Show Prize For lr Pupils H DID an S has IMS made awde de an aD of offer offer fer for of a piece of ef pottery put to the thein hi to the and eighth grades ks who shall han submit the best be t design i de n in fog fu The committee who wha will loose lodge tile the work wd wi It Is Mr Taggart Mrs X Kerr Miss 1415 XI and aad Mr JIk who wilt meet lit ter the teachers room at atthe atthe the etty eIt ad building morning at t O sad aad aw rd the flu honors flome iome of the tho work week are already in ta place sad and skew a careful arrangement of eela asA a t Skillful tk handling of it the Ule work Pupils of if grades kave uYe hav been Men Hocking flocking to the furniture stores and Oriental hei aIh for far the past JK few days cia and aad many very elaborate te designs are to tobe be Ite seen seeh |