Show EXCITEMENT A AT STATELINE Sensational Find of Rich Gold Rock on the Willowvale 1 I Ir r RA WEIN BEniG ON ARBAS ABBAS I ot o a mo ino t i R on the Willowvale property at Stateline have bale reached the at the quartz taken front from froman an open cut where the ledge 18 I two and feet teet wide going io high that th the camp has been thrown Into a tate of great excitement An average sample of the vein in this city gave returns of 11 In gold golda a ample t taken en from an streak on the foot wall gave returns of 2100 2100 to the ton ton while M ay AMaya were obtained from the ca casing ing ma material in An the ledge The new dI covery wu was made on a vein that runs rune parallel with the main and distant from it Oli oc the ur face about too feet with a dip toward the former As A the main mala vein which goes goH down vertically hu has been opened to a depth of feet through the O foot tunnel It is 18 calculated a comparatively short hort CIO will Intercept pt the new ledge Dd and work to that end Is i now being The property named lies between the Johnny and Sunflower groups groupe and while the lve been traced for a distance of feet over the hill bill billit it ham baa not been positively determined whether the Ledge lease wilt will enter the John Johnny ny fly or Margaret but that tbt one or the other ot of them will get It 1 Is conceded win J Dooley la a the chief owner In Inthe Inthe the and since Dee the Pry ery made only a few days ago aru any number of persons have been making applications for leases upon It J Drake who made the di covery has been grant granted a 1 lease on feet on the vein his hili privilege allowing hint him to work to a depth or of fifty feet teet only while another lease adjoining Drakes on the north has been granted to C H Alkire for a length of fifty feet and fifty feet deep Three oth parties were mak makIng Ing urgent requests for leases when the news left camp and the are that they have also been ac accommodated before now DOW The quartz displayed In this city YM yes ter ay Is 10 certainly and nd free gold Is Ie all through h it The strike is I considered the beet t ever made near the surface In the camp Rd and the action of the owners smacks ot of the days over at Tonopah when the lea leases es were being betag granted there thern |