Show FREE RENT RENTAL AL GUIDE COMING i I I I 1 I Heres Here's Our EXTRA OFFER Start a a. good line 3 word US-word Ad AdI I TODAY DAY Order it for a a. and week Lf if its it's not rented rente by trat tret you to t R a Free Fee in our ou sp Rental Guide out next Tusa Thursday SPRING RENTAL RENTAL GUIDE FREE FRE of oC extra exta copies or of these the guides guide will wi be given ou out at Tribune Tribune- Telegram also alo by local lol real estate ette too tat no extra extra cost cst to t you you You merely meely put the ad In i TODAY Cancel it when nd rented and get in inthe i the Guide Free Fre I te Gude One Days Day's Refit Lost i Pays for a Day 3 Day 3 Rent Ad lilik or this t A good line 3 3 nd ad costs only 38 a di day on our day 7 rate win wins r a place in the Guide and may b be rented even Thurs a I WA The Te quIck way war to turn tur the the old auto auto mobile moble into ito cash Is I to offer oter it ade ade described and ad attractively priced pried in in The Te Tribune Telegram Want Ads 1 i IC I T F n T Lost Ads Find the Finder T 1 MONUMENTS MARKERS Ls L's tNt t FLOWER BRONZI of beauty Salt Stamp Co 43 W V u Wi Vs 4 HEAD STONES STONE grave nue special 10 0 line line lne of flower ower pots urns urs bird W. W C. C MoIs Mori So th th East Eos Cement Burial Vaults COLE DROS burial nult N t J W LOST AND fOUND 12 s SILK L dress lost ns as ot Main And 2nd 2nd So Phone Was Vas Reward pERSONALS 13 home need aced i invalids rest cure diets dicta Call n. Was 1202 or H Hp 30 MedicaL MASSAGE re re- durine 23 So 2nd E. E Apt 35 VERY VEY b best s are Sot Dot bath alcohol ru rub firs fr 6 10 Bide room massage 35 23 fi d. d Franco tat South rh t Vas n agent MISS RENEE expert massare masue and ond both bath Inc Sundays 25 No tat 1st Wet apt 31 REAL Swedish massage Reduce treat 1 steam stem bath SOc 1591 S S. Main rm em SCIENTIFIC massage hot baths room C Kenyon hotel Experienced open operator tor Swim to Reduce f w warmth h and InC I course 16 Prof Thornton Thorton Wu W 1732 Be Beauty uty Culture 14 REALISTIC H HELICONE PERMANENT R New New- eat and latest lates method producing beautiful beau beau- lustrous wave wave In all al textures of hair Also other methods BEAUTE SIlO SHOP 0 Cont flank Dank Ride I. I WI Was 2671 2611 Dressmaking 15 DRESSES 2 S UP suits IS 5 up coats up make overs Rca Rus Ruth lean 1822 Lk at t. t HY H W. Detectives I 16 6 AMERICAN MERICAN Detect AsIn Legitimate detec- detec lice the Utah Say Tr Te Bide Bide W. W Cal Call Expert Abstractor GOOD prop tle titles eeL Iet good loans Expert Epen tte man Thos Homer Romer 8 St St. St St. W Assayers ALONZO P. P Exp 20 irs yr Colo 25 yra Ut U. U S. S V. V W. W T. T Was UNION As Assay D Office Inc P. P o. o Box Box I. I 4 So Was 1199 Auto Parts OUTI State St. St Auto Co 1523 So State U. U GOJ and So 50 State 11 1 Wo Io buy and sell sel used cars car trucks trucks Rebuild batteries tires tres all al sizes size makes COMPLETE stock New parts paU for all al cars car trucks 28 5 S. S W. W T. T 1 W. W 1580 Automobile Tops TOP TOPS 10 l up also s roadster coupe tops Ret's l Top Body o oa Shop h S St St. u V. WALT BLOOMFIELD Top Too Glass Gns Co Tops ops as food as new 74 S. S 2nd F. F E. E Was Awnings WESTERN TENT CO Sifts TNT Guar canvas eds Ids 45 S. S W. W T. T W SPERE Tent Awn u Co Co mfr mIt covers cover tents tent awns So S. S W. W V. V Temple SMITH SMITH ic A ADAMS MS mfr tents canvas goods and k covers cover ECI Edison on st at V W. W 16 4 Buildings Office Bide headquarters br mining en linens and For W. W V 2001 I D Dancing U I lessons lesson trial Woodwards Ut 8 Main Wr Write te for catalogs W. W Dentist DR HUDSON Dr Thomas Scott bldr Sets of artificial teeth beautiful durable l lifelike gums Now only l 18 All 1 kinds rg dental e servIce at reduced d rat rat-cs Free extractions with wih plates Dental Se vl ico So Stain was Wa D Dressmaking re ss m aki I g ALTERATIONS costs coats lined Inee fancy costumes Jen Jean 41 8 Main W 21 2153 3 Foot Specialist OR OR A. A L. L L hAnSEN UA floyd Doyd Park arr BI W. W v. v 2679 2179 2 treatment SI S1 Hat Cleaning HATS HAT renovated Suits cleaned and pressed b bi the most modern equipment UNITED UNIE HATTERS HAE South StatS Stat House Insulation LITE ASBESTO-LITE LITE ABETO-LITE installed 2 los Ins deco over ceiling 5 tans cost 5 t terms Rome Home On Carden en Co Co 48 46 Main Was Wa Massage LIE LIEF McMANUS M Springs Wu Men Moving Storage os CO-os packed moved ano shipped A fireproof ware wae house houte as a clean clun as a rout house Long Lne dis db movIng RED REDMAN IAN VAN STORAGE CO Vas 1463 moved mo to Denser Dene Salt Lake ol Ot Cal Cal b by bODd bonded d experts Everything In no crating MOLLERUP ING k STORAGE CO Salt Lake W. W v. v Office Service I and Steno service public B Bo A Ness Neu W. W Photo Studio Photo Studio Portrait Spec thins In the lne 1412 So 80 Main vu Stamps COMPLETE of stamps albums books for stamp collectors Book Boo DeJect Co 4 Last on 8 0 S Temple TempI Wa Wu Structural Steel INDUSTRIAL STEEL SEEL IRON CO Iron ano steel for all 1 purposes welding I black Ino repair ru Tools work Vl JI 6 it v W. W 1 t A C. C hand forged mechanics mechanics' tools tool WASATCH TOOt TOOL CO 1781 1161 ito 80 State Stat Watch Repairing Jewelry Store Good iio 16 So 80 State Was WA Foot Specialists 17 OR T. T L r r. r DELK Felt Bldr Arch Ach trou hies hlf Quick and lastine Medical OR OR GRIFFIH GRIFFITH specialist tot tur men urn Cs Ca 1 I uth MaIn t t Was 1 TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES 18 and Tc Telegram ram read readers en and aa 0 are to exercise caution cauton In automobile or bu bus wIth Ith other IndivIduals Individual Ret Ret- Rf should br be and of secured I All STA STAS IS THE Hl STANDARD OP OF DUS PART OP OF A GREAT arAT TRANSPORTATION DETROIT 2434 Denver u 38 00 o Ls Ang s S Ci 01 Omaha Portland Kan Kan CItY Spokane 1300 New flew York Yort Idaho Falls 3 90 10 21 0 Seattle Fals 1500 DIGGER SA VIO ON ROUND TRIPS TWO O TRIPS DAI DAiLY Y All 4 DIRECTIONS W YASO ASo 1 DEPOT TICKET TICKEr OFFICE 1 07 W. W So 80 Temple Temple Squats Suar Bote CITY TiCKET OFFiCE KENTON HOTEL 20 SO MAIN AIN WASATCH V 1369 I So STAGES IDAHO FALLS ELY NEV HEV CORINNE TREMONTON O 2 AU T POCATELLO BLACKFOOT uShER HEUE DUCHENE VERNAL CULLEN HOTEL HOEL WAS STAGES BOISE 5 JEROME 54 f TWIN FALl S. 54 HI BURLEY 13 CULLEN HOTEl VI 1 Ste Tickets 19 INFORMATION aU all lines lines tours cruises American Co a 24 w. w 2 S. S W MALE HELP 20 WASTE WANTED WANTED 3 salesmen for fast st selling line WANTED seln lne of automobiles Men of good character appearance and nd capable of doing a real Job Experience not essential but determination to produce very aary rr To men of this caliber calber we have hae an exceptional to offer Give Gi lull ful particulars In letter Box Dox X Tribune RELIABLE man for house and ear ur den de work 2269 McCleland S. S SALESMAN LEMAN WANTED WANTE Experienced d real salesman to develop home sales alu d dept pt for pros res- res sire he reni estate firm Guarantee and commissions to party Write ely riv Ins age ue education lodee lodie and religious experience and ad general qualificatIons AU wi be held In strictest confidence Box X Trib- Trib Tele WITHIN walking distance of your home e e have hae enough customers for YOU to mike make 20 0 weekly commissions Come In and weli wel show you fOU how its Is I's done 1014 DoS DoS' DoSton oston os- os ton Bide WE can eln use 2 more youn soun men Inen 20 Ness Nes CREW manager capable ot of employing and aud managing dIrect crew Phone WI Mr Snook between 9 and 11 1 for appointment Schools for Men 22 EARN ou lear I IWo Wo We met meet your Jour state requirements Moler Barber Duber College 18 St St. SALESMEN WANTED 24 SALESMEN to work wIth manager no dos dos- SALME ing In Phone Was 70 Mr Snook Snook between cosIn cos 9 and 11 1 for appointment FEMALE FEMALE HELP 26 WANTED ANTED WANTED WANTED- WANTE Fancy spotter Apply State Cleaners Cleaner Dyers Dyr 57 E. E E ht 1st South TELEPHONE sales nic girl ell single ore De 22 who lives lve At home must be able oble to take dictation Real Rel opportunity for lIve lve Mire Ire Write own hand schooling experience and Ind If I now employed confidential con con- Box BoX X WANTED cafe BrIgham BrIg Drle ham CI City Utah GIRL GIL for general housework small smal wages Hy Hi YOUNG ladY exp epo In auto court and cafe Peoples People's Auto Court 2315 So S. S State EXPERIENCED press girl Apply Salt Lake Laundry So Main WOMAN experienced In cafe cooLIng Refi Rd ApplY 2 to 4 Monday t So State POSITIONS WANTED 29 FEMALE CURTAINS A Oc 35 C I and deliver Wk guaranteed H H. W 1447 SALES 30 AUCTION UNION UNON PACIFIC AlIl AI N OF UNCLAIMED UNCLE FREIGHT T ILl lB S JA Y APRIL AT 9 0 A. A 5 M. M SHARP O. O S L. L FREIGHT DEPOT FIRST FIST SOUTH mUTH AND FOURTH WEST See yesterdaYs SUNDAY TRIBUNE for partial list of Items v. v U. U ADA S. S AUCTiONEER 1454 to 1486 SO STAT tOY IY M. M DERRICK AUCTIONEER class Iau auction service 48 MONEY MONEY TO LOAN 31 IT AUTOMOBILES LES TN AN cm G THROUGH US YOU CAN 1 CAR BORROW DORROW MONEY MONE ON YOUR YOUn 2 FINANCE FANCE a TIME SALE BALE to a prospective buyer 3 REFINANCE your present contract con con- tract high If I your payments are ae too Jo 10 CO 55 SO AN ST. ST W. W 10 1030 AUTO AUT PRIVATE ATE SALES FINANCED QUICK AND AN CONFIDENTIAL NO COSINES RAT RATES BUDGET LW INC INC UI 1 OTon AV VL MONEY MONEY TO LOAN 31 a PERSONAl LOANS NW A COMPLETE LOAN LOA SERVICE C ON LOANS UP TO AUTO CO mAKER FURNITURE Our charges are oe the lowest lowet available for tor this specialized loan service serice An and figured only on balances Ddn Co Go Room 41 ContInental flank ant de Sn Main Phone h V 2007 lN 1 STATE T SUPERVISION J E Sg l 3 J CO rAKER co AUTO LOANS LOAS Friendly n company otters oren more corn com piete dignified service erlee under supervision lion sion of state banking dePt Quick Quick- confidential Cost Con Is as n low as an any ob tamable In the elt city for this full loan ful I 1 to 20 pay pu Come phone write SOCIE Loan Clift Cot Cor Main MaD t 3rd SO PHONE VI V AS 1 12 r YOU ARE E TO BORROW ONEY 50 50 TO 10 1000 ANY PLEDGE OF VALUE Personal Auto l Property Mortgage I 1 Pr Per Repay o Cent n monthly o i gu within Per year Month RELA RELATIONSHiP CONFIDENTIAL CONSIDERATE FINANCE ThRIFT CO B 80 STATE T Was Wn 1976 State Bank J QUICK SMALL LOANS S TO 10 60 6 A NEW COMPANY WITH NEW METHODS a mutual sharing profit aun A salary and your sour promise to pay pa only requirements CREDIT 31 WALKER BANK A Few Dont Don't mortgage your our home or auto luto Dont Don't mortgage your furniture mortgage your frIends We trust morlee you you-we lend to employed people on their OU signature Prompt service service-No No publicity It CASH CREDIT CO SOS SCOTT WAS VAS 52 5 AnD UP UPON UI ON YOUR PERSONAL NOTE NOT NO EN DORSERS DonsE 6 MOS 2105 TO REPAY IMMEDIATE SERVICE Being Beine a local Salt Lake WI can rn adjust requirements our service to meet ee your lour per personal pr FINANCIAL DISCOUNT r CO M EZRA ER THOMPSON BL CA I U 5 UP to people on per per- note No security U I Most liberal plan ll in Stilt Lake ee One hour service lr SALT SA T LAKE lAE DiSCOUNT CO 2 B 2ND SO 80 21 21 REASON f CA CASH J lI place In town to get 05 S or 50 In a hurry hury No security Quick courteous confidentiaL r LOCAL c ir CREDIT RED CO Ut Say I. I Tv Tr Bide Bldr S. S Main S il S I 10 or more to 10 working people on their own o n note No sIgners co-sIgners or mort mort- gage ule Eu Easy payment See us first EMPLOYEES EMPLOYEES' LOAN SOC 52 1 McCornick Dd 10 Vest lit ht So lck I Loans TO EMPLOYED MEN ME AND NO A FRIENDLY FRENDLY CON SERVICE DISCOUNT 42 BId 3rd rd So and Ind Main HIGHLY respectable place piece ladle ladies and can borrow money monn or diamonds and watches at a rates utes THE DIAMOND SHOP TE DA RO 50 MAIN AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 Values 1932 NAU cost now 1900 1 1931 PONTIAC Sedan Sedan-Dc Lue 36 6 1930 STUDEBAKER 1237 NASH 8 Do De I Coupe 42 1930 NASH 8 Dc DI Sedan 9 2930 1930 STUDEBAKER Pre Pres Cab 1929 1921 NASH De Dc 6 Sed Sedan n 1929 GRAHAM 8 3 Sedan InS 1228 NASH AM Sedan Sedan-La L Bedan-L 1127 NASH Advanced SIdan 1 1927 NASH Sedan 9 S 9 1937 1921 DODGE door 4 85 1939 FORD I ton l-ton Truck In 1927 ESSEX door 4 Sedan U 43 SO liAN ST sr Wo VJ BUICK PONTIAC BUICO 1928 BUICK Sedan U UlI g 1910 g gg Coach hs a 40 1929 lI rJ BUICK Sedan 1930 FRANKLIN Sedan 23 l 1927 1928 FANIN g DODGE CADILLAC l' l c Victory Sedan i ARCH DROWNING BROWNING SO 20 ARH MAL MAU WAS PRIVATE p party will sAcrifice 1228 E ex exsport sport sedan tires tres wi paint paint upholstery like new motor I A-I cah caSh Rear 10 1032 So 3rd East Eat 1929 FORD Tudor SedAn perfect perfect- throughout hout D. D T. T SINGER 80 80 STATE 1 1930 30 CHEVROLET CHEROLE COACH newly fInished In dark Cak blue good rod tires tru and a dAndy mu m tor Special price 35 MANY MAY OHE BARGAINS A AT AUTO f MARKET fARKE S. S STATE STATI 1929 ESSEX coach cooch terms A l condo cond- HylAnd drive PACKARD TRADE INS TRAE-NS TRAE 1930 PACKARD De Dc Sedan 1229 1930 BUICK PACKARD Sedan Custom Custo Sedan 60 1930 1130 STUDEBAKER BUIC Sedan 33 JACKSOn co 10 MOTOR AVE WAS 1 1933 CHEVROLET 15 Coach air wheels heel tadio lIke Uk new nw D. D T. T SINGER SINGE 80 SO STATE FOR SALE one Auburn sedan auto driven en dr less les than Aubur miles runs and looks like new Wili Wi cell aeU to highest cash offer received b by midnight the Car Cor can cn be bt seen at C garage AddresS U room iID hotel crace I 1230 O FORD DE COUPE COUPE blue blu finish with black trIm mohair extra tIres tre a peach pach for only 0 Many Man other b bargains at BILLS BILL AUTO MARKET R. R STATE 1933 13 CHEVROLET CHEROLE COACH a rul bargain for aale ulf Was Vas BY OWNER loll lord VictorIa excellent condition Denver It at Telegram Wants Want have lift lt ed many train Crom the rank of the trailers and placed them In the forefront of those e who achieve AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 32 BETTER USED Ii CARS e 1933 1233 CHEVROLET Philco iledan-Philco Special radio De Be lOSs 69 1933 PLYMOUTH Sedan 1033 CHEVROLET SEDAN 8 6 wire 1133 wheels trunk other extras 1932 ROCHNE S SEDAN DAN 47 1931 AUBURN P. P SEDAN n 1931 COSt COM Sedan dan 1931 CHEVROLET DE Sedan 42 1131 LX 1931 FORD FRD TUDOR SWAN 1031 PIERCE ARROW SEDAN SEDA 12 1930 30 1230 ChEVROLET COUPE 27 1929 FORD ORD SEDAN 1922 9 1 STUDEBAKER COSt COM Sedan 23 1928 STUDEBAKER COSt COM Sadan Ij 1127 17 OLDS SEDAN J 1127 BUICK 47 SEDAN SEAN Ins 1326 FORD ORD COACH 35 33 WE E PAY CASH FOR FR Ln LATE MODEL USED CARS CAo CAoN N J STUDEBAKER DISTRIBUTOR M SOUTH StAIN MAI 40 1 YU 1 BARGAiNS BARGAnS IN IH SAt SALT t LAKE 1531 BUICK DR DE SEDAN 11 SEAN PRICE 1390 DOWN 1930 SEDAN SEAN PRICE 1455 DOWN 1931 PONTIAC COACH PRICE 10 DOWN 9 93 1922 HUDSON SEDAN PRICE PRICE 1133 31 DOWN 43 4 CHRYSLER COACH GOOD GOD tires tres goodrunning good running condition PRICE Jo J. B B. B BURNHAM COo CO 5 SO MAIN MAI WAS 1030 i C 1 f I I 9 n n Co 1933 CHEVROLET Sedan radio 95 1033 CHEVROLET Coach 1133 1933 DODGE Sedan 79 1 1933 33 DR DE SOTO De Dc Sedan 8 5 1033 PLYMOUTH De Be Sedan 66 1933 De Be Luxo Coach 1932 BUICK BUCK 57 Sedan 95 1932 BUICK DUICK Do Sport Coupe Couve 85 1932 CHEVROLET CHEROLE window 5 5 Coupe 1032 CHEVROLET CHIROL De Dc Lisie 1932 FORD JORD V V-S De DC Coach 65 1932 ROCKNE 65 Sedan 1932 DODGE Do Dc Sedan 59 1931 BUICK BUCK Sport Coupe Coupe 1931 BUICK DUICK Sedan 1931 ChEVROLET Cou Coupe 1931 DODGE D Dc Sport Soon Coupe 1031 DODGE Coups Coupe Cupe 63 1931 HUDSON Di De Luxo Coach 42 1931 HUDSON Ue Dc Sport Coupe 1931 NASH Sedan 1931 STUDEBAKER Di Dc Sedan MANY MORE SO W. W CORNIER 1933 FORD V-S V Dc Tudor Cant Can't tell tel from new ne 1 1033 33 FORD ORD VB V-S Do De Coupe Looks Look new special specia J. J Cupe 1933 ChEVROLET Coupe perfect condition dual a tires tre 1932 FORD V V-S Tudor good a one FR real value very 2932 FORD V V-S Coupe new motor looks loks FRD new 1932 Job FORD only 4 Coupe a Hr very nice nie 1928 Coupe new ne paint 15 1929 1919 CHRYSLER Coupe new paint 1930 FORD Coupe new paint |