Show ROBBERS OF THE DEAD JAILED 0 Forty Ghouls in Custody at Fort DeFrance nee nce 1 PEOPLE WANT TO LYNCH THEM t DISASTER DT m ST VINCENT A SERIOUS ONE ONEt ONEr t r DE Db FRANCE FRANCI AI FORT May lay 15 via Paris St Pierre Is te infested with pillager who are forcing safes IN The TIte authorities are tak tk taking ta ing III In severe measures ure mea Forty F of ot the tt ghouls bouls have already bees been arrested arre ted and a Imprisoned in Fort d de Frames wheN the population wanted to lynch tynch them There were 16 bodies interred today making a total of or 1200 buried burled thus far The Tb work of interment te Is progressing favorably The of at the tha northern part of or the island are now distrIbuted In the various districts dl of the tbt south Some Italian sailors were sa 8 sated ed who were thought to have per perished perished at the time of ot the eruption The volcano continues to belch forth smoke Troops have bave been detailed to guard guaM the Ute ruins in hi St t Pierre with orders to i fire upon pillager London May Kay 15 The colonial mere secre secretary tary tar Mr Chamberlain tonight wrote to the foreign to office desiring Lord Lansdowne very gracefully to aa as kaow ledge and accept ac ept President Roosevelt offer of and to inform Mr Roosevelt it that Mr Cham Chain Chamberlain Chamberlain tabled cabled to o the governor of St Vincent today asking for information as ae to tn the best method of utilizing the tM United UDit d States Stat offer oller Until the gover oer governors nors nor answer te Is received nothing dad det nit can be done doneTh The Tho Th colonial especially e laUy asks uka the Associated Press pre to announce that any an relief Intended for foJ the Inhabitants of oft St t 1 Vincent can for the present pre ent be 1 safely safety sent and aft will be wisely distributed l if to the governor of the Windward islands St Vincent The Associated Press is 18 authorized to announce officially on behalf of beth the foreign office omee of ce and the colonial office that President Roo evelt offer O el has created the deepest gratitude here hereAU All AU the declare that no occur occurrence rene rence of or recent years rears has so 80 brought home honit to them the t deep and material friendship existing between tile the two governments government Grateful Grat ful to America Lord Mr Chamber aIn aln s secretary 8 said aid to a representative t tUv tive Uv of the Associated Press Pra We are indeed Indred grateful to America Our only difficulty te Is to ensure an equitable die dis distribution of the relief sent lent from all aU sources Until we hear from tro Ute the gov govern governor ern of St Vincent we ve e it would be better batter to defer a system of distribution though any aRY anything anything thing ac th sent gent to him wilt will ut be he wen well applied Experience front from previous din dis disasters asters teaches us that unprincipled persons take advantage of charity and ad that a man who has hAIl only had kad his Ala pig pigsty pigsty sty burned down will demand dand a newhouse pew new house We have heard nothing today and nod find it difficult to communicate T with St Vincent Mr Chamberlain Chamber has hu contributed sa LU sato LUto M to the Mansion an Jon House Bou e West We t Indian re te relief tenet net liSt fund The horrors of the islands of Mar Mv Martinique Marj j Unique and St Vincent are beginning be to give the pride of place in Ia the Ute Lon Len London Lendon don newspapers to discussions Ions as u to the probable outcome of or Boer Boar peace conferences at Trans TraDe Transvaal veal vaal 1 Practically all the dIspatches dl describing de the scenes at the time Ume of or j jor or after the eruptions from New NewYork NewYork York and many of or the papers content I themselves them eles with publishing the most I striking phrases phra e of these theM reports I Much h satisfaction ft te Is expressed at the Ute opining opening of the thie t Mansion Manmon house fund r while the tardiness of or the action notion taken by the authorities is In adversely corn com commented m nt on Thus the Westminster says Once again acain in the cause of charity our kinsmen across aclO 8 the Atlantic have gained a substantial start and have hava set Ht the old country an example mPle o of ot swift and magnificent t generosity from ji which we might benefit be H Capitalists Are Slow Capitalists are an somewhat stow slow In hi to the Manas house fund L Up to 4 p m only MS had hu been F received of which h amount amo nt the Sank Bank of or England contributed SUM 1110 and find the tAe corporation of London l 5 it t 1 Pauls cathedral and ether other churches are aN for fer special eel oal Sunday next nert in ad a of eC the fund The TH colonial office baa has not Bot received any An telegrams whatever regarding gi the West Went t Indian disaster ter since sines 8 those ca en cabled bled yesterday The lord mayor of Liverpool this afternoon opened a West W t Indian relief fund tUM A received hare here today announced the he safety of Lady Latty Llewellyn th tIM the wife wile of ot the governor of the Windward I Islands laa e eAM and AM her family who were staying ta at att St t Vinent nt at the time tI of the Ute eruption wp tion ti tle of nf th the volcano Tol au there thereA A fable abIs message m ge from Kingston Ja Jamaica 1 Jamia mia maica k today confirms t tile the previous m dispatch of ot the Associated A soda Press Pre re referring ret t felTing ferring to the tM possibility owing i t tM the frequent disasters en that tat the govern government meat ment win will IU decide Id to abandon Maidon St at VIa Vin Vincent cent and ad transfer the people R now W titers to other islands |