Show I District Court Doings I In the case of or John Baer Bur and nd others othera ag against in t Elijah Parr Farr administrator a asuit asuit suit to quiet title judgment was nas as yes yea the t Th ease e of et John A ii Sons company against a tile ike a A Madsen tier Mer cOntile was din missed with Wi fer int r flUng a anew anew anew new OR on payment e t of et Hl ex eu extra tra tam tents hilts In the estate of Gt K B A A Wil William William liam C Uphoff brother of ye petitioned fer f O appoint t of William E B L Water Waster aa an r The estate m lea a cause or of a action tte again nat the t tji Southern I ed uy for 8 r the death of deceased said cause came e being valued al at from tlOna 1800 1 to |