Show P poe the iron iron grasp of scrofula has no mercy upon its victims this demon of the blood is often riot not satisfied with causin causing dreadful beores sores but racks the body with the pains of rheu rheumatism matisia until hoods sarsaparilla cures nearly tour four years ago I 1 became afflicted with scrofula and rheumatism d running sores broke out on my thighs pieces of bone came out and an operation was contemplated I 1 had rheumatism in my by legs drawn up out of shape I 1 lost appetite could not sleep I 1 was a perfect wreck I 1 continued to grow worse and finally anally gave up the doctors treatment to tike take floods sarsaparilla soon appetite came back the sores commenced to heal my bly limbs straightened out an and d I 1 threw iway away my crutch crutches esA 4 I 1 am now stout and hearty bearty and am farming arming whereas tour four years ra ago I 1 was a cripple I 1 iladoy gladly recommend hoods sarsaparilla I 1 HAMMOND table grove illinois 00 pw f 0 o sarsaparilla blood purifier all 1 prepared only by C 1 hood co lowell masi i i roii cure cre liver easy to hoods nood S pills taule take eaby to operate ae M fra t frat OFFICE or blackwells DURHAM TOBACCO COMPANY N C to ALL dear you sir aro arc entitled to receive PR FIR EE from your wholesale dealer WHITE STAR SOAP with all the Blacki blackwells wells genuine durham smoking Tobacco TobEl CCO you buy one bar of soap free with each pound whether 16 oz 8 oz 4 oz or who novail a 2 oz packages we have noti notified ried every wholesale dealer in the united states that we will them with soap to give you FREE order Ordera a good supply of GENUINE DURHAM at once and insist on getting your 13 soap one bar of soap FREE FR E E with ach aach pound you buy soap is offered for a Ili limited tilted time so order today to day yours very truly RD mum R 1 H rd lt TOBACCO COMPANY isyou II 11 you davs any difficulty in procuring your op cut out this notice anil and sand lend it with your order to our wholesale whole salo dealer A TRINITY OF EVILS B sick headache awl ami irregularity ol of the thebo bo wils wi ai accompany accod pany each othir r to I 1 iho he removal ol of this trinity ul evils tiers atom ach aati bitters Is specially ada adapted it also cures dyspepsia la rheumatism malarial complaints nervousness sand and ahe mott results follow a fair trial use it dally daily when a man mail really loves his neighbor as himself it generally turns out that the neighbor is 18 a pretty girl I 1 believe iny prompt use of plants oure p re vented quick consior consumption altion mrs LUC walla e marquette kaua kans dec 12 95 BEWARE OF OINTMENTS FOR C lakits THAT CONTAIN j 1 IER C URY As mercury 1 v I ill surely destroy the sense of smell aud completely comple lely ill I range the whole bys em cm when entering it through the mucous surf ces suh such at tia les lea should never be urd except ol 01 prescript prescriptions ious from deput table ble nil it alie dammie they will do it m ten told fold it to the good you can p ably derive from anem lyalls ta a Z cure re manufactured by F J cheney cheairy A co toledo ture tore do 0 no mercury slid and is taken laken in ter eternally nally acting directly upon the blood and ami burnus system in bev lug hall e catarrh cure be sure ou get tile the gen genuine trine itis it is taken internally and utrice in n ohio by F J theuay co dee sold by bv prie per bottie halla family pills tire are the best beat rits FITS all alta stopped slopped tree free by dr kalnen helnes great nerve restorer Ken no alta bati the brit ri ilya days use marvelous Marve louB curea corell treatise and md 20 trial bottle ire re to fit cases send to dr kline allne aroh arch st lahla pat tay GERI Aft I 1 or 1601 1 gladness comes come S with ith a better understanding of the transient nature of the many physical ills which vanish before proper efforts gentle efforts pleasant efforts tift orts rightly directed thero there is comfort in the knowledge that so many forms of sickness are not due to any actual d disease is but simply to a constipated condition of the system which tho the pleasant family laxative syrup of figs promptly removes that is why it is the only 7 remedy with millions of families famili ed and is is ever everywhere y I 1 ero esteemed so eo highly by all who abc aa good health its beneficial effects are due to the tact fact that it itic is tile the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating tile the organs r g ans on which it acts it i is iq q therefore all important in order to get its beneficial effects to noto note when you purchase tint you have alio genuine article which is manufactured by the california pig fig syrup co only and sold by ull all reputable druggists if in the enjoyment of good he health alth and the system is regular laxatives or other remedies are arc then not needed if afflicted with any actual disease one m may ay bo be commended to the most skillful p physicians h ys iciano but if in need of a laxative one should have the best and with the well informed everywhere syrup of digs stands highest and is most largely and gives gins most general satisfaction ion mai chichester S RED CROSS 77 DIAMOND BRAND F IR ns THE ND GENUINE the only safe sore and nl ar diable pill foarde tor for rde ay laduca wjk 1 DroR lat for chicali le a at dd D d brand lo in cited bod and gad maxemilia emilia ax y boxes swed wibb bloo blae ribbon take no other llad liall saws Subas and A all it puts in ID board boxes pink wrappers wrapper jaro are at conn CAan terra terri its ita at bl alio 4 lo 10 rampe rinow 1 for and nener for ludden integer in leger ur byre bj tars MALL X pp ap paper iolj by all lani CHEMICAL to co bai Q LADELPHIA PA the very remarkable and ceruti fal relief riven given woman REVEALED REMEDY has haa giver it the name of womans comans friend it is is u t d uniformly successful in relieving the backaches headaches xa 3 fc and weakness wea knese which burden and shorten a womans comans in life thousands td 0 women testify for it it will give health and strength and make life a pleasure for sale by all druggists T BLUMAUER FRANK DRUG CO PORTLAND D agenda 4 POISON POISO ta Is the result of the usual treatment ot 0 blood disorders the system is fil filled ledwith with mercury and potash remedies more to bo be dreaded than the disease and in a short while is in fc far worse condition c ondi tion than before the common result la is R HE LR ua M for which is the most rel reliable lable cure A few bottle swill afford relief where all else has tailed I 1 suffered irom from a severe attack of mercurial I 1 rheumatism my arms and logs legs being swollen to twice their natt natural iral size causing the most excruciating pains I 1 spent hundreds linn dreda of dollora without relle relief but after taking a few bottles of I 1 improved rapidly and am now awell man complete ly cured I 1 can heartily S recommend it to any one ona 1 suffering from this gainful painful idl die wase case W F DA FY brooklyn elevated 11 EE L our treatise on blood and skin daa da dreamel a es balled free to ta stay any address S aft specific CiriC CO atlanta Al lanti gi ga FOR PEOPLE THAI ARE or just ont dont reel feel wei we ImA DR GUNNS blat qi PALS I 1 C are the ono ethington to 11 a only ono one for a dose bwy as for y ats at a box samples mailett derea frea address wa A 4 pr FI 4 il iffla pa in FRAZER AXLE I 1 CREASE BEST IN THE WORLD M BV BriW I 1 its wc hiaring aring qualities ties are actually outlasting out lasting pvn boxes of any anther brand flea broin aall taxi oils ft I 1 HE UE GE bult SALE BY OREGON AND JV tty WASI wl aud dealers generally just as good never yet equalled equal P led the a tf VELVETEEN SKIRT BINDING simply refuse the just as good sort it if your dealer will not supply you we will samples showing owing st libels labels and materials mulled mailed free home dressmaking a a new book by miss mill emma M W hooper of 0 the I sidles ladles home homa journal tellin telling how to 10 put on bias velveteen skirt bindings sent for postage paid S H al co P 0 box N Y city WHO CARRIES THE LAREST lins line of cutlery sporting goods barber supplies and bazaar goods dou t you TOU know THE WILL FINCK COMPANY they will supply you with anything you wont at lowest market prices price send for generi I catalogue or of Sport or barber supplies 81 street san francese Franc lse tse lal cal Is this oat alls ails you hoie hate ou a feeling j of a clot in I 1 n tho the S stomach 0 in ach B olti 0 g after eating belc h i water brosti heartburn Heart born bad taste in the v mouth io in the morn 1 if ine of the heart due of cankered mouth month 4 gas ansin in the bohets j loss of flesba fickle appetite depressed irritable condition CoodlE loa of the J flea dac hl con contic sup 1 lion atlon or then aou ou have bove DYSPEPSIA in one of its many fornia the one positive cure for this distressing is acres Hc Kers DOMMI WIM tablets 1 tty by mail prepaid oo on of AS 5 cents i 11 spills R now jin venal yv new york i say 1 I 1 suil iva horribly fi fanni nii dspain tant ret ken adur cured ine ACKER MEDICINE CO 16 A 33 sla MRS WINSLOWS soo SYRUP stop THING FOR CHILDREN TEETHING as sale by all 25 ft betl SURE CURE FOR PILES bad and blind hided lux or PI allf yield 4 al al wel 1 la PR DR BO 00 SAN SA KOS PILE REMEDY REA E D ip 1 h 1 abala lu luikar A burr ir calar rr calf aw UC DIL ahu fk uetz ALL ELSE eat augh by P bawo ube latimar N P N U no 8 F N U no 72 |