Show TROUBLE IN MINER CARP CAMP Visit of Judge McCarthy Here Is Causing Much Alarm Friends of Chief Justice Ju Miner are i filled d with a fear that tIe the t judge is go p going lug ing to have some mighty hard bard sledding this fall tall to get et the nomination on OR the t Republican ticket Up to a few days ago aaro it appeared to them theta that he be had hada a downhill pull pun in the race for the ju jam judicial nomination but since District DI Judge McCarthy K thy of Richfield came to this thin city early in the week wk Judge I Misers Miners campaign has taken on a dif different different ferent terent aspect All AU along the supreme justices justice sup supporters suppOrters supporters porters have conceded that Judge Ju ge Mc McCarthys f candidacy for supreme court honors would have bave the booking backing in the nominating convention of the lions share of delegates from the southern S part of the state At the seine same time they were claiming that Miner will cor nor corral corral ral rat all 11 the votes vote of ol the delegates from Salt alt Lake and northern and central Utah It Is 18 different now They are claiming not half of what they believed was theirs up to a few days dap ago Judge ludge McCarthys visit vJ lt to this city has bas brought consternation COn and gloom In the Miner finer camp The supporters I have hae viewed with alarm the hobnob hobnobbing blag bing bin p of the southern judge with many man I of nf the th prominent Republicans since 1 Monday Leading Landing men in the party part have taken him by the hand bud and ld led him to other leaders leaden with their warm commendation It is 18 not doubted that Judge Mc Me McCarthy McCarthy Carthy larthy has hu made friends In iii influential quarters during his hi visit and many of or I these friends have until now no been counted supporters of Judge Miners candidacy to succeed himself This condition does not got suit the friends of the supreme judge and the effort is 18 ranking making to offset olf et Judge McCarthys E bo boom m by b urging the sentiment that if I he is nominated Salt Lake county the pivotal point of the state will surely go an Democratic as IU to the judiciary and likely also Iso for th t thc remainder of the t |