Show women cleanliness the Wo merls civic league lea of cincinnati has attempted to bricio bring 9 about many reforms in the manir manners ors und customs cu toms of the queen quetu city list last spring tho the loagene made an urgent appeal to the board of administration all ii for sand piles to be scattered over the city that the children might play in them later the league suggested to the mayor that cuspidors crispi dors ors be placed along the ho edge of the sidewalks so that nieu men might expectorate into them recently one of tile members of the league while riding on a street car saw it a police ican iran who was chowing tobacco and splitting the saliva on thu tho floor this lady reported the incident to tho the league the women addressed tin nn appeal to the mayor and liis his honor bonor mayor john M caldwell issued an order to the police force forbidding expectoration tion either on street cars or on oil the sidewalks tho the civic league is becoming a powerful political agency iu in municipal affairs chicago chronicle |