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Show JANILLA NEWS I nst Thursdny morning the month-old month-old bnby girl of Mr. nnd Mrs. Androw Olson died after suffering somo days with pncumonln. Mr. C. E. Thomas of Pleasant Grovo has boon spending n few days with hor dnughtcr, Mrs. Mary Mousou. m Miss Velmn Larson, dnughtcr of ! i Mrs; ,08l' l-nrson, ls slowly reco erlng from a severe attack of pncumonln. Mr P. c. Larson of Plensnnt Qroe wns n Manilla lsltor Mondny. Miss Orn Holmnn npent Saturdny nnd Sunday In Proo with her Blstor, Clnrlndn. Thursday afternoon tho Relief Society So-ciety held Its second meeting of this year nt tho homo of Its president, Mrs. C. P. Wnrnlck. After the regular program pro-gram tho members produced their lunch, which they had brought, and had a ory nice soclnl tlmo. Mrs. Swcn Moubou nnd daughter Hannah wero Alpine visitors Tuesday Magnus Nlelson and Hannah Holm wero mnrrled In the Salt Lake Tom-plo Tom-plo Wednesday. A wedding reception n their honor will bo held nt the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Helmnr Nlelson Nlel-son on Mondny. |