Show r r Cotton Market I NEW YORK April Apri 23 AP AP-Alde from t futher evening UP ot of contracts IU for lor possible on Wed Wed- cotton as s quiet Monday Pric's colon Cased under liquidation ad scattered selling sell sell- sel ing After e to 1153 at t the e start bUI 1 31 L worked e tip 2 or 3 points o on trade and but the general market mar mar- bUl ond cayenne mn ke ket was wa quiet with active Uve months month show show- In net tosses O of 0 to 12 points the S middle of J the f t f Future cloud steady 8 to 12 lower high tow Lt ay 1151 1145 1145 Lw July 1161 1157 Ir r Il A H 1170 H t December 1185 1181 S l January r r. r 1130 H Hg 2187 nj March 12 1200 00 10 Spot 1145 NEW ORLEANS A 23 Cotton AP-Cotton Colon API-Colon u closed steady rl at net declines of Ii to 13 points et Low Close Clos I Ma 3 1154 L 1147 fy 5 14 July u Y r 1173 11 1163 L O OJ December r 1186 1178 1180 1180 J lt 11 1183 1173 3 fb Bid b-Bid l C 1107 1107 1107 D quiet quie H 14 poInts down Sales I G dUne 11 63 i 16 I |