Show H HOME 0 M E EXHIBIT WORK STARTS Preparations Made for Modern Mod Mod- ern Exposition r.- r. n. n in iMay May Activity marked the opening day Monday of final preparations for or the Modernization exposition to be held May 5 to June 30 under sponsorship of the committee ot of the chamber of commerce Early Monday two shirts shifts of oC skilled mechanics star started ed work on the construction con con- of three model homes and the hundreds of booths that will be used cd for individual and group ex ex- hibits The show will be held in the large building at Broadway and State street originally the Knutsford hotel which has been leased from the Auerbach Auer Auer- bach company by Modernization Exposition Ex Ex- position Inc which will have active direction of the exposition Ra Raymond mond J J. J Ashton general manager man man- ager said that th the three model homes would include two ot of modernistic de sign ign and furnishing one featuring complete electrical equipment equip equip- ment and the other complete gas cas equipment The third home will be a modern farm home featuring equipment and architectural design in keeping with modern needs in efficient home farm management such as a washroom for farm hands and a combination kitchen and boarding dining room J. J G. G King secretary of the corpora tion in charge of space sales reported Monday that a gratifying response had b been n received from firms and groups eager to enter the show and that the greater part of the square feet available a for exhibition purposes will have been disposed ot of Iby by the end of the week |