Show FROM FLORIDA InIZ letter from wiley of Laketon Lak etoi n atho ho ii t hero here on oil a greenville greeny lie fla june lolli editor of tilt UP ur on returning from conference yesterday my lily soul was filled with joy alic I 1 received tile first number of sitf UP ui that spicy little paper from the lanil land here one can seo see mountain hear coyotes howl smell eat beer a booe oot in diameter and an all inch thick and shako shake hands bands with tile the best people in the N hole wet id to you after licini an ay over a year it does a fellow ofellow goo I 1 tu to even read tile the ul ad in a home paper I 1 left alich co on tile the amny 2 1895 an aal I 1 laying laving over a few days in salt lake city left latt for Chatt chattanooga anoop tenn by way of the it II G western ti ctr G rock hock island kansis kansas city fort scott arid memphis arid and memphis and charles Charle sown own doaris roa is anthe Ont heway way wo we lud laid over for a day at kanas kan as city where we t visited the 1 I and pack ins houses and went sent over to indo independence ald aid saw alic temple lot at chattanooga we visited lookout mountain arid and lie national inn and then were assigned to tn our fields of labur I 1 wai naj sent to florida at tile the city of quincy I 1 met m my 1 companion elder fanson ani and wo we started out tile the first day we ne pot got lost rind lial lia 1 to caknip in the woods that nigh which by tho way lius been with uncle sim sam we labored in wakulla co fla till nil july and then went to alabama to attend conf confidence irence lust last october florida was wag formed into a se sep crato conference fer euce with joseph A west for president ail and elder amo altom rogers rs ati ini i I 1 were sent to labor in tallahassee we arrived there on oil tile the ev evening elling of nov will on oil the ielli we i anted a room and called on in tile the editors of 0 the two tao papers on oil tile the we bewail bemi chiava sin tinz b nit 50 families durin tile itlie div dav on tile the as aa we were starting out to begin it work we vc were nvere arrested by tile the chimpf of police and taken beora tile ma ini y yoi 01 alio dec bleil del that ne e were a bibic nuis allce nd ga gac c us its our choice ot 0 s the alie own lown six mont lis imprisonment or filp fi IP we decided to leave willi that except ton lon I 1 have been well tre treated atI last winter seemed to be very pleasant no snow arid and very verr I 1 little i I 1 tie frost sonn some e day s s emad too warm to be coin fordable for table until the first n st of 01 this year I 1 coall colim not say buy thet I 1 nj acil my lily labors lint ut 1 h it e anen ivo ive had ri a fairly good tinie the rile county I 1 have been laboring in ill ii gond ond for lind and I 1 have had ninny able dinies with tile roil rod and line tire bast ast time lime I 1 tried it the lako lake seame scenic I 1 tu lie alive with alligator alligators i were seve sevc i in sight at once and two tw were thirty leei feet of ine they very seldom attack si a nian asin but are death on hos hogs on oil may we started for con ier ll e IN which aich was as held in co ab nb tit nt five miles southwest of tile the city of live oak on tile the way we crowed the beautiful Sa suwannee Suwan wannee neo river made camou iby i by fait poetic song old folks at home wt wo at al rived at aitho tile conference groi grounds inda on oil tilt the after afternoon nuon of may and the it began bega it one of tire most enjoyable times I 1 ear experienced thera vere nera twenty five elders including our beloved nt elias kimball we easily pick out the be new elders by their be rosy roay complexions completions complex ions tile rest of f us u have skins like a new saddle b we were having baying buch a good time lime that one of tile the boys proposed that we catch old father till time e and tie lie him up tip for a litile while but ta the e old fellow must have hearl heard him for lie ile flew taster faster than ihan ever this letter would not he be complete without vit hout mentioning log ulder emer cazier from star val valley ley wyo lie ile left home inglr in aar apr I 1 and rode part way to tile the ry ky in it then got off the train at greenville ai when lien tile tho thermometer was about 90 in ill the shade the first thing lie he said an d was I 1 wish Is it my time was out we all felt sorry for him for it seemed too bad too see a man mopping tile sweat from off his faun faco while sitting in tile bli shade aile then lie dont act as abo lie thought it derby hat bat a stand up collar arid and at a prince A albert bert coat was tile Pen sensible en sible or comfortable clothe B 6 in the it this dont dent find tile the waste paper bas baa let ket ill come again my lily address is greenville madison co fla FIB and abid a letter from any of 0 ray my friends would bo be appreciated your brother WILFY it |