Show SPARE THE HAWKS A correspondent signing cihil himself elf 0 all warner writes to the deseret news from moab grand co and after a 11 til tirade adi against birds in ill general eral ally and s songsters song on za in particular says says al let me close with ii 21 refer ance ce to the hawk baak I 1 have had hini kill over a hundred chickens in in a year and 1 lid I 1 never liever knew of any good it lie was wag ever guilty autv of 11 now we would like to ask ak mr warner wainer if there are any squirrels in ill giand land co if there is wa w say to hit him n go cro where the squirrels i frels in gophers arid and such like vermin are thickest and see whal the hawks are doing doin 0 and we warrant that lit he will soon alter his opinion of them had he tile number of squirrels squirrel in ill grand co that we have in rich lie would know that the hawk more inore than compensates pen sates fr the harm lie does by the great great havoc it conn commits ints amongst the squirrels the 0 good good people of this section realize this they have for years been great b greit losers by bv the depredations of the squirrels and the more inore they see and realize ize the good 0 qualities of the hawk as a squirrel extern exterminator iiii 7 the stronger the alie determination aaion 1 t to 0 shield hield it as one of their benefactors and we have it on oil the authority of some of our most trustworthy citizens who have made the subject a special specia study that the hawk prefers a squirrel to anything else so give them thein i chance |