Show PLUCKY TOM TOBIN I 1 A TOUGH OLD PIONEER SCOUT WHO WAS DANGER PROOF his coun counties tiem sears scara left by indian griz iliew mountain lions and snakes his hi famous real feat of tho the two iwo 1 epi aal noaa at ono one shot tom tobin was 80 years old and over when he be died not long ago but ho he was waa gamo game to tho the last said raid an ari ex army officer ho he was a brother in law of kit carson and tho the last of that pioneer baud band of scouts indian fighters hunters an and d trappers trapp cro that ventured upon the un known frontier way back in the thirties tic L when bed be died aed lie ho was tile the worst and clawed up man I 1 2 g ruess esq that ever took a life course in the rocky mountain school ot of experience ho boro born tho marks of grizzly bears mountain lion indians bad mon men and other wild animals from tho the crown of his head to the sole of his foot ile he had bad boon been shot 19 times indians indiana took his scalp once and left him for dead lour four times lie ho bad been stripped pretty bare of flesh by grizzlies grizzlier grizz lies and three times chewed out of shape by mountain mou 1 lions I rattlesnakes had bunk fangs into h liim im three different times without putting him to any gloat inconvenience the last time I 1 saw old tom which was only a little while before ho a lied died he be said eaid with avith a shako blinke of 0 his head bead 11 1 I faint no room for any more scare or I 1 think id out and give also a chance at me id like to have a geely monster try iry me once jost jest to see what lie ho could do I 1 I 1 tom was a tough piece of bone arid and sinew and no mistake his hia fame was va great in the early days indiana feared him horse thieves and other outlaws gave a locality wido berth it if tom tobin wa was known to bo hanging mound it colorado ought to put up a monument to him for be risked his lifo life once to do an ail let act that with one crack of his title line cot bot that territory ahead ten tell years at least that exploit was the ending of the career of the two espinosas Espin mexican brothers who wein I 1 llo le boldest iest most dreaded does of all the murderous outlaws that terrorized that part of the country in ill the pioneer days ive heard beard old timers say bay that the very mention of tile the name of abo espino as was eDo enough to make shudder these cutthroats cut throats committed murder for the sake of murder the most brutal sioux of those days would have lave hesitated before committing tn some of tho the crimes that these two mexicans were guilty of fort garland was tile the military post that guarded the interests of 0 the colorado settlers sett leis Tho Tha troops there der command of colonel tappan in 1862 t tho lie Espin espinosas bad brought one 1 portion or of the territory under such a reign of terror that the inhabitants sought tho the aid of colonel tappan in ridding the tag re region of the Alexi mexican cau cutthroats cut throats and robbers in their appeal to the colonel they declared that hat ranchmen ranchman ranch men stockmen stoc kmen miners aud and all classes in tho the san juan juall country simply took their lives in their hands handa when they went about their affairs colonel tappan detailed a company of men to sec seek seck k the trail of tl the a mexican outlaws and hunt built them to tile the death rewards to the amount of had been offered by the territorial legislature for the taking of the espinosas Espin dead or alio toni tom tobin was at fort garland NN when bell the company of troops was out to hunt the desperadoes down donn and volunteered to go along two lays days after the start tobin discovered the trail rail of tha mexicans it led to the heart of the sangro do de cri cristo sto mountains the desperate character of tile tha Me mexicans mcalli was shown by their holding bolding in up ill tile the placerville erville stage killing the d driver river and two of the lio passengers pass augers and robbing tile tho mails and express boxes the very day tobin discovered their camp iu ill it 11 deep aud lonely gulch in the me mountain un this was five days after the discovery of their thail tobin had told the lieutenant of the company that he be attempt to take the Maxi mexicans cans alive because they be taken and any attempt to do it would result only in ill the death of all that mado made it there aint any use of that said tom ill follow those these greasers to their thair hole help it if I 1 comeback illnave ill have em cm both if I 1 dont come back have me I 1 tom followed the trail into this gulch until ho came to the lie isolated and almost inaccessible spot chero the Es had bad made llado their camp like a shadow ho be crept on until id bo could see sea the two desperadoes they were absorbed in taking an ail inventory of plunder which proved to be ba the proceeds of the placerville Pla corville erville stage robbery tobin worked himself around until he be had bid the outlaws iu in range he know kilow his rifle he be know knew himself when his rifle cracked wore were do more espinosas Espin not on earth tom had bad killed them both at one shot eliot then lie deliberately nud he be always said joyfully cut off their heir heads beads he H carried those ghastly trophies to fort garland and when the diews spread about tho country tile the veo people went ont wild they hailed tom tobin as their deliverer and went about their affairs no longer longar ongar with fear and trembling but that waa all they did they soon forgot the groat great thing tobin had dono for them nud and even tho the legislature ignored him fur for tui tell years under pressure it paid tile the old scout ou oil ace acco nut tile tho last laet timo time I 1 saw old toni I 1 asked him it if colorado had bad settled with him yet not an ot yet ile he said but I 1 hear bear thinkie soni ethin 0 otal kiu about it now york soil meant well veil willio willie handing his uncle a bottlo bottle of gloa I 1 hope chopo you yell will have a very happy birthday undo uncle dick uncle dick chauk you little mau mall but what is this for willie oh I 1 thought you would he be so pleased lilea Cd with it I 1 heard beard tho papa sa hay Y other light that Y you on never could anale y your pur stories baick together vanity I 1 |