Show FOREIGN NEWS I SPLIT IN SPANISH CABINET IS FEARED Crisis Follows Rioting in Which Two Die MADRID April 23 IP Rumors IP-Rumors of ofa a cabinet crisis flew in Madrid today to to- day on the heels of rioting in which two were slain and at least 11 persons per per- sons wounded A cabinet split was feared wIth the tha possibility of nations Spain's famous assault guards patrolled pa- pa trolled trailed the streets where yesterday antifascists and extremists battled opponents and authorities In bitter clashes The extremists launched their Sunday Sun Sun- day reign of terror In a vIolent show or of opposition to Catholic youths meeting in near by El EI Esco Esco- na to demonstrate their loyalty to the popular agrarian party Stray bullets killed a child when extremists and guards fought in suburban An extremist fell mortally wounded irs in an encounter at Madrid's Del So Sol Adding to the terror of the night was a strike that tied up the city's transportation services and public utilities |