Show SEES GREAT CHANGES IN SUGARHOUSE AREA T Pioneer Visions Transformations Made by Passing Passing Pass Pass- ing Time SUGARHOUSE Seeing the old family homestead transformed from acres of oak brush and field crops into mio a modern cIty has been part of life liCe for Nephi J. J H Hansen n. n 64 6 years of age Q a son of Mr and Mrs Peter Hansen Ran Han sen early figures In the r dC development of Utah Mr Hansen was born In a room one log cabIn with wilh a 0 w wagon gon cover for a roof which was the farm arm home ot of his parents on pro property now known as Sixth East street and Riggs avenue As a boy his lot was that of oC other children in the carl early pion pioneer r days das mainly cutting oak brush to clear ar oU off the homestead and hoeing corn and other crops to help provide subsistence subsistence subsist subsist- ence for the family during the l long ng winter months Many ot of the business blocks in the Sugarhouse distrIct now occupy lands that Mr Hansen s spent nt weary hours clearing and preparing with a shovel and hoe hoc No Free Schools His early book learnIng was received received re re- in on an old adobe school a few weeks during the winter months wh when n his labors could be spared from the farm There were no free fre schools In those days and he he along with other children wishing to attend school would take teams and wagons and nd journey to Glory Hole in Alexanders Alexander's Alexanders Alexander's Alex Alex- anders ander's canyon and spend hours of oC hard labor cutting wood to be brought back to the Y valley and sold to provide the necessary ry school chool funds Later he attended the University of Utah for one year when it was lay 10 sated on the site of the present West high school attended the L. L D D. D S S. S col lege the first y year ar it t was op operated rated at that time being in the old Social hall and spent one year at class work at atthe atthe the Salt Lake Business college the first year ear the school was organized For diversion he would join his young friends in hunting and fishing trips The valley made good hunting grounds for Bob White Whit quail sage hens prairie chickens and during the late autumn months the youths would hunt pine hens These bIrds would make a 1 delicate dish when hung in a tree tre over night to freeze the freezIng freezing freez- freez Ing taking a away wa the strong pine flavor Plent Plenty of ff Fish The many streams In the can canyons ons were well weIl stocked with fISh but when fish food was required for lam fam ily maintenance nce the boys bos would hitch a horse Jour team to a a. a white whit top wagon and head for Strawberry vaIle val vaI- le ley The fir first t nIght out camp was made on the Provo river near the site of oC the pr present sent Heber City and the trip would end at the valley late the second day Peace was made with u Indians by presenting them with fish hooks and trinkets During a aday'S aday's dayS day'S fishing each boy would be able to cat catch h about 25 pounds ot of fish and the evenings were spent in cleaning clean clean- ing and salting down the catch in inthe inthe the bed o of the wagon by the light of oC huge campfires In about a week or ten days the wagon would be loaded with fish and the two day trek back to the farm homes would begin In 1893 Mr Hansen married Mi Miss Laura Free a daughter of Preston Free one of Utah's earliest pioneers and the young oung couple established their home On on a rented eighty acre farm that occupied part of oC the site of Highland Park By working man many l long ng days tending the farm arm crops Mr Hansen was able to save enough money to quit farm life and nd join in with others to organize the Jensen Hansen Broth Brothers rs Lumber company which was the first lumber company established in that section of the valley Cleared Oft Off Land The young business men cleared off the oak brush and leveled the ground for their new lumber concern on the property now occupied by the theater AU All lumber was shipped in from southern Utah and andall andall all deliveries were made to home homebuilders homebuilders builders by teams and wagons In 1889 or 1890 the lumber company was reorganized and was given the name ot of Pacific Lumber and Building corn com pang pany In the year ear 1885 Mr Hansen took h his family accompanied by George GeorgeS S S. S Young a grandson ot of Brigham Young and visited Teton basin It bey be beying Ing the first year the basin was opened by the government The trip was made in white top wagons Mr Hansen has always been a lead er in civic affairs is a charter mem member her ber ot of the Business Mens Men's league has served as a member of the board of governors of the he chamber of commerce com com- merce and was vice president ot of th the automobile when that body was an active factor in getting Utah if sv Ir by a 1 I Nephi J highways constructed I Mr Hansens Hansen's present office otrIce is situ aled at 1096 East Twenty first South street and when he was a lad the site was a pond and it wa was h here rc the youngsters rs had their swimming pool While sitting at his desk he has many recollections or of happy happ hours spent in that same location years b before forc i |