :i- -4 ton to Jfivi n i'-- i; filth and dampness favorable to the growth of the bacilli of tuberculosis, and these conditions prevail In the tenement a. Tho crowded quarters In which our tmeinent population lives facilitates the propagation of tuberculous disease to a truly alarming extent. To have six and sometimes ten people living in three rooms, of which only one receives direct light and air, la nothing unusual. Should one of the members be tuberculous and careless In the disposal of hla sputum, It Is evident that the majority of the member of such a family are In the greatest danger of contracting the (t - shaft. The vertical abaft I1 -- . built on a barn frame makes a considerable weight for the timbers to bear. It Is well to have the tower so thoroughly braced aa to be perfectly rigid. Three twisted wire cables can be used for guys to run from the top of the tower to heavy anchor posts set deeply In the ground. These guys will keep the tower rigidly In position and prevent any strain on tha barn frame In a violent wlndbtorm. he sketch and the following description will fully explain: Two of the tower corner posts (E) rest on the main cross beam. The other two (F) rest upon the purlin, shown at C. Thw vertical shaft runs down alongside the purlin to the beam at A. The bevel foot gear la located here, and tbla runs the horizontal GREAT SONG WRITER. FINE TACT. Henry Ward Bechar Drew Lesson From Humorous Incident. A very little girt waa taken by her parents to a prayer meeting at Plymouth church presided over by Mr. Beecher. In giving out a hymn Mr. Beecher requested every person present who could slug to do ao. Th response not having been hearty during the first verse, Mr. Beecher before the second again ixhorted all to sing. Come, brethren, if you have the grace of God in your hearts, let It come out In your voices. Sing! All together now! Sing!" The little girl took this aa personal appeal and hastily bethought herself f tha song dearest to the heart; ths :ry of a fruit vender who often brought fruit to her home. Accordingly. when the verse began she let forth her voice In a shrill cry of on Barn Frame. A heavy steel tower and windmill Breeding Ground for Tubarculoeh A New York physician baa giveoj forcible description of the three grai enemies of the woman ut the teat meui, naming them aa Ignorance, coho! and tuberculoses. If I should be asked," he sail what condition are moat conductv to Hu- - propagation of tuberculotb especially pulmonary consumi Hon. I would have to reply: Tb I condition that prevail la the ol fashioned tenement house aa the ,:II elst by the thousand In 41 er large cltlea. In these tent i iiu-ithere are not only a far greate iiuml.er of eons u nipt Ives than In th mu me area elsewhere, but the propot tlon is actually greater per number o Inhabitants. Thus they not only cor tain countless center of Infection g old amt young, but these dwelling with their bail air, darkness and III h make a cure of the disease linpossi and a lingering death for all those by the germ of tuberculosis certainty. If any one think me an alarmlb! let him glance at the rharts prepat k by tbo tenement house coramlsb i There hn will ee that there a houses In which can he counted many as twenty consecutive cases tiikrrruloHls during four years. Tli mi tuber represents, however, only t cases reported to the board of healtj Hut how uiHny of the moderately VBiK-cease are made known to (It her physician or hoard of health? I venture In say those not reportod are more numerous than the reported ! GREAT PREACHERfi Precautions t Prevent Violent Strain The Proper Care of the Body ruicd. .uoi s Barometers. Sheep believe the wool on a Shepherd Out of Doop Nurseries. iheep'a bark la an unfailing haront-iter- . One of New York' most inniotis The curlier the vool the II net l specialists for children has lately be (he wiatl-irmade a plea for roof playgrounds. On one of the roof playgrounds estabTORTURING HUMOUR. lish! d for the use of tin rhi'.dren of Treated by the poor, the uverauo attendance Is Body a Viu of Sore r.ddo per ptrbt. Three or four I cachThree Doctcis Cut Grew Vore ets malnhiln nrdi r. nttil there are Cured by Cutcura for 76c. m-hands for inin-!lianeln t. ol waa a Its the li e roof con be liiilized Vy I V ciy 5i ('- ;iV. r lv !y, Her f.ier fir .in ouM-iim- which will . t li. r i ::r-- i I h I.ci! g- -i . 'i ini i a'iy prieuuie tl ' li.n'.'h sn-i If t'. y v i u1 I .I,-;- ' iip. 1 cillol I'1. Ths of the ol.iV'vn. reef -- . i i ' but el grow keif'l 'M.l be certain oiir N. l.:!1' .le niv.-c-aii:' tr.! rirH'to.'s bur! n pro-ee- t e I bad liid IN- Ct!-ct.i'.iin il f. i'v wir-1- . cal l I THE WINDMILL SECURE I ' It has been said liy more than ona authority that, if all the articles in our aril Bcn.e of the great private (vllouioas wcn examined and nniT-ciini- thoroughly overhauled by experts, It would bo found that a great propop-tlowere spurious. TEA There is scarcely anything less substantial; and almost nothing more substantial. , Misfortune in the SneeA. Throughout Oriental countries, no matter what the religion, the sneezo haa always been regarded aa portending misfortune and as resulting from the Influence of the spirit of evlL TEA Never tried Schillings Best, and been buying tea for the past ten years? Youve lost a good deal of what you drink tea for. T iroMT retarni roar rnn If jam Snal Ilk IS. Coins are Mid to have been Invent ed by tho Lydlana and were first used In 700 B. a |