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Show AMERICAN FOllk LOCALS Mr. and MrB. Ed. Jeppson has r sick child, suffering with pneumonia. Mr. F. W. KIrkhain or Lehl and Mr. Job. R. Murdock of Heber City, wore guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. L. C. Heurotd, Tuesday. Mr. J". J. Manor wno appointed doj uty county tax collect -e for Amerlcai Fork this week. MessrB. S. C Snldor nnd Charles Mlllor Bpent Friday at Salt Lake, on business mutters. Mrs. Gcorgo Pu'bbo of Eureka wll spond Sunday hero vialtlng.'the gues or Mlsa Ferl Pulley. Mrs. James II. Pulley Bpent Thurs-day Thurs-day and Friday lsltlng her daughter Mrs. M. O. Randolph, nt Salt Lake. Jnms Martin Is homo from Storrs for an extended visit with his par- These hate Jolnud the family read-lug read-lug circle thl i week Ed Lewis or Alpine, Al-pine, Will Condor add Stove Shelley. Joseph A. Forbes or Alpine was in town Thursday, and while here made a pleasant call nt the Citizen offlce: Mr. und Mrs. W. W. Southworth wont to Pnyson Friday to attend -the runcrnl or Mrs. Southworth's sister's baby, who died or pneumonia Wednesday. Wednes-day. Stirling Horbort left for his home at Ionn, Idaho, Friday, after spondlng the past, three tnontlui hero vlsitiug friends and relatives. Tho stork this week left n buby boy at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. D. H. .lorgcnHon. All concomod are doing nicely. A lnrgo number of young peoplo from our city enjoyed tho excursion to Smuin'u Dancing Academy at Lehi Wcdnosday flight. Mrs. Margaret Bennett, who has becT vlHlting hero for tho past two uthD with her daughter, Mrs. Job. D. Taylor, left for her homo at Ccn-tcrvlllc, Ccn-tcrvlllc, this morning. Rov. Wlldmnn Murphy has been ut Salt Luke tho past week holding services ser-vices each night In compnny with Rov. C. B. Murphy or tho Westminister Westminis-ter church. nBSCBEadle- Thornlbtr; Myrtle-Greenwood, Myrtle-Greenwood, Florenco Dunn, Mrs. Ivy Stcolo or this city, Mrs. Selena Hall and Mrs. Fred Hcnrold or Salt Lake will lonvo Saturday, January 3lBt, to Bpcnd n month at Los Angeles, and other California cities. Tho ninck Hawk donee given Thursday Thurs-day evening- In tho Apollo Hall was a complete success. Many peoplo from J tho surrounding towns woro present, and all had an cnjoynblo time. Miss Ruby Stovens or Victor, Idaho, spcut tho week hero visiting with Mrs. Emma Chaso. ,Sho will leave Monday for Provo, whoro alio will spend tho balance or the winter nt tho B. V. U. Mrs. G. E. Garrett returned to her homo nt Salt Lako Thursday after spending n row days hero visiting her mother, Mrs. Snrn Crookston. Mrs. Leo T. Sho'Iy very delightfully de-lightfully cntortnlned tho members or tho B. L. C. S. SoroBls at her homo Friday. An nftoruoon or sowing nnd social chat was enjoyed by tho guests. A sumptous dinner was served to; Mrs. Roy Steele, Mrs. John Adnmson, Mrs. J. L. Dunkloy, Mrs. W. E. Robinson, Mrs. Joseph Ingersoll, Mrs. Will Hanson, Mrs. J. H. Woottnn, Mrs. Will Coats, Mrs. Will Barratt, Mrs. T. S. Mnughn, Mrs. W. D. Edmonds, MrB. G. L. Wootton Mrs. WillcB Bromley, Mrs. Bert Poul-boii. Poul-boii. Mrs. Josopli Wootton and Mrs. Laytou CnsBudy. Mrs, Sara Crookston received a let-tor let-tor rrom lior sou Clyde, who has been laboring nn a missionary In England for tho puTst two years, stntlng that he had received his release and would bo homo soon. win)', h ?,MrPhy t0k M'88 VC,I'" Wood to Salt Lako this week to have wr eyes treated by- a Bpeclallst. Misses Lola and Etta llartlett of leasant Grove spent tho fore part of the week here visiting friends. Mr. W. R. Armstrong of the S. L. V. R. R. Co. was In town Wednoa-day Wednoa-day looking over the ground to find a Bultnblo depot site. No selection hns been made as yet. Mr. and Mrs. Felix Long of Lehl wore here a few days this week, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bioad-bcn(. Bioad-bcn(. Tho Chlpmaii Merc. Co. and A, K. Thornton & Sons will distribute, free of charge, to tho worthy poor or our iiiV,rtolrt.y..ton8 of e00'1 conl- The Heller Societies are directing where It snoiiiu go. |