Show Indoor Polo Title At Stake Tuesday CHICAGO April 23 The UP-The national national na- na indoor polo championships will wil willbe bl be resumed Tuesday nIght at the field artillery armory with interest in terest centering on the second game between the New York Athletic club and the thc Chicago Riding club The New York team defeated Chicago Chi Chi- cago 98 9 in the thc opening game S Sat Saturday t- t urda night before a crowd of largest ever er to see art an indoor polo game in the west Buddy Coombs Coomb No 2 on the New York team shot hol the tin tying goal after the whistle had blown and then made the winning goal on the first play ot of the overtime period The Cleveland Riding club defeated the thc Boulder Brook N. N J. J team 11 to 5 in the first game for the national junior title Both series will be on a basis of two victories in three games |