Show Local lota BANK CLEARINGS Yesterdays bank clearing amounted to pared with for tor the nc day dy of ot last Jut year W C T i U tr t W C T U will meet this utera at 3 t at the home of ot Mrs Hrs A J Gorham Gerba Bast East Second South street SELECTING TEACHERS h tint first of ofa ofa ofa a series of meetings of the committee on teachers and school work with Superintendent Christensen was waa held yesterday afternoon at Chairman MOyIe office to consider the selection of teachers MacINn for the public schools for tor next nest years service SERVICES AT SYNA this evening enning at 8 S in synagogue Peace celebration under tile tie auspices au of the Council of Jewish J Rabbi Louis G Reynolds wID take tab fog foe the sub subject subJect subject of his hie discussion TIM The Peace Pace Con ference at The Hague Its Ita Scope and Meaning Public cordially c Invited ON the Hamilton school this afternoon Dr ReIlly will win deliver an address addre On oa The Evils of Cigarette Habit Toe Tile meeting will willbe W willbe be held under the auspices auspice of the Wom Worn Womans Woman ans an club The seas same women have secured the services service of ot Dr Whitney who ho will wilt L speak on the same me subject at the tte Frank Franklin lin ha school The patrons pa of et b bath th schools are Invited BICYCLE RIDER second arrest arre t of the season lOn for violating the bicycle ordinance was wae made MM yesterday and E R Is appeared in 18 the city dt court on that charge He was w sentenced ced to a fine tine of ot J 1 2 and aDd the court co t took oc oe occasion resin casion to say sa that the law must be bo ob oh observed served and that riders of wheels must keep off the tM sidewalks within Ute the re restricted districts DEATH OF OJ MISS taker Joseph William Taylor received word yesterday that the remains of Miss MI Ira G Sharpe who died in la San Fran Francisco Franciaco dare cisco some days day ago 0 would wouW arrive In Inthis inthis this city elt on the th of this month The funeral services will be hen heM from his undertaking u parlors on the Miss Mise Sharpe was a daughter ef t Dr Df W H H Sharpe formerly a well known Down own dentist in inthis inthis inthis this city ONLY TWO for enlistment in the United States navy DAVY were rather ra tiler light at the local lee recruiting station yesterday Y During Durin the tie day there were t n applications received and aad only O ly two were accepted The Th two successful applicants were John and aDd nd George S Tripp two apprentices These boys will be he sworn Into the service to today today today day The station will wUl dose Ie to and Sd the officers will win proceed to 0 Ritte where they will win establish h an as office for fer a week The boys who have been enlisted e sere hers will be he taken directly to Sea San s Francisco tomorrow night nl ht by Surgeon Crandall STREET PAVING PA WORLIn corn com compliance m with a recent r order of the board of public works to the tM Asphalt Paving company to speed Geed the tM work of ot paving West Second South Uth S street suet the con eon contracting contracting company hat haS Increased its force torce and aDd is now making faster progress with the tb work but not as rapidly ra MM as is 18 desired Unfavorable weather during April re retarded retarded retarded work and from fro sow on greater J progress will be enjoined upon the con oon contractor contractor tractor Within a few days cia the City Street Improvement company of San Sen Francisco will commence work on the contract for paving South Temple street t from State street to the Oregon Short Line depot and as II soon as s the Second South pavement is completed Third South from State to West Temple streets will receive the attention of the papers pye a Utah Commercial and aad Savings Bank General banking Interest paid on savings vI deposits dep W F Arm Armstrong Armstrong strong strone president J E P Cain Caine Caine cashier a lIB na a Castle Gate Clear Creek Winter Quarters Sunnyside lump nut mint and slack anthracite all aU sizes sims 73 South Main lain street telephone 49 D J 3 SHARP Agent t O OZ It ItZ Z C O M H I L Great May Hay Sale SaleAn AH An this week weA choicest bargains of the year JeI in b all Ml lines of merchandise Dr E B M X method of flUng filling teeth te Is painless 16 Main street Auer bash building Telephone 1120 K IC KZ KZ Z C M I L Great May Kay Sale All title tit week choicest bargains of the year In all lines of merchandise e French Cruisers to SaiL Breet Brest France May Xa 16 The French h cruisers and end have haw keen been or ordered ordered ordered dered to sail Saturday and Sunday re me respectively with supplies for tor the Inhabitants bab of the th Wand Island of Martinique Quan QuaD Quantities titles of food wince preserves preserve etc will willbe be taken s Z C O M L Great May Sale AU All this thle week weak choicest c t bargains of ot the year fear ear In all lines of merchandise r |