Show I 1 VENERABLE OLD SALT copt ilaine ills the lie atlantic nearly six fl hundred undred times captain W 11 II hains of tile the linard lin ird III llort 0 iho has just retired front froni active ic service as one of the oldest ablest of tile the worlds ads ship mas loin ivis in III liis his maritime com cent minerve suffers 1 1 Ilk loav lo 10 the old salt lind had been in fit the service or of the great lite lino of steamers since 1 7 and mailo made no fewer I 1 alian h in Z lyu 00 trips across 3 fit alie c atlantic ills ids last vaja e ns ninilo in the hit campania campailla it was avas ills his one desire to tn sill sail llie hie sea until lie hall made a n record of GOO gnu 11 crips Ps lint hut an accident e caused illi ilia ten temporary retirement and ills his ambition lias his therefore been libeu thwarted captain ilaine u is i f al 61 N w liza 11 M J IV cart w if 11 NS was one of the most cautious of the skippers that command the great ocean liners it it Is said of lihn that eliat it nas as liis his invariable rull rule ou on approaching land in hayy weather no lio matter abat ft bat ills his tomp temp might have been to brenk real a record to stop the ship absolutely and to t take ile up LIP anil and down catts casts of the doop deep sea lead a ire ile would never rely upon any patented apparatus without repeatedly peat edly verifying the results throughout its ills thirty nine years experience lie he has added liis ills quota to the line record for safety and speed now held liy by the he big Colli company party of which he be IN was as one of the roost most faithful servants sen ants |