Show NEW ITALIAN COMMANDER gen antonio who lle coll coin fiands itaas forces in abyssinia general antonio the new commander of the italian truly army lu in eist africa lif rica was avas appointed by the italian G government 0 IL Ilu elit to take like fill place of general iori under whose tile italian aris arins suffered lell the recent great defeat the province over which command extends is called erytheia a nanie name was borroN borrowed ved front from the ancient greek name of the red nod sea it is a territory of the soudan extending inland front from ilas to kassalen Kass KaS aln Sahl the new general lins has ills his hands full if he is expected to decou quer the north abyssinian dominion of tigre the army lost about italian regulars and nearly all its field at tillery sixty or seventy guns gnus in the battle of fit aliu adoba lie ile was already on oil his way from italy live five lays days after the defeat of army the cailler pm patt of career as a soldier was passed in the service of the austrian empire ile he is I 1 i native nathe of friuli was born at undine in fit 1838 and Is a son of an official olli cial of I 1 police alicc lie ile was ethlea educated ted at tile vienna military college and continued in it the austrian army with tile the rank of major until when the venetian territories were annexed to the kingdom of italy since A 7 I 1 N aw GENERAL baldissera that time b ho 0 hrs has been colonel of the bersaglieri and a staff officer of licer ue he married the daughter of the procurator general of the court of appeals at aquila Afi uila in southern italy |