Show STOCK SHOW SALES PRICES ARE BETTER Official Says Figures Show Some Advances p SPANISH FORK While throngs left teft the Utah county Junior State LiVestock show agreeing it was the I best In history they sympathized with entrants for supposedly low prices received at the climaxing auction auction tion sale Jos Joseph ph F. F Skinner Future Farmer supervisor Monday stated th their ir im were wrong and backed his assertion l with figures At the 1933 sale Mr Skinner said a total ot of 79 70 steers were sold at an average price of f per pounds This year he be said 1156 steers were led through the ring the first 70 bringing an average price of per or more than 1933 Sheep also averaged higher hee he said ald bringing 12 per pcr pounds while hUe hogs dropped below last years ears I average selling for |