Show YOUTH y uin KillED SEVEN INJURED Series of Auto Accidents in Central Utah Takes Toll PROVO PROVO-A Provo bench youth is dead and seven persons are arc recovering recover recover- ing from Irom injuries received in a serIes of four automobile accidents In cen Utah during Saturday and Sun Sun- da day One of the Injured received a broken leg while the others suffered only minor cuts and bruises Asael Kartchner 16 son of Bishop and Mrs Mark E. E Kartchner Jr of Grand View received fatal injurIes Sunday evening at the dugway on the state highway just north of the Provo river bridge about one mite mile north of Provo when the car which he was driving blew out a left rear reaf tire lire and overturned The car a light coupe turned comple completely ly over and landed upright in a nearby ditch according ac- ac c. cording to Deputy Sheriffs Reuben Christenson and J. J P. P Gourle Gourley The Kartchner youth suffered a crushed head hend and punctured lung and died at a local hospital 45 minutes later John B. B Seamont ot of Provo travelIng directly behind the youth rushed him to the hospi hospital l. l Door Comes Oft art According to officers the door ot of the thc machine came ort off and the victim was left lyIng on the ground as the car righted Itself Asael Kartchner was born February ary 6 1918 at Grand View the son of at Mark and Mary E. E Loveless Kartch Kartch- nero ner He attended the Lincoln grade school from which he was graduated in hi 1932 He was a sophomore at the Lincoln hj high h school at Orem at the time or of his death He was also a Vanguard Scout In the Grand GrandView GrandView View ward In addition to his parents five brothers and sIsters survIve him James A. A and Virgil D. D Kartchner of Benson ArIz Wayne E E. E Kartchner Palo Alto Cat Cal Alton Allan C C. C Kartchner Sacramento Cat Cal Miss Veda Kartchner Kartch ner nero Mount Emmons and md Harold R. R Kartchner a missionary for the L L. D. D S. S church at HawaII and the grandparents Mr and Mrs Mark E E. E Kartchner Karchner Sr of Salt Lake City Leg Ler Is Broken Mark Oakle Oakley 31 31 SprIngville was recovering from a broken left leg receIved Sunday afternoon when the motorcycle he was riding crashed into an automobile driven by L. L E. E Christensen West Fourth South street Provo on the Hobble creek canyon road about one mile the SprIngville power plant Mr Oakley was taken to Springville Spring Spring- ville by Mr Christensen where medical medi medi- cal eal aid was given by a 1 local clan ciano According to Mr ChrIstensen the two vehicles met from opposite directions di di- comIng around a curve Due to caused by dust Mr Oakley was unable to avoid the oncoming on on- coming automobile and his motorcycle cle skidded into the left rear wheel of the car he told officers Five ManU Manti high school students received minor cuts and bruises Saturday Saturday Sat Sat- when the automobile in whIch they were riding overturned as the party was en route to Mantl Manti from rom the state and intermountain music contest con con- test at Price The car overturned on the state highway about one mile south or of Spanish Fork according to Deputy Sheriffs George Loveless and Reuben It vas driven b by Edgar Reed Recd 50 of MantiL Manti List L st of Injured Those injured were Reed Breth walt wait 14 Claire Tuttle 14 Henry Mil leI ter 14 Nell Neil 15 15 and Dean 14 They continued con con- on to ManU Manti after receiving medical attention by a SpanIsh Fork physician Mr R Reed d told the deputy sheriffs that the car overturned when he struck loose looe gravel at he edge of the road Mrs Jean Biers of Provo suffered a bruised head Saturday nIght when she fell backward from the runnIng runnIng- board of an automobile driven by R. R E. E Jo Johnson of Provo according to Police C Captain James C. C Snow Mrs Biers attempted to step off the run before the automobile came to a full ull stop in front of her home at Eighth West and Third South streets it was reported |