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Show LKIII LOCALS Ilnrnes Cook of Cedar Fort spent Monday lu I.ehl, Miss AHpci .lacobson of l.ovan Is visiting vis-iting with Mr, nnd Mrs. I.eo Hanson. Mrs. Julia Curtis Is quite! Ill with In grippe. Mr. T. J. Powell was n Snlt I.nke visitor Tuesdny. Dr. Hnsler went to Fairfield Monday to attend Mrs. Ilert Carson, who Is ill Mrs. Florence Horg was n Salt I.nke City visitor Wednesday. Mrs. C. C, Crnbb entcrtnlned a crowc of young people Tliursdny evening Ii honor of her son l.elatid's blrtlulny, Miss Wanda (Orkhmn entertained fifteen girl friends nt it candy pull Saturday evening. James Trlnnliunu of lllaekfoot, Ida. Is visiting his I .ell I relatives. Mr Trlniilmau Is master mechanic lu tlif lllaekfoot sugar factory. Tho Infant child of Mr. and Mrn (loldon linker Iiiih been quite III with an attack of pneumonia anil mensb't: this week. Mr. ami Mrs. Ilubeu Worltnu spent sovernl dnyB tho past week lu Halt Lake City, tho guests of Mr. and Mrs James Wnrlton. Hoy Hnrrls, sou of Clinrles llnrrlr of Mngrnth, Canada, Is visiting rein-lives rein-lives In I.ehl. He has been on tin const for three mouths. The Athenian Club dispensed with their regular program Wednesday afternoon af-ternoon and vlslled the art exhibit lu the grnmmnr school, Tho Infant child or Mr. and Mrn I. I). Hacker, which was so III last week with pneumonia, Is considerably Improved. Im-proved. Mr. and Mrs, Holier Hart nnd Mrs Abe Giidiiiniidsen came up from Pay-son Pay-son with tho dancing excursionists ou Wednesdav evening. Mr. and .Airs. John Cooper entertained enter-tained the married touchers of the Second Sec-ond Ward Sunday School nf their home Tuesdny ovenlug. W. K, Hncker gnve n banquet Saturday Satur-day evening to all the clerks of the Hncker Merc. Co. and their wives. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. O'Hrlen enmo down from Salt I.ako City for tho occasion. New nddltlons to the population the past week wore n boy on the 17lh nt' the homo of J. K. Yntes, mid a girl to Mrs. Wllllnm Duusden yesterdny, All nro doing flue, H. M. H6ylo received a telegram on Thursday from Sugar City saying that his daughter, Mrs. James Stoddart, was very 111 and for some of them to como nt once. Mayor W, F. Gurney was prevented from attending the State Municipal League meeting this week bocnuso of Illness. Cnuuellmcii Hopkins and Wing went ns I.ebl's representatives. Amoiik those who enmo to ntteud Mrs. Hopkins' funernl yesterday were Oeorge and John Lamb and Mrs. Lydln Haxtur of Cache Valley, and Mr. nnd Mrs. W. I). Hopkins or Teton Vnlley, Idaho. George Wunlnss, while being hoisted out of a mining shnft Inst week lu a bucket lu which his companion was also riding, wnH accidentally Jabbed In tho neck wlthh Is parduer's candle-sticky candle-sticky After having It pulled out he camo to I.ehl for medical treatment. Mrs Joseph Grover ciitortnlnod tho Good Time Cub at her home last evening. eve-ning. Those present wero Messrs. and Mesdames C. II, Peterson, S. L. Wolls, D. II. I.ott, II. G. Webb. Leonard Frnu-con, Frnu-con, G. S. Peterson, Kll Webb, l.olloy Davis, Irn Taylor and Andy Trano. Miss Netu Hammer entertained a dozen young Indies nt her parents' home Monday evening. A kenslngton club wns formed. Tho noxt meeting will bo hold at the home of Miss Inez Hammer, when a nnme for tho club will bo selected, Mr and Mrs. O, L. Klttlngor, after spending several days visiting with Mrs. Klttlngcr'a pnronts, Mr. nuiKMrs. K. II. Davis, returned to Hlnghnm on Thursday afternoon. Mr. Klttlngor returned re-turned from n visit to his folks In the east Inst week. This week Mrs. J. 12. Onrn of Cedar Fort presented her husbnnd with n bouncing baby girl. Mr. (lam. anticipating antici-pating the event, has been devoting his 8mro winter time to the manufacture manufac-ture of a little red wagon. It Is a perfect Imitation or tho kind used by grown-ups and Is a marvelous plojo of workmnnshlp lu every detail. The troublo wns that he noglected to toll his iitlondlng physician or the preparations prepara-tions until after tho little girl hnd nrrlved, Tho doctor promises a boy noxt time. |