Show 1 Help Kidneys Dont Don't Take Drastic Drugs Drug I You h have hc c nine million tiny tUbes tube or In your Kidneys Kidney's which may be by using drastic SUc s. s Be clu It If poorly Kidney or Bladder make mako you ou from Getting Oetting Up UD Nights Leg teg Nervousness SUreness Stiffness Burning Acidity Neuralgia or Rheu- Rheu matle Paine Lumbago or LOsS sf lt VI- VI dont don't waste a minute Try the Doctor coiled colled pronounced tex Its Formula In ev- ev fry ry e StInts Starts work ork In 15 mm- mm bUS Soothes aud tones raw irritated It Is helping millions of out suf- and Is 18 rul to fix you up to your OUr satisfaction or money ck b on return ot of package Is enly 75 at all druggists Mv IL I IrS L. L fl I. I p Drink aD Bromo Seltzer and sImon almost before you know it your headache is re rc- is not only dependable Its It's quick That i is because you take uke as a liquid No mere Painkiller can an give such effective results For Bromo- Bromo Seltzer is a balanced compound of 5 medicinal ingredients It Ie 1 relieves pain of oC course but it also cheers you up Makes you mentally keener More alert physically Excellent too for forI forgas gas on the stomach I E R SON 5 Keep a bottle in the medicine b cabinet so 50 you can relieve head R 0 M I U 0 aches neuralgia and other pains I of nerve origin at a moments moment S E I LIZ E R B notice Dependable pleasant z L I doesn't upset the stomach Get I the one and only i I F FOR 0 R Sf blue bottle I I r A DAC H E has bas been a familiar standby in int j t 11 eu I the medicine cabinet ci Ol ove fO 10 years t 1 t f I pk p t k d. d v tomorrow DRESS Clearance Cle 7 ranc e. e 1 and j jAN Off colors sheers in black N EXCITING selection of plain prints A AN navy and brown afternoon street and sport frocks some with v. jackets lingerie and flower trims contrasting blouses and ties tics Now Now 2 groups off 3 1 off DRESSES I Originally 4 63 DRESSES D I Originally allY 33 DRESSES Originally Originally IY DRESSES 1495 1 DRESSES S originally IY 1117 1 1 17 DRESSES DRESS D S 2975 Originally 1317 I DRESSES D Originally oj 1983 S 2975 DRESSES 1 23 2333 f I Su r p C winners In C wash goods I that will look smart and stay stay smart through repeated J j. j J 1 14 t r 1 1 fd Dingle Dell Deil Striped 1 Pique 36 in i. wide t Its It's its it's washable and its variations of color cotor corn com re l lj r Id i are breath the r to toi green from sea shades range sky blue to royal hunters hunter's green 7 noth noth- i T blue maize to ta brown to say ij in of all the yd I Permanent Finish Organdy 45 in iii wide L. L 4 Imported sheer J organdy is we safe for your wardrobe ward ward- rV L h. robe it will ill not lose its fl freshness or crispness after it itI I v is 15 laundered in all the U R h and Important white shades Y d. d 1 I Tomorrow A Timely Special I I I shirts shorts 29 te t ea E S Flue Fine Cut j J Fast Color Pj Full Cut to i 4 t GO Standards I II t i I I Shirts line quality full fullI I combed yarn elastic ribbed r-i r I full length low neck comfortable whito only iA i St 34 to 46 t I ShIrts Fine count broad cloth tast color plain and fAncy patterns button 3 V yoke front standards large roomy stat seat elastic sides Sizes 30 to 42 I b 1 nen l-nen I k knickers n i c l e r s I Plus 4 style full I I i Washable blouse 9 8 1 l Comfortable cool and under the will stand tand up wear anet play I worsted cuff bottoms and conic corne corneIn They have In plain white frey or till tan plaids stEtS 5 to It 11 r rt t t. t |