Show Desperado Eludes Federals Federals' In ro Raid on Hideout in A North NorthWoods Woods THREE THREE- WOMEN C T Two o Men Slain Four InjUred as Bullets Fly s B Press Preas ST. ST PAUL PAUL April 23 k i deputy sheriff three men believed to tobe tobe be gangsters es p d highway ambush in st. st Paul parK eight niles miles southeast of St. St Paul shortly before noon today Twenty shots were exchanged The men were riding In a Ford coupe bearing g Wisconsin license No whIch is one ot of the three linger license numbers known to department de de- of justice men Later the police said the gang seized a Ford VB V-B coach at 1 p. p m. m from Roy F. F Francis South St. St Paul He was vas accompanied by his hb and baby Not far from South St. St Paul a ForA coupe pulled up In front of his c r c to block the road Three men got out ou one holding a pistol Get out the leader commanded Francis Frncis and his wife turn around stand over by the side of the roa ii and will be all right They obeyed were no threats or rough language Francis said The gang climbed into Francis Francis' S automobile au au- and sped southe southeast t toward Hastings fingerprint experts were sent to the scene immediately S Gang Shoots Way S Out of U U. U s. s Trap MERCER MERCEL W Wis April 23 Jolin J Wooden Gun DUli g rt wm othe t. t an army of federal and deputy sheriffs early today in ina a a n northwoods id S t t. t where h he sL Lc men and f five ve women compa l i ns h had d hidden in an armed camp since last Friday His l test escape cost the lives live or of two me men and the serious wounding or of four others Dillinger and six members ot of his machine gun gang were at bay In Inthe inthe the woods of the Lac flu Du Flambeau resort region They were fl fleeing over roads soft from melting snow and 00 a force of 50 was close behind One department ot of justice t was vas among the d dead ad and another was wounded Cornered late last night in Little Bohemia a Spider Lake dance hailand hall hail halland and tavern nine miles mUes southeaSt ot of otMer Mer Mercer r Dillinger had his narrowest cs escape ape in weeks of pursuit in which government nt men have trailed him about the country Gang Abandons Girls Three young oung women were yere left behind behind be- be hind and surrendered when the besieging be be- forces filled the resort a sprawling building housing living quarters a bar and a cabaret with tear gas Th The first victim a bystander was Eugene Boisoneau killed outright by bythe bythe the federal agents agents' fire as 35 he and two companions drove droe away from the re- re sort The shots warned Dillinger and his band who had taken had taken po Lion sion of the r resort Friday mounting a a. a machine gun on the roo roof and Posting lookouts They fled out a rear door and separated separated sep sep- in the thick Wisconsin woods Three turn turned d up a few minutes later at Mitchells Mitchell's resort commandeered commandeered comman- comman a car and drove oU off ahead of the federal men One other carrying carrying carry carry- ing a machine gun over his arm ran into a Turners Turner's r resort ort and demanded o of Alvin Turner that he furnish him a car Bandit Slays Officer Before Turner could rep reply an auto containing two government men arid and arida anda a constable drew up outside Shouting that the d desperado des des- s. s ran out and opened fire with gun W. W Carter Baum a Chicago federal agent was killed Constable Carl Cazl C Christensen of Spider Lake Wis was critically wounded and J. J C. C Newman ol of Chicago a department of jw Justice ce agent was seriously wounded The gunplay had taken two lIves and left four wounded TWo of Boisoneau's Bol Boi- companions were vere struck by bullets The department ol of justice in its official report said Dillinger and three followers among them John Hamilton his first lieutenant ts s. s Continued on Pus pue Two BANDITS ELUDE HIGHWAY TRAP Desperado Eludes Federals in Raid on Hideout in North Woods I from Page Pue One Onel from the resort to the he lake Jake lakeshore shore b by a rear door Between midnIght and dawn the guns were silent silent- The federal a agents then approached the house forced open the door and threw in tear gas bombs Three young women between 20 and 25 years of age ran out gasping and choking Their names were withheld withheld with with- held by the government agents Federals Identify Four The department named as the three with Dillinger I John Hamilton escaped Michigan City Irid Ind convict Tom Carroll St S1 Paul bank robber Homer Vm Van Meter with a record as asa a kidnaper and ana stickup man Dillinger came to the thc camp from Sault Ste Ste. Marie said J. J Edgar Hoo- Hoo vet vet- ver head of oC the federal Investigating bureau Arriving at the camp Frida Friday the gang and its girl companions had held a continuous party since then Dillinger left his luggage behind In Ina a suitcase IdentifIed as his was found an assortment or of pajamas and silk shirts After the three women surrendered the agents shot out the resort windows win win- dows and as soon as the gas had lifted searched it thoroughly Meanwhile Mean Mean- while about two dozen others from Chicago St St. Paul and other offices of DC the took government up the hunt hun confident that they were close behind I Ithe the elusive Indiana gunman Officers Highways Roads In Iron and Vilas counties were in bad condition local authorities ties said and the good ones were few enough to permit careful watch It was because the government men learned that r was about to leave the Little Bohemia resort saId Hoover that they struck at night but bul the shots fired when Boisoneau was killed gave Dillinger the alarm Hoover In his official statement of what happened said watchdogs began began be- be gan to bark to-bark bark when the federal men crept clo close e to the resort As they did three men emerged got into a car and started to turn it il around The government men ordered them to halt and when they failed to obey opened fire It H contained Boi who was as 38 and lived In Mercer John Morris 59 an official of a C C C camp near Hercer Her Mer cere and John Hoffman 28 28 a gas station station sta- sta tion attendant The volley which killed Boisoneau wounded MorrIs in the kIdney and twice In the shoulder Hoffman was Wa hit ill lii the left elbow and was cut by flying glass as the shots shattered the windshield Of the three on which the lone bandit opened fire at Turners Turner's Resort Christensen was m 0 s 5 t critically wounded lIe He was shot five times in inthe inthe the bOdy and legs and was not expected expect expect- ed to lIve Federal Agent J J. J C. C Newman New New- man had regaIned consciousness by noon I RHINELANDER Wis Wb April 23 If eP EmU Emil proprietor ot of the Lit Lit- the tle Bohemia resort knew since Fr- Fr day that one of his guests was John Dillinger fugitive outlaw he told au au- today Sure I knew he was Dillinger saidI said I played cards with him every day Those Chicago Chicalo cops couldn't find him and in Indiana they couldn't hold him So why should hould I have tried to take hIm him- Say he had a roll of oC money big enough to choke a cow saId that he and his two I were virtual prisoners or of I Ithe the desperadoes and and their wo wo- men said one of oC the gang wan on guard |