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Show MRS. EMMA FLEISSSER ALCOHOL IN MOST MEDICINES. Suffered Ozer Two lean Health H'at I a Precarious Condition Caused Indispensable Requisite In CompoundBy Pelvic Catarrh. ing of Some Prescriptiona It la of course true that some proprietary medicines contain alcohol and nearly all liquid medlolnes prescribed by physicians contain it. No honest man will deft ml the sale of Intoxicants under the guise of medicine; but every honest man should protest against a sti-n- i of wholesale denunciation born of malice, or ignorance of pharmaceutical principles, and fostered by sclflsh interests. It is assumed that alcohol is the csusc of intemperance; but there Is a great difference between alcohol and whisky. If a substitute for alcohol could be found fur use in the manufacture ol medicines, its discoverer w ould render a great service to the profession ot pharmacy and the science of medicine, for alcohol Is a very expensive ingredient and a cheaper substitute would be gladly accepted. Vnfortun-atelthe word alcohol, in the mlnda of many people is associated excludrunkenness sively with barrooms, and all forms of degradation and vice. This is due to a lack of knowledge by the general public of the fact that alcohol la an Indispensable requisite in drugs, tinctures and fluid extracts All fluid extracts and tinctures on the druggists' shelves contain from 20 tc 90 per cent of alcohol; and of ali HEALTH AND STRENGTH liquid medicines prescribed by physicians more than 7a per cent contain RESTORED BY it in large proportions. A. Alcohol Is required to preserve or ganlc substances from deterioration Mr. F.inma KleisMier, 1413 Sixth and from freezing, and it is also reAre., Seattle, Wash., Worthy Treasurer quired to dissolve substances not solubona uf Temperance, write: suffered over two years with ir- ble in water, while it contributes to when dissolved. regular mud painful periods. My health their preservation was In a very precarious condition and Diluted alcohol is largely employed in I was anxious to find something to re- fluid extracts; and whenever a greater store my health and strength. strength of alcohol is required as a "1 was very glad to try 1'eruua and solvent (for extracting medirlnal prindelighted to And that it wan doing ine ciples) the medicine is of such a char good. 1 continued to use it a little over acter as to preclude a large dosage; three mouths and found my troubles and for this reason preparations, even removed. consider It a splendid medicine if containing 60 per cent or more of and shall never be without It, takings alcohol, are practically less intoxicatn dose occasionally when I feel ing than beer. In such cases the end tired. " character of the medicinal constituents Our files contain thousands of testi- is such as to absolutely forbid the monials which I)r. llartiuan has reof the medicine in any way ceived from grateful, happy women taking who have been restored to health by except in very small doses and at stated intervals only. To assume that his remedy. leruna. any great number of proprietary medicines are used as beverages is the veriest absurdity. Exchange, y PE-RU-N- run-dow- Thinks 8oma Lies Excusable. There are some Ilea, a philosopher said, like angel's wings on which we may mount to .Heaven." FOR WOMEN TEA tranUad with Ills peculiar to Ueir sex, saed as a doscke Is marvrlou eeufal. Tkarou(klycltaaui, kill ft iksm term, stops discharges, seals uiUauastiea and local Putina la la powder fans to bo diuolvcd in para water, and ia far more donaing, healing, gennicidal nd economical than liquid anuacptica far li .TOILET AND WOMEN SPECIAL USES For ale at dniggiata, 0 ctau a boa. Trial Bax and Bank of Uatrnctloaa Free, iw a taraaGaansr . BosToa, Can a very bad person tea very much, do you like think? Hue, New Meane Square Meal. The word banquet' formerly meant dessert. TEA Best tea port: San Francisco; nearest; least expos- Thla la the Mnuma too read about, lladalnflvo lisoroat aradaa. Prloea from mat to SIMM. Aik dealer ftir It. If renal no. our Trade Car faraTtara la on the tag. Books of the World. The total .number of hooka In the Utah Bedding & Manufacturing Co. vorld la estimated at 4 nno.000,000. utbh SslT Lean SI, MARKS Q. TEA HOSPITAL SALT LAKE CITY O. HUNTING, Superintendent When Answering Advertisements Kindly Meotlon This Paper. We make four different types: Schilling's Best Tear grocer retorar year awnej If jaa don't Ukalft Especially if He Owed Vou Money. Nothing marks a sentiment like absence. The one who forgets was not real friend. Duchess D'Abrantes Immense Sun kiai in ureses. Low Wages Paid In China, Often among more advanced peoGreece boasts the largest sun dial on the planet. There Is a large promple! a need for skilled labor Is not ontory In the Aegean sea, looking to felt. In China a farm hand never gets the east, which extends 8,000 feet 1. are than two meals a day and $2.50 above the level of the water. As the in currency a month. Skilled labor sun t d ings around, the shadow of the does not fare much better, aa a carmountain touches one by one a circle penter feels well satisfied with 30 of islands separated by regular Inter- rents a day, while masons and painters do not average 40 cents. vals, whihe act as hour marks. A Greater Lcse. When She Chcoces. A few yi ai'R ago a contractor underad Healh ran of Esiui-stbe ruder tlan a gnat iady, when she took to widen a railway in Yorkshire, nnd while tli? men were at work one or prize-rin(boosts; lo Kal'k-n.dhero coxnisMit a 11. ore fluent vocabu- day a serious landslide occurred. the lary of slang pnd foul language than There was much confusion, and Nevf.n-- y a i'.u!.e's son or representative cry wont up. "Count the men." -neU at name and hereditary honor. er mind the nun," cried the thrifly f on tractor, taunt the wheclbarrowa." In T ally Exprtas. No 'Arrir. f g ' World's Largest Pawnshop. Tnvy, the Destroyer of Peace. Rue dcs the in I !.e it 1.1s 11 v fils envy In heart ran the largest pawnshop in he l.j;-- ; y. lie may hide his envy, laris, stands the world, with so many 1: he cr.n ml get out 0! life ike streets in iis vaults and storerooms 1.K H:.) vinrss tint Is hut you will rover five miles and a for M.u. Ilar'i'lnc-- s i.ril.is If you explore them all. Seven half no be 1 can lH'ie nv ri ai'il. thousand ptrsons a Cay pass through e i;f Ini w'.it'i" tr.vy is. Ex'he big doers. Dlnncs-Manteau- 11 1 shelf-range- 1 i.1 d 11 , Richard Carle's Find" Turned Out of Little Value. before "The Maid and the Shortly Mummy" company opened its season, Richard Carle was looking for an actor to play the part uf a wild man with the inuaical comedy. He wanted a big, blustering fellow with a bad man's face and the voice of a steam calliope. After examining several applicants for the purl Mr. Carle dually selected 1 man who filled all the requirements save that of voice. Orlando Wilson a as the giant's name, but like many jig fellows lie was modest and retir-niu manner and speech. In fact, its voice was only a few notes re lioved from an infant's treble. "Why don't you shout?" exclaimed Ur. Carle, after listening to a 2x4 wice exuding from a man who stood i feel 5 inches in his stockings. "Yell! jive your lungs a chance! Imitate To illusa tipsy cowboy like this! trate, Mr. Carle rut loose with a cow ' " boy yell, "Go home snd practice that," be said to the big chap, "and come back to rehearsal prepared to make a noise." Next morning, when the giant put in his appesrsnee, V r. Carle laid, g "YM-l-l-ip!- Weil, are you all right? "Yes, he replied, "almost perfect; but I'm going 10 give up my parL" "Why?" "I live In a flat. "What has that to do with it?" "Everything. I started to rehearse (bat cowboy yell last night, and the neighbors thought 1 waa murdering my mother. I nearly gut lynched." "Why don't you move?" Well, my parents have always supplied me with good board and lodging and if I move they might get out of the habit. I don't believe I'm cut out for that part. You'd better engage some other kind of a person." "I will, said Mr. Carle; "I'll engage a man." Diving Bell of 200 Years Ago. It was nearly 2U0 years ago that Edmund Halley constructed what is often referred to aa the first diving bell, although the apparatus must have been much like that which was used In the presence of Charles V. The principle of the diving bell Is simple. An Inverted Jar sunk In the waier retains air at its top, and if there Is enough air men may live and breathe and work there, and keep dry. Dr. Halleys diving bell was a large wooden chamber, open at the bottom and loaded there with lead to prevent it from turning in the water. Pieces of glass set In the roof furnished light Air was supplied by an ingenious method; for leaded casks full ot air were sent down, bung downward. Tipping the barrel, water would rush into it and drive out the air to the man In the bell chamber. At the depth of thirty-thre- e feet the air la compressed to half lla former bulk, and the bell is therefore at the depth filled full with water; nd as the depth increases, so do the compression and the pressure. Technical World Magazine. Dili Autralton abides d The With lonin like bubbling fountains; thrills The redstart the river glades Beneath Virginian mountains. The oriole, that soul afire, Paura forth a storm of singing To the rapt mate of Tils desire. In soft gray hammock swinging. bell-bir- Tour rroecr nNvm jour mmj If jeu 4out like (MIIIIbI'i VlMA. C-t- ADAPTED FOR THB PART. Still Sweeter Slnga My Darting.1 Tea is sensitive. ure. NOT By night, by day, on topmost spray, Or where the covert hushes. Plays Nature's weirdest orchestra The mock bird, king of thrushes. But all the words of all the birds Ay. e'en the sonas. magician Ail sweetest notes from singing throats, Fade, as at dawn a vision. When, be It catch or lullaby. Or songs of battle Love lays or hymns ofringing. liberty, I hear my darling singing. For song each bird hath times preferred When winter winda are snarling Each tender tree the chickadee Outslnga the housed starling. Buf whether blows the summer's rose, Or winter's winds be snarling. Be spring abloom, or fall In gloom Still sweeter sings my darling. Ileniy Auatln in Century. PRICE. 0 CURE THE GRIP IS GUARANTEED TO CURE BAD COLD, HEADACHE AND HEUIMUM. who aren't duaranii a AalMrlal.a to a u,nt CC UK. allferyniirMOWEY HACK IF IT If. lHemrr, U. Munuiieiuier.ttpWsg.'ffM, Jtto. II?, Is 1 NBldm-Judso- n d'T lu--ll I.. HALLS CANKER AND J0'T DIPHTHERIA REMEDY - PON SALS av ALL DNUQDIgTD AND BSNSNAL STORKS Drug Co., General Agents. Salt Lake City, Utah. SOX TMl MOUTH, THROAT, STOMACH ANB gOWSLS aote r. Williams' Pink Pma R.aiiy Curw Famous Highway to ths Southwsst Built Only a Century Ago. A hundred years sgo the eyes of America were on the southwest. We were on the edge uf the war with Spain over (he closing of the Missis slppi. and under order from Washing ton, Wilkluron, ill command of For' cuncluvc with tin. Adams, held soli-mIndians who owned tlic isi-- t bank ol the big river, and by treaty esiablish eil a saert-- postnud through Iheii country. It left Nashville on the old Buffsli trace, crossed the Tennessee at Col berta ferry In low the Mussel shouts and, striking llie hills back of the lilt Black, came down to Naicbex and ot to New Orleans, with a branch to tht Walnut hills. The road was mart than a military necessity, for so man) pirates infested the Mississippi that merchants reluming from New Or leans needed a safer route home with their money. After it was opened it became all things to the south west. Methodism went down that way in the person ol Tobias Gibson; later Lurenso Dow fol lowed him with the camp meeting spirit Old Hickory marched his army down to Natehea over this route in ISIS and marched it hack again next spring. And from that day till nearly our own It has been the great ccntci of (hat country's activity. Now th railroads have come, the settlers have moved down into the valleye ant opened up jHHiror roads In the beds ol branches and thruiigh swampy low lands. But the Trace ia still there upon its ridges, the best road of them all. Everybodys Magazine. Indigestion Instead of Maraly Kelleving Symptoms. , T:ii n- are ,,f icuu-iliby which pou cun rrliric fur 1,,(iiiic heurtbuiii, Min mul g.u mi 11,,. Ktminu'h mul run (iikiii-- t i"'1' uml induce fiiijri.il !,, ji. Yuii li in, ir ruur 4m:i-l- i gum,. !t j.n.li,;i-te'Cl. But u lieu in (a1.,, ymir m-mcul nil j vnr ti. l, i , f , h. ihi-r,- ' is Vi .inthin), to iIol Suviiiiii.eu t .i,. Mi, unit'll mul ,l(i awny Till: tin and aiTl-f- i wity f,,i- ,i la! tihkls. i'lic IicnI fuuiiil ,r V11" l111! I1' 'I" "lie I lilt WIU Uftll ty K h fMi.ulj;, I'ajJ, villr, Shelby Wimy. Trim. ' lie Mutes, " I suffered hjir Pwily fiuiii uulip m mu. 1 tried ninny pncn-iri'iiic,:;,-!- , and simiik uf them fiHilil ivli, v,- me fin- u iin.e, but the fiuhlc til tut v ciiinc Uuk. About six U'iUlliK ago 1 li.iil mi iiiiiiMiully severe iliack, mul wlnii- I in,-- , l everything I tad ever he, ml uf, I fmind tluit none of ll Ortlinuiy reim-ils would reach the - pli-i.t- u-- NEVER FAILS ' 11 ii-- , - lilneulty tin- - inn,-- . "One ility 1 trud in a Memphis paper low Dr. Williams' Pink 1MU Intd cured a Bicuigaii wniiiiiii, a Mifl, r, i fmm clmiuio lyspepMu of a unis! Mublinrii tyW. I then tried the Mine reiin-deml it ul in my rase. I jruved jpisi as mkvi-m., isik iinly tin e Imxi-s- anil was cured. I la not kill iiu kligliu-- hyiuptniim of inliKchiiiui Him-- , . Tins tome inuiini'iit has a sound priu-gpl- e as its 1ms i, mul nlininluiit buoci-mig'tuai nse. MiiliiunleMif ciim-- that hud Aefiedall other leini-iii,- ' have been cured Ay Dr. Williams' Iu.l, Pills. The pills make new and strike at the dually fmguf all iliseaM's einiMsl by bud blood. rijy contain lie kii infnl kilinulHiits or ipiatea. Ku-rshould read, What to Km ami ll.iw In lilt." Wi ne His Dr. Will i:ims Medieiiie Li., Behan ap. lady, N Y.. fur a five copy. ii i Pillsburys Vitos the best and most economical brea blast food you can buy. 1 actually The Meat Tar pounds in (vary package Ask your grocer e ' i Japans Tobacco I Crop, Japan's annual tobacco crop is about 10,000,000 pounds. - TEA Moneyback buys your confidence; you cant help it You cant help it. SACK CF TEE ATKINS SAW Two rrnturbw ( pstlrnl and rlfurt la prtduM Ui br.l mi in III wnrtd. Thn J A Pretty Fancy This Good Reason. Representative Adp.mso", of Geor gla, says that when ho was Judge ot his county emirt a fellow was him charged with huving stolen a paii n!l them "briid:-esof pantaloon--the- y in Georgia. Thre were several was ratliei witnesses, hut tlic evidt-m-meagre, nnd the accused was acquit led. He was told that he eould eo hut he remained in ills scat. lli; lawyer. In whose successful defens he owed his iihcriy, hinted lo h!ir that he wrs fret lo depart, hut hi didn't budge. "I don't want to go," said the fek LIWH Ifnil The Uun low. And why not?" asked the lawyer Let. the witnesses go first." I Why? "Why. sir, I've got stole 011 the 'britches )Jll. lritriT'' So, Sk'iiIi iKIl'ld I iiiJ House Cuilt of Cork. A hairdresser at I.eipsie, Germany, has built a house entire!) two-stor- y of cork, and fitted it up fur a simp snd baths. Winslow's RiMilliIng Syrnp. flamSIi'u 8 JtliliiK, Biiffnii i!ir ri!uF, MWHMMutNi, aiuya Guru wlud uuiJc. ?! i4'bHU. Longing for the Unattainable. We all wish for riches, Joy. w!t pleasure; is not able to yet the lx play every Uarratln. , t netoi Imppinc.-s- ro. A TEA for Why dont we tell then? Dont we? tnL "" Awillng') it. year monrf If fan tea t Ilk France has forbidden tho use of tho In ths army and navy. rb-i-n f ;t 11 VV t,y r. CaUklugu ri( r tM on ali gowl biudwAra requreL Ino. E. C. ATKINS (CLI CO.. Ik WfU. Laigm kaw Muulaclawi and Esrealw Often, ldj.nali. Ufa MllASt'11131 Krw Vurk. k ulcy.i. Mmmpuila, luwiilr, tan fan Sue, A Unit aad Turuulo, rtJhoadak 1. 1 Acwnl a Sabdinda-kM- id an dia Alkia Brawd Scrap drnlvr. Fmr o UX DY EMMYMflCT DEALLRS HqMkWMfeMbUNMMMftWMyMIWMMMMMMMMf Beautify Your Walls and Ceilings! Rock Cement A TmsarrDaev flotm or araK ttostMy oh eaaa genua and Vermin. No washtag ol wails attar onog applied. Any one sag brush It on mix with cold water. Other finishes, busring fanciful names and mixed with either hot or cold water, do mot thn cementing property slock on have They are other animal matter, Alahaatine. with of glne, or which rotn feeding disease germs, robbing, scaling and spoiling walls, cloth lng, etc. finch Finishes must be washed off every year expensive; II thy work. Bny Alabant ine only I11 five pound pooh age a, properly labeled. Tint card, w pretty wall and ceiling deelgn, Hints on Decorating1' and our artiste' serricee In free. making color plane, ALABASTINE CO, Orand Rapids, Mkh, ar IU Water SL.N.Y-- The Worldg Standard DE LAVAL CREAH SEPARATORS 600,000 In Usa Tn Tima Othtn CamMmd. All SIO.- - par In (mi fnrHI1 Sm tin Mr ImKr ScfUg Ifitm $8.- - w tow a4 , rr HI i DE LIVAL THE i SEPARATOR Canal Caaaeim Ma CHICAOO nvu was tough. O, I could have recovered from that, lint It wns lbe sequel. When I broke my wife acreached home cused mu of playing P"1 rr aiul hasn't IT.ir.ipo Nows. spoken to ine sTn-i-.- amp t4 a A we gtoAcrte CO. UliK Nl uni ibvm CertlBUl VOUA ili-n- Cm has" Careful of Stranger. "Tl.i y're very r:i refill at the Boston licuchfs." said a man who visited the New England xne'rfiMi,,is u few weeks "1 went down tu one of the jig.i. watering plans on- hot day. There I nnd tin; surf was n storm i a had ( es -- g WATtSPkCCf OSLID (LGTHHG. SUWfS AM BAT y i FCLLCWINC OUR iUCCtiiES AT PHILAOfLPHIA CHICAGO ANfl OlbcR CXP03ITIONA 1 4 WON TKE W HIGHEST P0551ELE AWARD rniirh, and ll.e man in charge refused to h-- t me go In halhing. I left iu n,; very ph axant frame of mind, and iiiiiu as I droi run, plained to the away. Oil. wcli, said Jo, In :) eunsiding toil,., "j.iii sen tk, y du'l't like lo hav( - cun'down I. ere and git 'r:ir T 1 ht ST.L0U15 WORLWfAjMj towes n r- -- - drowned. p.'ij r It fcu.-l- s hut thcbiarh." Man in Right Place. lm I!- hop. who (' c, HOWARD r r. i fo-'- ti ') - 'lon. rfo-'- i! the dutii't Vr. liMiop has !. ihe Culo nnd, ert l.nc.v to 1"!'? cxper(:ce as ,v. r. ky hi , .:ir r W'lilo r Is ptcnilnriv t fit'l l lo servo as the agent of pub!! tty. Girl Write Verse. Kmr-j;..-! Violet Firth, a ihfrleen-ycarnla volume of wlt'en ins p!rt verse which l as sold more than 3.00 Coney k L - : r - h i I'.j-i- t i:l wnr l.riMj. tj ; Ooid. AD i. ( janide lueta. i?i aem 4app !fl(al. Lead Hau.N'httMual Aauk Island Souvenir Post r i.. n ' fcnril Co., ft-- !'i:l!-i- Foatiii 9cs527st.ND CUSTOM, s'i xtf mill crivfl-.- f t o jii '! $ i i!i;c!.'.i!i ;i; lanvi-- , copies II 1 "That ti,r you. uf duliar nliil here, Halton, why Iu creation did yon lure me Into buying a ticket for that lawn fete?" Why, did you pay out mupb?" Much Why, they charged me fiO rents for lemonado and $1 for Ice cream." Jnc;h Why (lo wc advertise ? To tell you what's jood uuKiblw-rf- . kutiii. agiilvgsiliig sway vvrry ynir. built repiiiatlos up ifiruugh two aturtoa uf Unuljr growl I, . TaliMHl wm bigbly tbas thi grml InalllutUHi. snv mlirr Ths giursiiijr ut Hu Cutupany, which to reiiireiril ill world over. and llM ol saw, bat mk lyi lb brL only ou grsd Atkin Kawt, CVirn Knlrrt. TVrf rollon Floor penny." The Infant Mind. Say, papa," queried Harold, looking op from his bool;, du thi.-- plant bird need when they want to raise lrrow grass?" Coldi n Days. sinj rrafiiisrs ruiplnyiug in-it- l A go-lo- g years," said a visiting New Englander "One would judge that you had nc Christian names. I seldom hear one used, except formally. It's old man, or old fellow,' snd even in speaking to your wives it's 'little one, Tittle woman.' or some other silly diminutive. The woimn don't seem to be much better, with such terms as 'boy,' and hubby. The children are likewise misnamed and seem to under stand only such appellations as 'kid' and Tittle rascal. My camr here with the good old New England name of rriscilla, hut I hear her called 'Prissy.' and some even make It This is certainly an age o' C'llly. slang." New York Sun. bib-nc- Hiih eialty wnriil-wn- l A iAXik Is to divide oranges Into small sections, pack them' in fine Ice, and pass them during a luncheon as if they were ollvce or salted nuts. of siilliun First Visit Hie Ur.'i-t-l buiiiiml There to nothing at all ths matter, my boy Stand by till your tnak to done; Il'e the way for a place In the worid'e mad rare It'e the way that the end to won. There's a place at the top, but the way I long. Don't rail If your star grown dim: Don't pay that the world's all wrong, my boy It's only ynur foolish whim. W. F. Griffin In Milwaukee SentlneL Tear from-- relaraa year moary If yea deal Hke linn.it liload snd brslns. id nt Iu llw wnrtd rialutlvrl; KiMtrnil 'iv-- IrnMnl In There to nothing at ail the matter, my boy Tou have only lost your hold; Get buck to the Ufa and liack to tho slrifs. Get bark to ynur work's enfold. Theie to work told out fur veur hands to do. Bo ailck to your task with vim; There to nothing at all tho matter, my boy It's only your foolish whim. SebUUaCaBaaL urlai ha auslttr honcM one-Tilr- d live from them. Hall'a Uatareh Care, maaufaciared r. I. Cheaey Co., Toledo, O., eoaulaa aa mercery, and la takaa lutaraally, actlag dlraetly a poo the blood and niuouu aurfaeaa of ilia lyatom. la ymi sat the taylui Ball'a Catarrh Core be mie takaa laterualiy aad made la Toledo, Raisa. T.ItJ leCbaacyACOk TesUnaomla free, SuM by DrunlMe. rrlca. TSa. ear bottle, TakaBKl'aYamtl mwh Iu aurii ml li MkH r ky the Wheat. of k la wMt Claims Cure for Appendicltie. Dr. Ioiid of Liverpool, England, hat Brahe a ,.n., 1,1 advanced a new theory with deference It was the great trlii-s- ironomy. uf Aug. 21, .0 the origin of appendicitis and othei 1M0, tbst iiiriieil Tycho ISrahe into an ilsturlmnccR of the digestive organs aatroaonirr. He was iu Ills 14th tie rails utteniion to tho fact that at the time, a Dniikh lioy ol nobleyear orimch ailments can often he attributed gin, and had been destined first tor 'o anliu-.onia- l poisoning, and the the army and ilu-- for Hie law. But tht accuracy With wiilrb the eclipse tource of the antimony taken up by was predicted impressed him with the nan is said to he the rubber rings which are frequently used lo close all belief that astronomy was g divine torts uf bottles. and thenceforward he devoted thug, Dr. Toml has established the fact his life to it. The debt of astronomy to Tyeho Brahe, not only for his own Jiat such rings consist of almost their weight of antimony. The work, but as the man who shaped the genius of Kepler, edn scarcely be uitlmony is not only dissolved by the nineral waters containing alkaili and overs tl mated. organic acids, but these rubber rings, is daily observation shows, soon Important to Mothers. gnwlue carefully every bottle ot CASTORIA, brittle and some of the com a Mhind bum remedy for iufente sail child reo, pound fails Into the contents of the aatMthallt vessels. Dr. Pond claims to have found that Ban the SlfMlBlB C frequently repeated introduction of tnilmony can become the source of a Ia pm For Over SO Yean. terles of disturbances of the nutritive ' The Kind Too Ikve Alwtys BoughL and digestive system, especially It le Quite True through continued weakening of the Ikst gome people sneer at love In muscles of the stomach and Intestlses. t cKtage, but love that could wish to Iln anywhere else is not love. Nothing Wrong. Thcro lo nothing nt all tho matter, my TBWwftur,gnnil'TtmgiHnit ilimg " " ttvaiB of OlBfiii amtn fcrCstofrt In tho nmi old way tium day to day, I i that Contain Mercury, blmilni her good old amis. Wmereory win rarely Mny the bbbm of imsll Maybe her pongs grow old to you. bB iplotely Sereaea Uh vhula nileta And maybe your grow dim; ' atartug It tBimah Urn moeoua eartiaaB. Sock But there a nothing hn;s at all tlio matter, my nielea Bhuald aavar bo aied auspt os prescrlp-Uoo- i boy from repnteblo fhyeteleas. a toa damage they It's only your foollah whim. vtll Sola Urn told te the sued yoa eaa oumUiIj ' e IN ONE DAY winiimrcft'HftMaic WILL LIVE IN HISTORY'S FAGE8. is not so bad for a new rallThat was exorbitant" ied. This week the Salt Like Houle The Age of 8lang. Then I was lured through the touts three shows" between Salt The way you New Yorkers addresi Lake and Los maze of mystery,' 'witches caldron, runs three and one another ia still strange to me specials for W.Angeles, etc., and by the time they finished C. T. U. members to the convention In Los Angeles. tolling my fortune I didnt have a although I have been coming here fot e 25 Cta. 1TREN0THEN THE STOMACH Coi-w- 1 . Cards. Coney 'eland N. V. telaml, When Anrwering Advertisemente Kindly Mention Thie Paper. U., W. N.-bait Lake-N- o. 3. IUOS." |